Slavistična revija 2024-05-09T10:08:51+02:00 Dejan Gabrovšek Open Journal Systems <p><em>Slavistična revija</em> (Slavic Review Ljubljana, SRL) accepts original, not previously published scholarly articles in the areas of Slovene and Slavic linguistics and literary studies and from related disciplines, which were submitted only to SRL. Articles are published primarily in Slovene and occasionaly also in other Slavic or world languages.</p> <p><strong>Issued by</strong> <a href="">Slavistično društvo Slovenije.</a></p> On the City and the World—Between the Lines 2023-12-09T18:50:23+01:00 Blaž Podlesnik 2024-05-09T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Blaž Podlesnik Towards a Grammar of Interaction with Emphasis on Serbian and Ukrainian Language Material 2024-02-04T21:02:04+01:00 Andreja Žele 2024-05-09T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andreja Žele The Play Antigone. Reduction by Asya Voloshina. A Performance of Rebellion 2024-01-24T16:17:44+01:00 Katarzyna Syska <p>The aim of this article is to examine the rewriting of Sophocles’s tragedy as a stage drama entitled <em>Antigone. Reduction</em> (2013) by the Russian playwright Asya Voloshina (Esther Bol). The close reading and discussion of the play situates it within the framework of poststructuralist criticism (in particular, Judith Butler’s “Antigone’s Claim”) and political events in Russia from 2011 to 2012, including widespread protests against electoral fraud and Pussy Riot’s “Punk Prayer.” Voloshina portrays her Antigone as a symbol of political and gender excess acting in the specific context of the digital era. We conclude that this play, being a document of its time, remains highly relevant for understanding the socio-cultural factors contributing to the vulnerability of the anti-Kremlin resistance.</p> 2024-05-09T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Katarzyna Syska Genre and Thematic Features of Premodern Drinking Songs from Perast 2023-12-13T11:37:21+01:00 Aleksandar Radoman <p>The present article provides an overview of drinking songs from Perast as a special form of traditional lyrical creation and a dominant oral literary genre of the Bay of Kotor region's premodern oral poetry. The article describes the corpus of Perast’s collections created between the end of the 17th century and the 1830s in which drinking songs are included, providing an overview of previous research and analysis of genre and thematic characteristics of drinking songs from Perast.</p> 2024-05-09T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aleksandar Radoman Mountain as an Archetype of »the Supreme« in Magomet H. Mokaev’s Work 2023-12-28T15:59:00+01:00 Rauzat Kerimova <p>The article is the first attempt to study the mythologeme “mountain” in the works of the Karachay-Balkar writer Magomet Kh. Mokaev. The goal is to identify the functional features of the mythologeme as one of the dominants of the text structure in the artistic space of the Balkar author. The mythologeme mountain, in addition to the main (universal) concept, includes emotional and cultural components, reflects the author’s worldview, and has additional semantic increments. The mountain, as an element of the material world, is the Supreme archetype, a power source, a vital and creative power that embodies the idea of spiritual elevation.</p> 2024-05-09T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rauzat Kerimova Slovenian Literature in Istria before World War I: A Description of the Slovenian Book Collection at St. Ana's in Koper 2024-02-14T14:39:15+01:00 Diana Košir <p>The book collection of the monastery library of St. Ana’s is listed most precisely in the inventory book of the Library Collection Centre in Portorož (1950–1953). The monastery, which belonged to the Croatian province before World War I, also kept Slovenian publications in its library. The article provides an overview and textual description of the Slovenian works in the collection, which indicate that the Franciscans of Koper carried out their liturgical and pastoral activities in Slovenian and thus cultivated the mother tongue among the Slovenian faithful, while an extensive range of secular, specialised didactic material was intended for language and general education.</p> 2024-05-09T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Diana Košir Perceptual Normativity of Nominal Compounds Premodified by Indeclinable Attributes 2023-12-25T18:16:59+01:00 Matjaž Zgonc <p>This article addresses the well-known usage problem of nominal compounds premodified by indeclinable attributes. Both the systemic and sociolinguistic aspects of correctness, acceptability, and likelihood of usage are examined. While traditional Slavic word formation precludes noun compounding without a phonologically expressed infix, such usage is attested in multiple contemporary Slavic languages, including Slovene. Consulting the corpus has shown that there are at least seven categories where this wordformational pattern is productive in Slovene and subsequent perceptual research demonstrated that prototypically adjectival indeclinable attributes are the preferred pattern for younger speakers.</p> 2024-05-09T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Matjaž Zgonc Textual Indicators of Terminological Uncertainty in Relation to Synonymity in Borrowing from English in Management 2023-12-09T09:38:40+01:00 Dubravka Celinšek Mirko Markič Peter Štrukelj <p>The paper examines the textual and lexical indicators of terminological uncertainty and the ways of demonstrating this uncertainty of authors when the terms are borrowed or translated from other languages. In this research, we focus on the field of management and related fields, by including texts from two Slovene journals in the field of management. We established that in the discussed journals we rarely encounter textual indicators of terminological uncertainty, and that the terminological uncertainty is also reflected in terminological synonyms (lexical indicator).</p> 2024-05-09T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dubravka Celinšek, Peter Štrukelj, Mirko Markič