Slavistična revija

2011 / Številka 1



Metka Furlan: K etimologiji indoevropskega geografskega termina: psl. *mor'e, lat. mare ... pide. *mor-i- (N.)
Metka Furlan: On the Etymology of an Indo-European Geographic Term: CSl. *mor'e, Lat. mare ... PIE *mor-i- (N.)

Ključne besede: etimologija | geografska terminologija | besedotvorje | leksika | etymology | gepgraphic terminology | word formation | lexicon

Sinopsis: V prispevku se dodatno pomensko in formalno utemeljuje več kot sto petdeset let stara Curtiusova in Sonnejeva povezava pide. geografskega termina srednjega spola +mori- (v psl. *mor'e, lat. mare ...) z glagolskim korenom *mer- 'umirati'.

Abstract: The article provides additional semantic and formal justification for the over-hundred-year-old Curtius' and Sonne's connection between the geographic neuter noun *mori- (CSl. *mor'e, Lat. mare ...) with the verbal root *mer- 'to be die'.

Strani / Pages: [1]–9   [ COBISS ID: 32583981 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-LM2CK5IK ]

Jasmina Grković-Mejdžor: Semantika glagola čulne percepcije u staroslovenskom jeziku
Jasmina Grković-Mejdžor: The Semantics of Verbs of Aural Perception in Old Church Slavic

Ključne besede: stara cerkvena slovanščina | Codex Marianus | Marijanski evangelij | semantika | metaforizacija | glagol | čutno zaznavanje | rokopisi | Old Church Slavonic language | Codex Marianus | manuscripts | historical semantics | verb | perception verbs

Sinopsis: U radu se ispituje semantika staroslavenskih glagola čulne percepcije oštutiti, čuti, viděti, ględati zʹrěti, slyšati i slušati. Istraživanje, rađeno na korpusu Marijinog jevanđelja, obuhvata analizu sintaksičko-semantičkih odlika datih glagola i uslova pod kojima dolazi do njihove metaforizacije u domen "mentalne percepcije". U zaključku autor ukazuje na semantička obeležja na kojima se zasniva mapiranje iz domena čulne percepcije u kognitivni domen, te na koji način staroslovenske jezičke strukture odražavaju kognitivnu dinamiku percepcije i kognicije.

Abstract: This article deals with semantics of the Old Church Slavonic perception verbs oštutiti, čuti, viděti, ględati, zʹrěti, slyšati, slušati. The research, basedon the corpus of the Codex Marianus, encompasses the analysis of their syntactic-semantic features and tne conditions which enable their metaphorization into the domain of "mental perception". In the conclusion the author points out the semantic features on which the mapping from the domain of sensory perception into the cognitive domain is based, as well as the way in which Old Churc Slavonic linguistic structures represent the cognitive dynamics of perception and cognition.

Strani / Pages: 11–20   [ COBISS ID: 45626978 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-XB2V40IJ ]

Mira Krajnc Ivič: Janševe in Pahorjeve prepričevalne strategije na zadnjih parlamentarnih volitvah
Mira Krajnc Ivič: Janša’s and Pahor’s Persuasive Strategies During the Most Recent General Elections

Ključne besede: politično jezikoslovje | predvolilni govori | državnozborske volitve | slovenščina | political linguistics | discourse | election speeches | general election | Slovene language

Sinopsis: Prispevek analizira, kako sta skušala Janez Janša in Borut Pahor v svojih predvolilnih govorih na volitvah 2008 prepričati volivce. Z jezikoslovčevega vidika so bili v ta namen zbrani, transkribirani in analizirani nekateri njuni predvolilni govori ali deli teh govorov. Pokazalo se je, da so razlike v rabljenih prepričevalnih strategijah do določene mere odvisne od politične stranke, ki ju predstavljata, in od njunih osebnostnih lastnosti. Tako Janša volivce prepričuje s sklepanjem, držo in osebnostjo, Pahor po drugi strani pa večinoma z vplivanjem na čustva, osebnostjo in držo.

Abstract: The author analyzes the strategies of voter persuasion employed by Janez Janša and Borut Pahor in their campaign speeches during the 2008 Slovenian general elections. She collected, transcribed, and analyzed from the linguistic point of view some of their campaign speeches or their parts. It appears that differences in the persuasive strategies in these speeches to some extent depend on the political party each politician represents and also on their personality. Janša persuades voters with inferences, poise, and personality, while Pahor, on the other hand, largely by playing on their emotions, with personality, and poise.

Strani / Pages: [21]–35   [ COBISS ID: 18321160 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-IECK7YE7 ]

Anja Dular: Izgubljene in najdene knjige iz nekdanje Kopitarjeve knjižnice
Anja Dular: Lost and Found Books from Kopitar’s Library

Ključne besede: knjižnice | Britanska knjižnica | zasebne knjižnice | slovenski jezikoslovci

Sinopsis: V prispevku je predstavljena problematika Kopitarjeve knjižnice oz. usoda knjig, ki jih danes ne hrani Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica v Ljubljani. Predvidevamo namreč, da je del knjig sprva na Dunaju zadržal eden izmed avkcionarjev - Matthäus Kuppitsch, nato pa so prišle v Britansko knjižnico po posredovanju berlinskega knjigotržca Adolfa Asherja.

Abstract: The article discusses the issues of Kopitar's library or rather, the fate of his books that are presently not curated by the National and University Library in Ljubljana. It is assumed that some of the books were first held in Vienna by one of the auctioneers, Matthäus Kuppitsch, and later they found their way to the Britisch Library through the mediation of a Berlin bookseller, Adolf Asher.

Strani / Pages: 37–47   [ COBISS ID: 7914336 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-GNHFV8QK ]

Kim Sang Hun: Andrić as an Object of Hate: Reception of Ivo Andrić’s Works in the Post-Yugoslav Context

Strani / Pages: 49–63   [ COBISS ID: 26797849 ]

Katja Mihurko Poniž: Trivialno in/ali sentimentalno? Arabela Pavline Pajk, študija primera
Katja Mihurko Poniž: Trivial and/or Sentimental? Pavlina Pajk’s Arabela: A Case Study

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenske pisateljice | sentimentalni romani | trivialna literatura | 19. st.

Sinopsis: V prispevku izhajam iz vprašanja, ali je za pripovedno prozo Pavline Pajk ustrezna umestitev pod okrilje trivialne literature in v kolikšni meri so v tem besedilu prisotne prvine sentimentalnega pripovedništva. Izsledke analize motivnih, pripovednih in oblikovnih posebnosti romana Arabela soočam s spoznanji Mirana Hladnika v študiji Slovenski ženski roman v 19. stoletju, kjer je to delo na kratko primerjal z romanom Skrivnost stare gospodične nemške pisateljice Eugenie Marlitt in zapisal, da je slovenski ženski roman nastal ob zgledovanju pri njej. S primerjavo obeh romanov in recepcije nemške pisateljice na Slovenskem razmerje med njo in Pavlino Pajk na nov osvetljujem ter odgovarjam na vprašanje, zakaj so ji njeni sodobniki vztrajno očitali, da je bila posnemovalka Eugenie Mwrlitt.

Abstract: The author proceeds from the question whether it is appropriate to classify Pavlina Pajk's prose as trivial literature and to what extent elements of sentimental narrative prose are present in her text. The results of the analysis of the thematic, narrative, and formal pecularities of the novel Arabela are juxtaposed with Miran Hladnik's findings in his study Slovenski ženski roman v 19. stoletju [Slovene women's novel in the 19th century], where he briefly compares this text with the novel The old mamʹselle's secret by E. Marlitt stating that the Slovene womenʹs novel was conceived based on the example of this German writer. By comparing both novels and the reception of E. Marlitt in the Slovene lands, the author sheds new light on the relationship between E. Marlit and Pavlina Pajk and answers the question why her contemporaries pesistently accused her of being E. Marlitt's epigone.

Strani / Pages: 65–82   [ COBISS ID: 1848827 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-34O8FEML ]

Ana Toroš: Alojz Gradnik in Heinrich Mann, literarne refleksije medkulturne razpetosti /
Ana Toroš: Alojz Gradnik and Heinrich Mann: Literary Reflections of Cross-Cultural Dichotomy

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | nemška književnost | nemški pisatelji | literarni vplivi | slovenski pesniki | 20. st.

Sinopsis: Članek uvodoma začrta recepcijo nemškega pisatelja Heinricha Manna na Slovenskem v prvi polovici 20. stoletja, v nadaljevanju pa se osredotoči na specifično, produktivno recepcijo slovenskega pesnika Alojza Gradnika, ki je opazna v relaciji z romanom Zwischen den Rassen in sonetom Vprašanje.

Abstract: The article first outlines the reception of the German author Heinrich Mann in the Slovene lands in the fitst half of the 20th century, and in the proceeding focuses on the specific, productive, reception of the Slovene poet Alojz Gradnik that is evident in the relationship between the novel Zwischen den Rassen and the sonnet Vprašanje (Question).

Strani / Pages: 83–91   [ COBISS ID: 1849083 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-2JURMG3C ]


Andreja Žele: O leksiki v sodobnem srbskem jeziku, o njenih spremembah v smislu ekspresivnosti in norme
Andreja Žele: On the Modern Serbian Lexicon and its Changes in Terms of Expressiveness and Norm

Ključne besede: ocene knjig | srbščina | leksikografija | semantika | book review | Serbian language | lexicography | semantics

Strani / Pages: 93–95   [ COBISS ID: 32584237 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-MBCLWIGX ]

Boža Krakar Vogel: Kanonizacija in didaktizacija Prešerna v srednji šoli
Boža Krakar Vogel: The Canonization and Didactization of Prešeren in High School

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | književna didaktika | ocene

Strani / Pages: 97–101   [ COBISS ID: 45584738 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-DGQKTU97 ]

Andrej Perdih: Literarni odnosi med Čehi in Slovaki
Andrej Perdih: Literary Relationships between the Czechs and Slovaks

Ključne besede: češka književnost | slovaška književnost | češko-slovaški kulturni odnosi | slovaško-češki kulturni odnosi | ocene

Strani / Pages: 103–105   [ COBISS ID: 45585506 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-SEELO0ZC ]

Alenka Šivic Dular: Zapisnik delovnega zasedanja MSK v Velikem Novgorodu (14.–16. avgusta 2010)
Alenka Šivic Dular: Minutes of the Working Session of the International Slavic Committee in Velikij Novgorod (August 14–16, 2010)

Ključne besede: Mednarodni slavistični komite | zasedanja | Veliki Novgorod | 2010

Strani / Pages: 107–113   [ COBISS ID: 45586274 ]