Slavistična revija

2012 / Številka 2



Gaja Červ, Monika Kalin Golob: Sporočanjske vloge in raba dvodelnega členka naj bi z deležnikom na -l v sodobnem tiskanem poročevalstvu
Gaja Červ, Monika Kalin Golob: Communicative Functions and Use of the Two-Part Particle naj bii with l-participle in the Contemporary Print Journalism

Ključne besede: slovenščina | stilistika | stilistika poročevalstva | novinarski diskurz | členek | Slovenian language | stylistics | stylistics of reporting | journalistic discourse | particle

Sinopsis: Prispevek raziskuje sporočanjsko vlogo zveze naj bi + del. -l v sodobnem poročevalstvu. Po letu 1991 se z demokratizacijo medijev in vdorom tržne logike pojavljajo spremembe jezikovne prakse, razvidne tudi pri obravnavani zvezi, saj je ob predvidenih in v stilistiki slovenskega poročevalstva opisanih rabah dobila nove vloge in rabe.

Abstract: The article examines the communicative role of the expression naj bi + l-participle in con- temporary reporting. After 1991, with democratization of media and the advance of market forces, language practice began undergoing changes, which are also noticeable in the afore- mentioned expression, as it gained new functions and uses in addition to the ones expected and previously described within the stylistics of Slovene newspaper reporting.

Strani / Pages: 131-150   [ COBISS ID: 49569634 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-6KCYSYSW ]

Slobodan Pavlović: Ikoničnost u sintaksi Brižinskih spomenika
Slobodan Pavlović: Iconicity in the Syntax of the Freising Folia

Strani / Pages: 151-164   [ COBISS ID: 4956989 ]

Nam Hye Hyun: Rusofonija, runet in ruski jezik
Nam Hye Hyun: Russophony, Runet, and Russian Language

Ključne besede: ruščina | internet | spletni portali | elektronski mediji | Runet | Rusifonija | Ruski svet

Sinopsis: Z namenom promocije ruskega jezika, čigar globalni obseg funkcioniranja se postopoma - zlasti v postsovjetskem obdobju - zmanjšuje, sta se v Rusiji pojavila programa Rusofonija in Ruski svet. Oba izražata prizadevanja za vzpostavitev nadvladne in nadnarodne mreže, ki bo povezala rusko govoreče ter vse, ki se zanimajo za rusko kulturo ne glede na njihovo narodno pripadnost, in za ta namen se je Rusija nedavno odločila, da bo izkoristila možnosti, ki jih ponuja medmrežje. CŽlanek analizira trenutni položaj ruskega jezika v odnosu do obsega runeta (rusko jezičnega interneta), ki narašča v postsovjetskih državah, ter hkrati analizira perspektive in prihodnost ruskega jezika v mreži runet.

Abstract: For the purpose of promoting the Russian language, whose sphere of functioning is gradually diminishing in the world, specifically in the Post-Soviet era, the ideas of "Rusophonia" and "Russian World" were suggested in Russia. Both of these ideas are an effort to create a supra-governmental and supra-national network structure that unites all Russian speakers and those who are interested in the Russian culture, regardless of their nationalities. And to create such a network structure, recently Russia turned to the possibilities of the Internet. In this article we analyze current situation with the Russian language in relation to the expanding limits of Runet (Russian-language Internet) in the Post-Soviet nations and also on the perspectives of the future of the Russian language on Runet.

Strani / Pages: 165-184   [ COBISS ID: 49573218 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-U3XFYVW3 ]

Danica Čerče: (Ne)prevedljivost pogovornega jezika v delih Johna Steinbecka
Danica Čerče: (Un)predictability of Colloquial Language in the Works of John Steinbeck

Ključne besede: angleščina | pogovorni jezik | prevodi v slovenščino | prevajanje | izvirnik | slogovno zaznamovano besedilo | ustreznost prevoda | Of mice and men | O miših in ljudeh

Sinopsis: Pričujoči prispevek se ukvarja s predstavitvijo prevajalčevih zagat pri izbiri ustreznega slovenskega ekvivalenta Steinbeckovemu barvitemu pogovornemu jeziku. Razprava se osredotoča na avtoričin nedavni prevod Steinbeckovega romana Of Mice and Men (O miših in ljudeh, 2007) in ob osvetlitvi njenih pristopov k tematiki in prevajalskih izborov ponuja nekaj predlogov, ki bi utegnili koristiti drugim prevajalcem pri soočenju s problemom prenosa govorjenega angleškega jezika v ciljni slovenski jezik in kulturo.

Abstract: The article discusses a translator's dilemmas in finding an adequate equivalent to Steinbeck's colorful colloquial language. The discussion focuses on the author's recent translation of Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men (O miših in ljudeh, 2007) and, in the process of illuminating her approaches to the topic and her translation choices, proposes some solutions that might prove beneficial to other translators facing the problem of how to translate spoken English into the target Slovene language and culture.

Strani / Pages: 185-198   [ COBISS ID: 49573474 ]

Jožica Čeh Steger: Ekologizacija literarne vede in ekokritika
Jožica Čeh Steger: Ecologization of Literary Criticism and Ecocriticism

Ključne besede: ekološka kritika | literarna ekologija | kulturna ekologija | ekološka funkcija književnosti | ekofeminizem | ecocriticism | literary ecology | cultural ecology | ecological function of literature | ecofeminism

Sinopsis: Ekokritika se je kot posebna disciplina literarne vede uveljavila v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja najprej v anglo-ameriškem prostoru in nato razširila po evropskih ter azijskih državah. Po začetni omejenosti na preučevanje podob in posameznih žanrov narave je v svoje raziskovalno področje vključila različne teoretske koncepte narave, odnose med kulturo in naravo ter človekom in okoljem oziroma književnost v celoti ter pomembno prispevala k spoznanju, da je človek določen ne le z družbenimi razmerji, marveč v enaki meri tudi z naravnim okoljem. Prispevek se osredinja na razvoj ekokritike, njena predmetna področja, vprašanja v zvezi z ekološko funkcijo književnosti in na posamezne prvine ekokrotoške analize književnega besedila.

Abstract: Ecocriticism as a special discipline of literary criticism in the 1990s first took hold in the Anglo-American world and from there it spread to the countries of Continental Europe and Asia. After being initially limited to the study of images and genres of nature, its scope of research later broadened to include various theoretical concepts of nature, relationships between culture and nature, man and the environment, i.e., literature as a whole, and contributed significantly to the realization that man is defined not only by social relations, but to the same extent by natural environment. The article focuses on the development of ecocriticism, its subject areas, questions related to the ecological function of literature, and to individual elements of ecocritical analysis of a literary text.

Strani / Pages: 199-212   [ COBISS ID: 19293960 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-XCMTFAHT ]

Slobodan Vladušić: Andrić in hibridna identiteta
Slobodan Vladušić: Andrić and Hybrid Identity

Ključne besede: bosanska književnost | hibridna identiteta | absolutna identiteta | figura konvertita | postkolonializem

Sinopsis: Besedilo se ukvarja z analizo različnih konceptov hibridne identitete, ki jih v Andrićevem opusu reprezentirata literarni osebi zdravnik Cologna (Travniška hronika, Travniška kronika) in Omerpaša Latas (Omerpaša Latas). Analiza teh literarnih oseb kaže, da koncept hibridne identitete ni monoliten in enopomenski zaradi različnega odnosa teh literarnih oseb do ideje humanizma, institucije moči2 in figure konvertita.

Abstract: This work is about the analysis of different concepts of hybrid identity that are represented in Andric's opus by characters such as doctor Cologne (Travnik's Chronicles) and Omerpasha Latas (Omerpasha Latas). Analysis of these characters shows that concept of hybrid identity is not monolithic and unambiguous due to different relationship that these characters have with ideaof humanity, institution of power and figure of convert.

Strani / Pages: 213-222   [ COBISS ID: 49573986 ]

Vita Žerjal Pavlin: Križev pot Stanka Vuka
Vita Žerjal Pavlin: Stanko Vuk's Stations of the Cross

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska poezija | religiozna poezija | ciklična pesnitev | Križev pot

Sinopsis: Ob stoletnici rojstva pesnika in pisatelja Stanka Vuka (12. 11. 1912-10. 3. 1944) je v prispevku* obravnavana njegova fragmentarna ciklična pesnitev Križev pot iz leta 1936. Predstavljena ni le kot versko, ampak tudi kot narodnoobrambno besedilo. Nastalo je kot umetnikov odgovor na nevzdržne politične razmere, v katerih se je v tem času znašla Primorska in tudi on sam, zrasel v vaško-obrtniškem okolju Mirna pri Gorici kot krščansko vzgojen in socialno čuteč človek. Zakrito aktualno politicŽno sporočilo upora je izrazil z že pred tem oblikovano moderno poetiko, ki jo je preoblikoval z ljudskimi prvinami v formo in versko občutje, znano tudi preprostemu človeku: v Križev pot "za kmete in čevljarje", kot ga je označil sam.

Abstract: On the occasion of the centennial of the poet and writer Stanko Vuk (November 12, 1912- March 10, 1944), the article deals with his fragmentary cyclic poem "Stations of the Cross" from 1936. It is elucidated not only as a religious text, but also as a text of national defense. It was created as the poet's response to the unbearable political conditions that were at the time imposed on the Slovene Littoral and the poet himself. The poet grew up in the environment of farmers and craftsmen in Miren near Gorica (Gorizia) and was raised as a Christian and socially compassionate person. He expressed a veiled, timely political message of revolt with his modern poetics that he had created before the cyclic poem. His poetics was transformed by folkloric elements into a form and religious sentiment familiar to an ordinary person, i.e., into Stations of the Cross for "farmers and cobblers," as he characterized it.

Strani / Pages: 223-231   [ COBISS ID: 49574242 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-DDZSMBEL ]

Boris Bulatović: Kritička obeležja i teorijska uporišta kritičko-esejističkog opusa Miroslava Egerića
Boris Bulatović: Critical Characteristics and Theoretical Bases of Miroslav Egerić’s Critical-Essayistic Opus

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | literarna kritika | avtonomija umetnosti | ideološka kritika | zgodovinski kontekst | literarni kritiki | srbski literarni kritiki | Srećna ruka | Srečna roka

Sinopsis: Uz pregled Egerićevih teorijskih uvida o književnosti, u radu je dat analitički prikaz najvažnijih odrednica njegovog kritičkog prosedea. Pojedinačno, izdvojene su i interpretirane sledeće karakteristike: 1) stvaralački aktivizam etičko-egzistencijalističke inspiracije, 2) borba za demokratičnost (antidogmatičnost) umetničkog čina, 3) akcentovanje istorijskog konteksta kao značajnog činioca u tumačenju književnih i književno-kritičkih ostvarenja koja u svom jezgru sadrže zaokupljenost etičkim i egzistencijalnim problemima, kao i 4) ispoljavanje širine pristupa u analizi jednostranosti kritičkih nazora srpskih književnih kritičara.

Abstract: In addition to the overview of Egerić's theoretical insights about literature, the paper provides an analytical presentation of the major determinants of his critical process. Specifically, the following characteristics are singled out and elucidated: (1) creative activism of ethical-existential interpretation; (2) striving for democratic (anti-dogmatic) nature of artistic act; (3) emphasis on historical context as a significant factor in interpreting literary and literary critical works concerned with ethical and existential issues; (4) demonstra- tion of a broad approach in the analysis of one-sided critical principles of Serbian literary critics.

Strani / Pages: 233-245   [ COBISS ID: 49575522 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-9WB7T8SE ]


Tanja Žigon: Zbornik o jeziku in književnosti ob sedemdesetletnici Antona Janka
Tanja Žigon: A Festschrift about Language and Literature on the Occasion of the Seventieth Birthday of Anton Janko

Ključne besede: germanistika | nemščina | nemška književnost | zborniki | ocene

Strani / Pages: 247-250   [ COBISS ID: 49470050 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-837PHC7M ]

Michał Kopczyk: Srečanja v kronotopu prevoda
Michał Kopczyk: Encounters in the Chronotope of Translation

Ključne besede: slovanske književnosti | prevajanje | ocene

Strani / Pages: 251-256   [ COBISS ID: 49575778 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-GSS7QUUR ]