Slavistična revija

1997 / Številka 1-2

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Gregor KOCIJAN: Kratka pripovedna proza v prvem desetletju našega stoletja (brez Cankarja)
Gregor KOCIJAN: Short Narrative Prose in the First Decade of the 20th c. (Excluding Cankar)

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | kratka pripovedna proza | literarne študije | začetek 20. st.

Sinopsis: Razprava predstavlja kratko prozno bero v prvem desetletju našega stoletja, in sicer brez razčlenjevanja Cankarjevega tovrstnega deleža. S kratko pripovedjo se je v obravnavanem času ukvarjalo kar precejšnje število pripovednikov, ki pa - razen manjšega števila (npr. Meško, deloma Kvedrova) - niso iskali rešitev v inovacijah modela pripovedne proze po Cankarjevem zgledu, marveč večinoma ostajali pri različicah tradicionalnega načina pisanja oz. oblikovanja kratke pripovedi.

Abstract: The paper presents the production of short prose in the first decade of the 20th c., but without analyzing Cankar's share of this prose. At the time a sizable number of authors wrote short prose. However, with a few exceptions (e.g., Meško, to some extent Kveder), they did not seek the solutions in innovating upon the short prose model following Cankar's example, but in most cases stayed with the variants of traditional short prose writing and form.

Strani / Pages: 9–38   [ COBISS ID: 4158306 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-F2FTNAZS ]

Aleksandar FLAKER: Cankarovi (bečki) prostorni kontrasti
Aleksandar FLAKER: Cankar's (Viennese) Spital Contrasts

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | kratka pripovedna proza | simbolizem | Cankar, Ivan: Mimi | Dunaj | literarne študije

Strani / Pages: 39–44   [ COBISS ID: 4158562 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-LK9EUBYX ]

Jožica ČEH: Cankarjeva metafora v vinjetnem obdobju
Jožica ČEH: Cankar's Metaphore in the Vignette Period

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska proza | metafora | vinjetna metafora

Sinopsis: Vinjetna metafora je izšla iz avtorjevih disonanc ob subjektivnem dojemanju stvarnosti in slogovnega pluralizma ob koncu prejšnjega stoletja. Oblikovala se je iz izhodiščnih območij snovno lepega in grdega, razvijanja osnovnih pojmovnih metafor ter povezovanja sorodnih mikrostrukturnih metafor v obsežnejša in cankarjansko prepoznavna metaforična polja

Abstract: The vignette metaphor was derived from the author's dissonances in his subjective perception of reality and from the stylistic pluralism at the end of the 19th c. It was formed from the fundamentals of material beauty and ugliness, development of the basic conceptual metaphors, and the connection of related microstructural metaphors into larger, recognizably Cankarian metaphoric fields

Strani / Pages: 45–58   [ COBISS ID: 4159074 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-11DMR9UY ]

Gerhard SCHAUMANN: Srečko Kosovels Europagedichte
Gerhard SCHAUMANN: Srečko Kosovels's Europa Poems

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska poezija | evropski vplivi | ekspresionizem | literarne študije

Strani / Pages: 59–66   [ COBISS ID: 4159330 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-RD51DYWY ]

Marija STANONIK: Slovenska avtorska pravljica v prvi polovici dvajsetega stoletja
Marija STANONIK: The Slovene Book-Length Fairy Tale in the First Half of the 20th c.

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovstvena folklora | pravljice | literarne študije

Sinopsis: Na eni strani za literarizacijo literarizacijo slovstvene folklore. V njej so za dolgo obdobje postale estetsko merilo knjižnih izdaj Pravljice Frana Milčinskega iz leta 1911. Na drugi strani so knjižne pravljice, ki se s slovstveno folkloro spogledujejo le v nekaterih njenih sestavinah, predvsem snovno pa so samostojno avtorsko delo. Njihov vrh je Povest o dobrih ljudeh Miška Kranjca iz leta 1940. Težišče tukajšnjega prispevka je v tej smeri, medtem ko je prva predstavljenabolj mimogrede.

Abstract: The topic in the title consists of two parts. On the one hand there is literarization of oral folklore, in which the aesthetic standard was set for a long time by Fran Milčinski's Pravljice (Fairy Tales) of 1911. On the other hand there are book-lenght fairy tales which touch upon oral folklore only in certain elements, but are, particulary with respect to their subject matter, autonomous works by individual authors. Their pinnacle is Miško Kranjec' Povest o dobrih ljudeh (A Tale about Good People) of 1940. The present study is centered around the latter, while the former is presented more less in passing.

Strani / Pages: 67–84   [ COBISS ID: 4160098 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-YWAK8AOE ]

Taras KERMAUNER: Vir politične revolucije v osebni prelomni odločitvi
Taras KERMAUNER: The Source of Political Revolution in a Personal Fateful Decision

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska dramatika | Kocbek, Edvard: Mati in sin | literarne študije

Sinopsis: V Kocbekovi drami Mati in sin analiza dešifrira osnove Kocbekove odločitve za NOB in komunistično revolucijo: to, kar je dano v drami na ravni družinske intime in osebe, se prenaša na socialno politično in historično raven. Nastaja dvojnost, značilna za vse Kocbekovo delo: po eni strani brezrezervno podpira revolucijo, ji daje sakralistično naturalistično kozmični alibi, po drugi strani razvija svobodno avtonomno posamezno osebo. To "raztrganje" sintetizira in ga rešuje na dva načina: z regresom v sveto Tovarišijo in s prehodom v krščanski personalizem. Zato ima Kocbek pomemben delež pri oblikovanju tako fašistoidne nerazločljivosti idealiziranega Komunizma in posvečenega Slovenstva kot pri vzpodbujanju civilizma, libertarnosti in močne avtorefleksije.

Abstract: The analysis deciphers the bases of Kocbek's decision to join the War of National Liberation and the communist revolution in his drama Mati in sin (Mother and son): what is presented in drama on an intimate, familial and personal level, is transposed to the social political and historical level. This creats the duality typical of all Kocbek's work: he supports the revolution on the one hand, while developing a free, autonomous, individual personality on the order. He synthesises and solves this " tattered" condition in two ways: with a regression to the Holy Comradeship and with the transition to Christian personalism. Hence, Kocbek plays an important role in creatin fascistic inseparability of idealized communism and consecrated Sloveneness, as well as propagating civility, libertarianism, and strong self-reflection.

Strani / Pages: 85–102   [ COBISS ID: 4163426 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-HLU6KXER ]

Boris PATERNU: Razvojna črta Krakarjeve lirike
Boris PATERNU: The Developmental Line of Krakar's Lyrical Poetry

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska poezija | literarne študije | 20. st.

Sinopsis: V liriki Lojzeta Krakarja (1926-1995) lahko sledimo vsem temeljnim fazam razvoja povojne slovenske lirike, čeprav jih je uresničeval na svoj osebni način in z močno vezanostjo na tradicijo. Evolucijski proces je opazovan na štirih paradigmatičnih besedilih Krakarjeve poezije. Pozornost je usmerjena k tematiki in stilu, še posebej k razvojnim spremembam v metaforiki.

Abstract: In lyrical poetry by Lojze Krakar (1926-1995) one can observe all the fundamental phases in the devopment of post-War Slovene lyrical poetry, despite the fact that he realized them in his personal way and with strong ties to tradition, The evolutional process is observed in four paradigmatic texts from Krakar's poetry. The attention is focused on the themes and style, particulary on the evolutional changes in his metaphor.

Strani / Pages: 103–109   [ COBISS ID: 4165986 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-WBFOABYM ]

Gerhard GIESEMANN: Ein Zyklus, der es in sich hat: Šel je popotnik skozi atomski vek von Matej Bor
Gerhard GIESEMANN: A Cycle Containing Matej Bor's Šel je popotnik skozi atomski vek

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska poezija | literarne študije | | Bor, Matej: Šel je popotnik skozi atomski vek

Strani / Pages: 111–125   [ COBISS ID: 4166242 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-EFLMOQOF ]

Silvija BOROVNIK: Humor, ironija in groteska v delih Janka Messnerja
Silvija BOROVNIK: Humor, Irony and the Grotesque in Janko Messner's Works

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | koroški Slovenci | Avstrija | humor | satira | groteska | intencionalnost | literarne študije

Sinopsis: Literarno snovanje Janka Messnerja se nenehno giblje med literaturo in agitacijo, pri čemer je njegova odločitev za slednjo zavestna. Satirična agitacijska besedila z ozirom na občečloveško in politično satiro ter grotesko, pri tem pa se potrjujejo tudi številne odtujitve na ravni pisateljevega jezikovnega izražanja.

Abstract: The literary production of Janko Messner constantly fluctuates between literature and agitation, his choice of the latter being international. Satirical agitational texts represent the most prominent part of his literature. The paper includes and analyzes Messner's texts with respect to universal human and political satire and grotesque, which confirms numerous alienation on the level of the writer's verbal expression.

Strani / Pages: 127–134   [ COBISS ID: 4166498 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-WB7TKNOE ]

Miran ŠTUHEC: Poetika izmikajoče se strukture (O romanu Ferija Lainščka Astralni niz)
Miran ŠTUHEC: The Poetics of Elusive Structure (On the Novel Astralni niz by Feri Lainšček)

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska proza | kriminalka | Lainšček, Franc: Astralni niz | literarne študije | 20. st.

Sinopsis: Temeljno nasprotje, na katerem deluje celotna struktura kriminalističnega romana, je nasprotje med zločincem in detektivom. Prav to nasprotje pa je v Lainščkovem romanu Astralni niz kontaminiramo s tem, da zločinca enostavno ni in da tudi detektiv pričakovane vloge razkrivanja zločina ne opravlja. Roman je strukturiran po principu spiralastega zapleta, katerega posledica je odprtost: umori sicer so pojasnjeni, a en udarec astralnega ne izključuje drugega, tretjega itn. Tudi vse osebe so zato povezane v spiralasti tok ujetosti in usodne nemoči. Njihova vloga jih združuje na istem polu aktantske ravni in pomeni delovati kot medij-žrtev

Abstract: The basic tension on which the entire structure of criminalistic novel operates is the antagonism between a criminal and a detective. In Lainšček's novel Astralni niz (The Astral String) this very antagonism is contaminated by the fact that the criminal does not exist and that detective does not perfom the expected role of crime solving. The novel is structured accroding to the principle of a spiraling plot, which results in open-endedness: although the murders are explained, one strike of an astral force does not preclude the second, the third one, etc. Hence, all the characters are connected into a spiral flow of being trapped and fatally helpless. Their role unites them on the same pole of the actant plane and means acting as a medium-victim

Strani / Pages: 135–146   [ COBISS ID: 4166754 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-IW3CR9ZD ]

Jože POGAČNIK: Janez Trdina in Paskoje Antun Kazali
Jože POGAČNIK: Janez Trdina and Paskoje Antun Kazali

Ključne besede: slovensko-hrvaški stiki | slovenski pisatelji | hrvaški pisatelji

Sinopsis: Prispevek govori o biografski, psiholoških in literarnih zvezah med J. Trdino in hrvaškim pisateljem P. A. Kazalijem. Gre za približno pet let skupnega življenja na reški gimanziji (med 1861 in 1866); v teh letih sta oba dobra prijatelja izoblikovala podobne poglede na družbo in književnost, ki jih je mogoče razbrati iz takratnega in kasnejšega njunega leposlovnega dela.

Abstract: The paper discusses the biographic, psychological, and literary ties between J. Trdina and the Croatin writer P. A. Kazali. The period in question is about five years of life together at Rijeka Gymnasium (between 1961 and 1866); in these years both close friends formed similar views of the society and literature, which can be deciphered from their literary work ot those and later years.

Strani / Pages: 146–153   [ COBISS ID: 4183138 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-5FN02KO9 ]

Rudolf NEUHAUSER: Anton Čehov und Josip Murn: Zur existenziellen befindlichkeit der Moderne
Rudolf NEUHAUSER: Anton Chekhov and Josip Murn: On the Existential Situation of the Moderna

Staniša TUTNJEVIĆ: Jedan prilog poetici istorijskog romana (Na primjeru romana Derviš i smrt Meše Selimovića)
Staniša TUTNJEVIĆ: A Contribution to the Poetics of the Historical Novel (On the Example of Meša Selimović's Novel Derviš i smrt)

   [ COBISS ID: 4188770 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-8IMZWQH6 ]

Cvetka TOTH: Čudovita pozornost na človeškost
Cvetka TOTH: Wonderful Attention to Humaneness

Ključne besede: filozofija | etika | življenski nazori | vplivi

Sinopsis: Članek razpravlja o Kocbekovem razumevanju filozofije Ernsta Blocha in pri tem še posebej izpostavlja Kocbekovo lastno odzivanje svetu, ki ima z Blochom zelo mnogo skupnega. Za oba misleca je značilno, da človeka dojemata kot bitje upanja in zavračata pesimizem in nihilizem. Pri tem zelo očitno upoštevata Marxovo misel in krščansko izročilo. Obrat k človeku je motiviran s prizadevanjem po sreči, ki je Kocbeku temelj za počlovečevalni proces; ta v novejši zgodovini po njegovem vodi celo v poenotenje človeštva.

Abstract: The paper discusses Kocbek's understanding of Ernst Bloch's philosophy, with particular emphasis on Kocbek's own response to the world, which has much in common with Bloch's. It is characteristic of both philosophers that they perceive man as a creature of hope and that they refuse pessimism and nihilism, evidently taking into account Marx's thought and Christian tradition. A reorientation towards man is motivated with the aspiration for happiness, which to Kocbek is a basis of the humanizing process. In his opinion,in more reent history this has even been leading to the uniformity of mankind.

Strani / Pages: [179]–189   [ COBISS ID: 4190050 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-Q0H98HMR ]

Aleksander BJELČEVIČ: Zgodovina slovenskega verza - skica
Aleksander BJELČEVIČ: The History of Slovene Verse - A Sketch

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska poezija | slovenske ljudske pesmi | metrika | verz | zgodovinski pregledi

Sinopsis: Skicirana je zgodovina slovenskega verza: od ljudske peté pesmi preko protestantskega silabizma, naglasnega in zlogovnonaglasnega verza 19. stoletja do sodobnega verza 20. stoletja.

Abstract: The article outlines the history of the Slovene vers: from the folk poem set to music, through Protestant syllabism, tonic and syllabotonic verse of the 19th c., to free verse in the 20th c.

Strani / Pages: 191–201   [ COBISS ID: 4190562 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-BPMKR4DC ]

Peter SVETINA: Ujemanje besednega naglasa in melogičnega poudarka v slovenski ljudski pesmi in pesmi slovenskih protestantov
Peter SVETINA: The Agreement of Word Accent and Melodic Stress in Slovene Folk Songs and in Songs and in Songs by Slovene Protestants

Marko JUVAN: Vprašanje o literarnosti - nekaj uvodnih opažanj
Marko JUVAN: A Question on Literariness - Some Initial Observations

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | literarnost | literarni kanon | literarne študije | literary theory | literariness | literary canon | literary studies

Sinopsis: Vprašanje o literarnosti prizadeva tudi identiteto literarne teorije kot avtonomne discipline. Literarnost ni niti invariantni snop "notranjih" lastnosti vseh besedil, ki veljajo za literarna, niti samo "zunanja", družbena konvencija. Opredelimo jo lahko kot učinek besedila v literarnem sistemu, mogoč samo na podlagi paradigem in konvencij iz literarnega kanona.

Abstract: The question of literariness concerns, among other things, the identity of literary theory as an autonomous discipline. literariness in neither a various cluster of "internal", social convention. It can be defined as the impact of a text in a literary system, which is only possible on the basis of pardigms and conventioins from the literary canon.

Strani / Pages: 207–223   [ COBISS ID: 4191586 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-FSULCT7Z ]

Janez VREČKO: Aristotel, mimesis in estetski doživljaj
Janez VREČKO: Aristotle, Mimesis and Aesthetic Experience

Ključne besede: filozofija | literarna teorija | mimesis | estetski doživljaj

Sinopsis: V razpravi se ukvarjamo s problemoma mimesis in estetskega doživljanja. Pokaže se, da je prastari spor med filozofijo in poezijo,ki ga navaja Platon, izmišljen, saj je z Aristotelovega stališča najvišje filozofsko spoznanje izenačeno v poeziji z najglobljim užitkom ob izvedbi. Poezija se tako izenači s filozofijo in postane utelešenje splošnega, prikazanega po zakonih verjetnega in možnega. Na ta dva elementa se nasloni estetski doživljaj, ki je lasten samo človeku, je čezmeren in se ga neradi otresemo, je vezan na višja čutila in zbuja veselje samo po sebi.

Abstract: The paper deals with the issues of mimesis and aesthetic experience. It turns out that the aicent conflict between philosophy and poetry mentioned by Plato is, in fact, fictitious, since from Aristotle's point of view the highest philosophical cognition equals the most profound pleasure at the production in poety. Hence, poetry is equated to philosophy and it becomes a manifestation of he universal, represented according to the laws of the probalble and the possible. These are the two elements that aesthetic experience relies on; the experience which is only common on man, is overwhelming and man is reluctant to rid himself of that, it depends on the higer senses and gives pleasure in itself.

Strani / Pages: 225–238   [ COBISS ID: 4192354 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-1CRKZYZG ]

Matjaž KMECL: Pogled na literarno tipologiziranje (Z dodatno pozornostjo do literarnih dejanj na prelomu 19. v 20. stoletje)
Matjaž KMECL: A View of Literary Typologization (With Additional Attention to Literary Activities at the Turn of the 19th c.)

Darko DOLINAR: Štrekelj, Pypin in opredelitev literarne zgodovine
Darko DOLINAR: Štrekelj, Pypin, and the Definition of Literary History

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | literarna veda | metode | konec 19. st.

Sinopsis: Ko je Karel Štrekelj (1859-1912) na univerzi v Gradcu leta 1899 začel predavati zgodovino slovenskega slovstva, je v uvodu podal zanimivo teoretično-metodološko opredelitev literarne zgodovine. Članek analizira to besedilo, ocenjuje njegov pomen za takratno razvojno stopnjo literarne vede na Slovenskem, vendar ugotavlja, da to ni izvirnik, temveč prevod in da je njegov pravi avtor ruski literarni in kulturni zgodovinar A. N. Pypin. V dodatku je besedilo prvič objavljeno po Štrekljevem rokopisu.

Abstract: When Karel Štrekelj (1859-1912) in 1899 began his lectures on the history of Slovene literature at the University of Graz, he presented an interesting theoretical methodological definition of literary history in the introduction. The paper analyzes this text, evaluates its importance for the developmental stage of literary scholarship in Slovene lands at the time, but comes to the conclusion that the text is not an original piece of work but, rather, a translation and that its real author is the Russian literary and cultural historian A.N.Pypin. In the appendix the text is published for the first time according to Štrekelj's manuscript.

Strani / Pages: 247–267   [ COBISS ID: 4213090 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-QFD94VAX ]

Meta GROSMAN: Kritika kot govorno dejanje
Meta GROSMAN: The Critique as a Verbal Act

Ključne besede: literarna kritika | literarno vrednotenje | lingvistika | govorno dejanje

Sinopsis: Razprava opisuje kritiški diskurz v širšem kontekstu njegove celostne pragmatične situacije kot posebno obliko govornega dejanja, katerega predmet je umetnostno besedilo. Prisotnost posameznih možnih sestavin kritiškega diskurza, kot so kritikovo razmerje do umetnostnega besedila, njegov odnos do naslovnikov oz. bralcev kritike, načrtovan učinek kritike ter sposobnost uravnavati vsa ta razmerja, razčlenjuje na primerih zbranih kritiških zapisov o dveh slovenskih leposlovnih besedilih.

Abstract: Critical discourse is discussed within the framework of its whole pragmatic situation, as a special form of a speech act dealing with literary texts. The realization of individual available elements of critical discourse, such as the critical attitude to the literary text and to the readers, the implied critical objectives and the ability to convey such attitudes, is analysed on the basis of the published criticism of two Slovenian literary texts.

Strani / Pages: 269–292   [ COBISS ID: 4264034 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-REEZAKBS ]

Janko KOS: K vprašanju o bistvu komedije
Janko KOS: On the Question of the Essence of Comedy

Ključne besede: literarne zvrsti | komedija | tragedija | literary forms | comedy | tragedy

Sinopsis: Razprava raziskuje možnosti za sodobno opredelitev komedije, njene posebne strukture in komičnosti. Izhaja iz teoretskih nastavkov v Aristotelovi Poetikiin Heglovi Estetiki, jih kritično pretresa, nato pa sistematizira s pomočjo modernih pojmov legalnost in legitimnost, iz katerih naj se pojasni bistvo komičnega konflikta. Tako dobljeni model komedijske strukture primerja s sestavo tragedije. Njegovo veljavnost preverja na reprezentativnih besedilih komične dramatike od Aristofana in Plavta do Gogolja, Cankarja in Ionesca.

Abstract: The paper explores the possibilities for a contemporary definition of comedy, its particular structure and comicality. It departs from the theoretical rudiments in Aristotle's Poetics and Hegel's Aesthetics and critically analyzes them, then it systematizes them, employing the modern concepts of legality and legitimacy, which should explain the essence of the comical conflict. The acquired model of comedy structure is compared to the structure of the tragedy. Its validity is examined on representative texts of comical drama, from Aristophanes and Plautus to Gogol, Cankar, and Ionesco.

Strani / Pages: 293–305   [ COBISS ID: 3812962 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-1Y3219IM ]

France BERNIK: O recepcijskih modelih v slovenki kjniževnosti
France BERNIK: On Modles of Reception in Slovene Literature

Zoran KONSTANTINOVIĆ: Komparatistik als Methode
Zoran KONSTANTINOVIĆ: Comparativism as Method

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | primerjalna književnost | metode | literarni vplivi | literarne študije

Strani / Pages: 313–322   [ COBISS ID: 4286306 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-WG2AL1Z0 ]

Ivan VERČ: Solze za Hekubo (Dostojevski, Turgenjev, Tolstoj)
Ivan VERČ: Tears for Hekuba (Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Tolstoy)

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | angleška dramatika | vplivi | Shakespeare, William: Hamlet

Sinopsis: V ruski književnosti je recepcija Hamleta kot junaka in Shakespeara kot dramaturga povezana s posebnim kulturološkim statusom intertekstualnosti. "Tuji" vzorec je ruskemu pisatelju namreč potreben kot potrjevanje "svojega" sveta: v Hamletovih besedah Dostojevski odkriva lažnost življenja, ki sloni zgolj na ubesedeni predstavi stvarnosti ("solze za Hekubo"), Turgenjevu je Shakespearov junak potreben kot dopolnilo ruskim "Don Kihotom", popolnoma odklonilni odnos Tolstoja do Shakespeara pa je mogoče razumeti kot zahtevo po "poduhovljenju" družbe z izhodiščem v kmečki in verski zavesti ruskega naroda.

Abstract: In Russian literature the reception of Hamlet as a literary character and of Shakespeare as stage director depends on the special culturological status of intertextuality. The Russian writer needs a "foreign" model as a confirmation of "his own" world: in Hamlet's words Dostoevsky discovers the falseness of life, based only on the image of reality expressed in words ("the tears for Hecuba"); Turgenev needs a Shakespearean character to complement Russian "Don Quixotes"; Tolstoy's entirely negative attitude towards Shakespeare can be understood as a demand for the "spiritualization" of society originating in the peasant and religious consciousness ot the Russian people.

Strani / Pages: 323–330   [ COBISS ID: 4286818 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-WPS4AEJY ]

Aleksander SKAZA: Kronotop v groteskni strukturi romana Peterburg Andreja Belega
Aleksander SKAZA: Chronotopos in the Grotesque Structure of Andrej Bely's novel Petersburg

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | ruski roman | struktura | groteska | Belyj, Andrej: Peterburg

Sinopsis: Razprava obravnava kronotop v groteskni strukturi romana Peterburg Andreja Belega kot konstrukcijsko načelo in kot aksiološki vidik pri oblikovanju odnosa literarnih likov do sveta. Turbulenca groteskne "dvosvetnosti", t.j. spreminjanja "normalnega sveta" v "narobe svet", povzroča pri literarnih likih tudi izgubljanje časovne in prostorske orientacije ali celo popolno izgubo časovnih in prostorskih koordinat in uveljavljanje ambivalentnega odnosa do sveta.

Abstract: The paper discusses the "chronotopos" in the grotesque structure of Andrei Bely's novel Petersburg as a construction principle and as an axiological aspect in the formation of the literary characters' attitude towards the world. The turbulence of the grotesque "two-wordliness", i.e., changing the "normal world" to "topsy-turvy world", causes the literary characters to lose their temporal and spatial orientation or to even completely lose the temporaland spatial coordinates and gives rise to their ambivalent attitude towards the world.

Strani / Pages: 331–348   [ COBISS ID: 4263778 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-V8BTLAXL ]

Adam E. SUPRUN: The Lexical Structure of Velimir Hlebnikov's Poem Kogda umirajut koni

Jože TOPORIŠIČ: Kopitar in J. Grimm ob Cločevem glagolitu
Jože TOPORIŠIČ: Kopitar and J. Grimm on the Glagolita Clozianus

Ključne besede: korespondenca | stara cerkvena slovanščina | Cločev glagolit

Sinopsis: Najvažnejša sestavina Kopitarjevih pisem Jakobu Grimu je utemeljevanje lastne podmene o panonski podstavi starocerkvenoslovanskega bogoslužnega (in sploh knjižnega) jezika bratov Cirila in Metoda. Tako je Kopitar sklepal na podlagi 25 besed, ki so v staro cerkveno slovanščino prišle iz zahodne južne slovanščine, vanjo pa so dospele iz zahodne germanščine (konkretno nemščine), ne iz balkanske vzhodne. Moderna etimologija besedja potrjuje Kopitarjeva sklepanja. Kopitar je obžaloval, da njegovih nazorov o izvoru stare cerkvene slovanščine niso sprejemali Čehi, njegovi Slovenci in ne Jakob Grimm sam.

Abstract: The main component of Kopitar's correspondence to Jakob Grimm is the argummentation of his own hypotesis on the Pannonian origin of Cyril's and Methodius's Old Church Slavic liturgical (and general literary) language. Kopitar came to this conclusion based on 25 words that came to Old Church Slavic from West South Slavic, to be understood primarily as a predecessor of Slovene, which received them from West Germanic (precisely, from German), and not from Balkan East Germanic. Modern etymological research of this lexicon confirms Kopitar's inferences. Kopitar regretted that his view on the origin of Old Church Slavic were accepted neither by Chech, Slovenes, nor by Jakob Grimm.

Strani / Pages: 377–389   [ COBISS ID: 4284002 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-QTECQUVG ]

Franc JAKOPIN: Slavistična vrstnika Miklošič in Sreznjevski v Jagićevi osvetlitvi
Franc JAKOPIN: The Slavic Contemporaries Miklošič and Sreznjevskij from Jagić's Viewpoint

Ključne besede: jezikoslovje | jezikoslovci | slovenski jezikoslovci | ruski jezikoslovci | slavistika | | linguistics | linguists | Slovene linguists | Russian linguists | Slavic scholarship | 19th cent.

Sinopsis: Slavistična znanstvena dejavnost Franca Miklošiča na Dunaju časovno sovpada z dejavnostjo njegovega vrstnika Izmaila I. Sreznjevskega v Sanktpetersburgu. Oba filologa in obe središči so bili v drugi polovici 19.stoletja odločilnega pomena v razvoju slavistike. Avtor primerjalno razčlenjuje Jagićevo osvetlitev filoloških in jezikoslovnih dosežkov obeh svojih neposrednih predhodnikov na slavističnih stolicah v Sanktpetersburgu in na Dunaju.

Abstract: Franc Mikološič's Slavic scholarship in Vienna coincides with the work of his contemporary Izmail I. Sreznevsky in St. Petersburg. In the second half of the 19th c. both philologists and both centers were major importance for the development of the Slavic scholarship. The author comparatively analyzes Jagić's explanation of philological and linguistic achivements by both of his immediate predcessors at their respective Slavic chairs in St. Petersburg and Vienna.

Strani / Pages: 392–403   [ COBISS ID: 5919789 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-OUVXRNBI ]

Rado L. LENČEK: Jan Baudouin Courtenay - Vatroslav Oblak's Master and Teacher
Rado L. LENČEK: Jan Baudouin Courtenay - Vatroslav Oblak's Master and Teacher

Ključne besede: jezikoslovje | jezikoslovci | slavisti | dialektologija | raziskovanje | biografije

Strani / Pages: 403–419   [ COBISS ID: 76516864 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-RHQBOQOO ]