Slavistična revija

2001 / Številka 3



Andreja ŽELE: Vezljivost kot pomensko- in strukturalnoskladenjski pojav
Andreja ŽELE: Valency as Semantic- and Structural-Syntactic Phenomenon


Tom PRIESTLY: O prevodih Hlapca Jerneja in njegove pravice: Verske prvine v angleških in ruskih različicah
Tom PRIESTLY: On Translations of Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica: "Religious" Elements in the English and Russian Versions

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | prevanjane | prevodi v ruščino | prevodi v angleščino | Cankar, Ivan: Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica

Sinopsis: Razprava obravnava dva obstoječa angleška prevoda Cankarjeve povesti Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica (Adamič, Jeras-Guinot & Grant) in tri ruske prevode (Šerementjev, Ohrimenko, Urban), in sicer z ozirom na to, kako je v njih zajeto bistveno nasprotje v povesti med "božjim" in "posvetnim". Najprej je obravnavana Ohrimenkova različica: le-ta ni prevod Cankarjevega izvirnika, ampak Adamičevega prevoda; izpusti skoraj vse verske prvine iz izvirnika, a je v tem nedosledna. Za analizo so verske prvine iz izvirnika razvrščene v pet kategorij in analiziranih je vseh pet besedil. Med obravnavanimi prevodi se pokažejo občutne razlike. Avtor poda tudi pregled dveh prejšnjih ocen Adamičeve "priredbe" povesti. Meni, da razlike med ruskimi različicami ustrezajo stopnji sovjetske protiverske propagande v času njihove objave.

Abstract: This article discusses two extant English translations of Ivan Cankarʹs Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica (by Adamič and by Jeras-Guinot & Grant) and three Russian translations (by Šerementʹev, by Ohrimenko, and by Urban), with reference to their treatment of the crucial contrast in the story between" the "divine" and "the earthly". First, Orhimenko's version is considered: it is not a translation of Cankarʹs original, but of Adamič's translation; it omits nearly all the religious elements in the original, but is inconsistent in this respect. The religious elements of the original are grouped in five categories for analyses, and the five texts are analyzed; far-reaching differences among the five translations are demonstrated. The two previous assesments of Adamič's "adaptation" of this story are reviewed. It is suggested that the difference among the Russian versions correspond to the degree of anti-religious Soviet propaganda current at tthe times of their publication.

Strani / Pages: [163]–183   [ COBISS ID: 17085794 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-9GR1NKU4 ]

Stanislava SIRK: Referenca besede buča v Dalmatinovi Bibliji
Stanislava SIRK: The Denotation of the Word buča in Dalmatin's Bible

Ključne besede: slovenščina | onomastika | rastlinska imena | sveto pismo

Sinopsis: Članek se ukvarja z referenco besede buša v Dalmatinovi Bibliji (1584). Po Bezlaju (1976) se beseda nanaša na Cucurbito pepo, vendar če rastlino osvetlimo z botaničnega vidika in si besedo buča ogledamo v slovenskih slovarjih ter nekaterih urbarjih, ugotovimo, da Dalmatinova buča ni bila Cucurbita pepo, ampak Lagenaria siceraria. Beseda buča bi kot poimenovanje za rastlino mogoče celo izginila, če je ne bi rešilo srečno naključje, saj je prvotno pomensko polje Lagenarie sicerarie še v pravem času, ko je slednje že začelo bledeti, nadomestila Cucurbita pepo, in to tako dosledno, da pri geslu buča tako Bezlaj kot tudi Snoj (1997) v svojih etmoloških slovarjih Lagenarie sicerarie ne omenjata.

Abstract: The article treats the difference of the word buča in Dalmatin's Bible (1584). According to Bezlaj (1976) the word refers to Cucurbita pepo, but if the plant is viewed from botanical point of view and the word buča examined in Slovene dictionaries and some land registers, one can conclude that Dalmatin's buča was not Cucurbita pepo, but Lagenaria ciseraria. The word Buča as a plant name would have perhaps even disappeared where it not for a fortunate coincidence, i.e., the original semantic field of Lagenaria siceraria, which was beginning to fade, was replaced by Cucurbita pepo. The replacement was so consistent that with the entry buča neither Bezlaj nor Snoj (1997) in their etymological dictionaries mention Lagenaria siceraria.

Strani / Pages: 185–196   [ COBISS ID: 17074018 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-FJTLUNQI ]

Galin TIHANOV: Telo kot kulturna vrednota: Opazke k zgodovini ideje in ideje zgodovine v Bahtinovih spisih
Galin TIHANOV: The Body as a Cultural Value: Remarks on the History of the Idea and the Idea of History in Bakhtin's Writings

Ključne besede: filozofija | estetika | telo | zgodovina | aesthetics | body | history

Sinopsis: V članku raziskujem dinamiko Bahtinove ideje človeškega telesa kot kulturne vrednote od eseja Avtor in junak v estetski dejavnosti do Dela Françisa Rabelaisa in ljudske kulture srednjega veka in renesanse. Skiciram tudi nekatere izmed virov, ki so bili v zvezi z Bahtinovim zanimanjem za ta problem najodločilnejši, in premišlja, kako je Bahtinova obravnava omenjene tematike vplivala na idejo zgodovine v njegovih spisih.

Abstract: In this article I explore the dynamic of Bakhtin's idea of the human body as a cultural value from the early essay 'Author and Hero in Aesthetic Activity' to his 1965 vook Rabelais and His World. I also outline some of the most relevant sources of Bakhtin's interest in this problem and reflect on how Bakhtin's treatment of it bore on the idea of history in his writings.

Strani / Pages: [197]–204   [ COBISS ID: 18979629 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-AY6ORHMD ]

Sonja HUDEJ: Argumentacijski procesi in prepričevalna sredstva v besedilu
Sonja HUDEJ: Argumentation Processes and Means of Persuasion in Texts

Ključne besede: pragmatika | jezikoslovje | argumentacija | retorika | stilistika

Sinopsis: Argumentacija je pojmovana kot proces, v katerem tvorcu uspe ali ne uspe pridobiti naslovnika, da sprejme argumente, posledično sprejme tudi sklepe in vse, kar iz predpostavljenega izhaja. S stališča besediloslovja so srgumenti sredstva racionalnega prepričevanja, po drugi strani pa so argumenti lahko tudi sredstva za manipulacijo, in kot taki niso izpostavljeni, pač pa predpostavljeni s stilistično izbiro izrazja ter z retoričnimi taktirkami in strategijo.

Abstract: Argumentation is a process where the communicator succeeds or does not succeed to persuade the hearer to accept the arguments. In the other words: if the hearer agrees with the arguments he must obviously and consistently accept the consequences, resolutions. According to the text linguistic the argumentation means persuasion which can be carried out in two ways: as conviction and nanipulative persuasion. Conviction is realized through proper, adequate, acceptable, relevant arguments. The arguments of manipulative persuasion are formed in such a way that they prevent the hearer's intellectual talking away. They are out in such a way that the arguments are not exposed, but presupposed through stylistic choice of linguistic signs as well as through covert tactics and rhetorical strategies.

Strani / Pages: 204–222   [ COBISS ID: 17050722 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-KJMYCJRF ]