Slavistična revija

2002 / Številka 4


Marko JUVAN: Iz slovanskih literatur na koncu 20. stoletja
Marko JUVAN: From Slavic Literatures at the Turn of the 20th Century

Ključne besede: slovanske književnosti | kongresi | Slavic literatures | congresses

Strani / Pages: 411   [ COBISS ID: 20202850 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-MZZ53USL ]


Miha JAVORNIK: Urejanje kaosa ali kako se je kalil ruski postmodernizem
Miha JAVORNIK: Organizing Chaos or How the Russian Postmodernism Was Tempered

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | ruski postmodernizem | meta proza | teorija kaosa | konceptualizem | rizom | eng | Russial literature | Russian postmodernism | meta-prose | theory of chaos | conceptualism

Sinopsis: V razpravi se ukvarjamo z evolucijskimi zakonitostmi v razvoju ruske kulture in v njej odkrivamo karakteristike, primerljive s pojavi v zahodnoevropski in ameriški literaturi zadnjih trideset let. Pri tem velja pozornost genezi ruskega postmodernizma, ki ga obravnavamo kot pričakovano razvojno etapo ob zatonu modernistične estetike oz. po razpadu sovjetskega modela sveta. Logiko kulturnega procesa, ki se kaže v postmodernističnem naziranju, razkrivamo kot svojevrsten dialog s kaosom.

Abstract: The paper discusses the principles in the development of Russian culture, in which characteristic comparable to the phenomena in West-European and American literature of the last thirty years are revealed. The focus is on the genesis of the Russian postmodernism, which is treated as an expected developmental stage after the decline of modernistic aesthetics or, rather after the disintegration of the Soviet model of the world. The logic of the cultural process shown in a postmodern view is revealed as a peculiar dialogue with caos.

Strani / Pages: 413–434   [ COBISS ID: 20203106 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-L1ODOULJ ]

Božena WITOSZ: Esteticizem, antiesteticizem, anesteticizem - odsev pluralizma vrednot sodobne estetike v stilu poljske proze konca 20. stoletja
Božena WITOSZ: Aestheticizm, Anti-aestheticizm, Unaestheticizm - the Reflection of Pluralism of Values of Modern Aesthetics in the Style of Polish Prose at the Turn of the 20th Century

Ključne besede: poljska književnost | poljska proza | esteticizem | antiesteticizem | pluralizem | 1990- | Polish literature | Polish prose | aestheticism | anti-aestheticism | pluralism | 1990-

Sinopsis: Avtorica zagovarja nujnost upoštevanja kulturnega konteksta pri raziskavah nove književnosti in opozarja na kategorijo pluralizma oziroma "nehierarhizirane raznorodnosti", tipično za sodobno kulturo v zadnjem desetletju. V stilu poljske proze 90. let odkriva nasprotujoče si težnje: estetiziranje, intelektualiziranje ter poudarjanje grdote, jezikovne banalizacije in vulgarizacije. Primerja jih s sorodnimi pojavi v sedanji kulturi: z estetizacijo stvarnosti, z estetikama nostalgije in "nove brutalnosti" ter anestetiko in s prekoračenjem tradicionalnega vrednostnega kanona.

Abstract: The author argues for the necessity of considering the cultural context in research of modern literature and points out the category of pluralism or "non-hierarchical diversity", typical of the modern culture in the most recent decade. Within the style of Polish prose of the 1990's she discovers opposing tendencies: aestheticization, intellectualizaion and emphasis of ugliness, banalization, as vulgarization of language on the one hand and its intellectualization on the other. The author compares these to similar phenomena in the present-day culture: aestheticization of reality, aesthetics of nostalgia and "new brutality", anti-aesthetics, and crossing the limits of traditional value canon.

Strani / Pages: [435]–445   [ COBISS ID: 20203362 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-CXY9UHFM ]

Elżbieta DABROWSKA: Literarno-kulturni kodi v pesniškem jeziku najnovejše poljske lirike
Elżbieta DABROWSKA: The Literary-Cultural Codes in the Poetic Language of the Most Recent Polish Lyric Poetry

Ključne besede: poljska književnost | poljska poezija | literarna tradicija | medbesedilnost | zgodovinski stili | 1990- | Polish literature | Polish poetry | literary tradition | intertextuality | historical styles | 1990-

Sinopsis: Razprava obravnava novejšo poljsko poezijo (iz 90. let prejšnjega stoletja) s stališča njene povezanosti s kodi, ki jih je oblikovala književna tradicija (navezave na slog, oblike in žanre). Avtorica predstavlja različne načine, na katere so starejši slogi prisotni v sodobni poeziji, in skuša razložiti nenavadni značaj poezije "klasicistov" (neoklasicistov), ki so se v nasprotju z "barbari" obračali k tradiciji in v njej našli jezik, primeren za obravnavo sodobnih tem. Domnevna nadaljevanja, polemični dvogovori, parodične in ironične oblike diskurza so postali "semantična poteza" sodobnega pesnika; med drugimi so se jih posluževali Krzysztof KOehler, Edward Tkaczyszyn-Dycki, Tomasz Majeran in Wojciech Wencel.

Abstract: The article discusses recent Polish poetry (of the 1990's) from the perspective of its connection with the codes formed witin the literary tradition (references to styles, forms and genres). The author presents the strategies in which the old styles are present in contemporary poetry and attempts to explain the peculiar character of the poetry of 'classicists' (neo-classicists), who - in contrast to the 'barbarians' - in turning to tradition found ready-made language to be used for the discussion of contemporary themes. Alleged continuation, polemic dialogues, parody- and irony-like modes of discourse became a 'semantic gesture' of the contemporary poet, including, among others, Krzysztof Koehler, Edward Tkaczyszyn-Dycki, Tomasz Majeran, and Wojciech Wencel.

Strani / Pages: [447]–459   [ COBISS ID: 20204386 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-8APCIVTD ]

Peter ZAJAC: Težnje v slovaški književnosti na koncu 20. stoletja
Peter ZAJAC: Trends in Slovak Literature at the Turn of the 20th Century

Ključne besede: slovaška književnost | reintegracija | literarno življenje | 1990- | Slovak literature | reintegration | literary life | 1990's

Sinopsis: Predstavljen je proces reintegracije slovaške književnosti po političnem prelomu leta 1989, njena nova nacionalistična ideologizacija na eni strani in iskanje prostora v individualni osamljenosti na drugi strani. Avtor sledi notranjegeneracijskemu in medgeneracijskemu prerazporejanju vrednot, ki so ga prinesla devetdeseta leta. V književnosti ni prišlo do epohalnega preloma, ampak samo do premika grudastih slojev. V slovaški književnosti prevladujeta dve liniji: linija upora, ki se kaže v ironični in avtobiografski podobi pri starejši in srednji generaciji, in linija hlada (coolness) v delih mlajših pisateljev.

Abstract: The article presents the process if reitegration of Slovak literature after the political breakup in 1989, its new nationalistic ideologization on the onehand and the search for space in individual isolation on the other. The author is following the internal generational and intergenerational rearrangement of values, brought forth by the 1990's. The literature did not experience a momentous rupture, but rather just a shift of the cloddy layers. Slovak literature is dominated by two lines: the line of resistance, shown in ironic and autobiographic image in works of the older and middle generations, and the line of coolness in works by younger writers.

Strani / Pages: 461–473   [ COBISS ID: 20206434 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-VX5OJJQP ]

Sava DAMJANOV: Srbska postmoderna proza na koncu 20. stoletja
Sava DAMJANOV: Serbian Postmodern Prose at the Turn of the 20th Century

Ključne besede: srbska književnost | srbska proza | postmodernizem | medbesedilnost | 1980-2000 | Serbian literature | Serbian prose | postmodernism | inertextuality | 1980-2000

Sinopsis: Prispevek govori o prevladujočih modelih in poetikah srbske proze ob koncu 20. stoletja, predstavi pomembnejše avtorje in njihove pripovedne postopke.

Abstract: The article discusses the prelevant prose models and poetics in Serbian prose at he turn of the 20th c., presetnts the leading authors and their narrative methods.

Strani / Pages: 475–479   [ COBISS ID: 20208482 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-DXN0DJMZ ]

Đurda STRSOGLAVEC: Hrvaška proza ob koncu prejšnjega tisočletja
Đurda STRSOGLAVEC: Croatian Prose at the Turn of the Previous Millenium

Ključne besede: hrvaška književnost | hrvaška proza | poetika | prozni modeli | 1970-2000 | Croatian literature | Croatian prose | poetics | prose models | 1970-2000

Sinopsis: Prispevek orisuje prevladujoče prozne modele in poetike v hrvaški književnosti ob koncu 20. stoletja. Pri tem se ustavlja pri značilnostih prejšnjih obdobij.

Abstract: The article outlines the prevalent prose models and poetics in Croatian literature at the turn of the last millennium. Some attention is also paid to the characteristics of the previous centuries.

Strani / Pages: [481]–486   [ COBISS ID: 20210018 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-HVAGWGQM ]

Irma M. PLAJNŠEK SAGADIN: Pesniški svetovi "mlade slovenske poezije" 90. let
Irma M. PLAJNŠEK SAGADIN: The Poetic Worlds of the "Young Slovene Poetry" of the 1990's


Nataša BAVEC: Esej in esejistični stil v slovenski literaturi devetdesetih let
Nataša BAVEC: The Essay and the Essayistic Style in Slovene Literature in the 1990's

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | esej | 1990- | Slovene literature | essay | 1990's

Sinopsis: Študija je posvečena pregledu slovenskega eseja v devetdesetih letih 20. stoletja. Metodika je utemeljena na interakciji teoretičnega modela eseja s specifičnimi, nesprejemljivimi generičnimi lastnostmi ter analizi konkretnih besedil nefikcijske, refleksivne proze, ki jih je slovenska literarna kritika in publicistika označila s pojmom esej. Ob besedilih nagrajencev za vrhunsko slovensko esejistiko ter nekaterih drugih delih vidnejših sooblikovalcev slovenskega literarnega prostora poskuša razmejiti eseje v literarnoteoretično ožjem pomenu od besedil, ki pripadajo drugim oblikam miselne proze ter so napisana v esejističnem stilu.

Abstract: The study is a survey ot the Slovene essay in the 1990's. The methodology is based on the interaction of the theoretical model of the essay with specific, immutalbe generic features and on the analysis of specific non-fiction, reflective pieces of prose, which have been characterized by the Slovene literary criticism and the press as essays. Based on award-winning texts in the category of the Slovene essay and on some other works by notable Slovene literary figures, the study aims at separating essays in the narrow literary-theoretical sense from the texts that belong to other forms of reflective prose, but are written in essayistic style.

Strani / Pages: 503–520   [ COBISS ID: 20213858 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-JIKC4CO3 ]

Aleksandra SCHULLER: Hočeš kaj več kot mojo smrt?. Sofoklova in Jovanovićeva Antigona
Aleksandra SCHULLER: Do You Want More than My Death?. Sophocles' and Jovanović's Antigone

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska dramatika | antična tragedija | teorija drame | ženski liki | tematologija - Antigona | Sofokles: Antigona | Jovanović, Dušan: Antigona | Slovene literature | classical tragedy | theory of drama | women characters | Antigone

Sinopsis: Študija analizira dve dramski obdelavi mita o Antigoni: Sofoklovo tragedijo Antigona in istoimensko dramo Dušana Jovanovića. Klotzeva tipologija zaprte in odprte forme drame daje formalni okvir, v katerem se razvije antropološka interpretacija omenjenih dram. Odprta in zaprta forma temeljita na kompoziciji drame, dejanju, dramski osebi, prostoru in jeziku. Članek podrobneje obravnava dramsko osebo in dejanje.

Abstract: The study analyses two dramatic treatments of the Antigone myth: Sophocles' tragedy Antigone and Dušan Jovanović's play of the same name. Klotz's typology of the closed and open drama form gives the formal framework in which the anthropological interpretation of the two plays is developed. Open and closed forms are based on the composition of drama, act, dramatic character, space, and language. The article treats in more detail the dramatic character and act.

Strani / Pages: 521–537   [ COBISS ID: 20190562 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-UQGBBLBS ]


Tomo KOROŠEC: Za profesorjem Jakopinom
Tomo KOROŠEC: After Professor Jakopin

Ključne besede: slovenski jezikoslovci | rusisiti | nekrolog | Slovene linguists | necrology

Strani / Pages: 539   [ COBISS ID: 20215906 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-9PD7JTQV ]

Franc ZADRAVEC: Jožetu Pogačniku v spomin
Franc ZADRAVEC: In memoriam Jože Pogačnik

Ključne besede: literarni zgodovinarji | nekrolog | slovenska književnost | Slovene literature | literary historians | necrology

Strani / Pages: 541–542   [ COBISS ID: 20217186 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-TMZY7BBD ]