Slavistična revija

2003 / Kongresna št.



: Kulturna identiteta v obdobju globalizacije, Nevarnosti in perspektive
: Cultural Identity in the Globalization Era, Risks and Prospects



Metka FURLAN: Podaljšava - praslovanski izpridevniški besedotvorni vzorec
Metka FURLAN: Lengthening-the Common Slavic Deadjectival Word-Formation Pattern


Rada COSSUTTA: Slovenski dialektološki leksikalni atlas koprske pokrajine (SDLA-Kp): tradicija in inovacije
Rada COSSUTTA: The Slovene Lexical Dialectological Atlas of the Koper Region (SDLA-Kp): Tradition and Innovations


Mihaela KOLETNIK: Glasoslovni razvoj v slovenskogoriškem narečju
Mihaela KOLETNIK: The Phonological Development of the Slovenske Gorice Dialect


Melita ZEMLJAK, Vera SMOLE: Pogostnost in trajanje nenaglašenih izvorno o-jevskih samoglasnikov v nekaterih slovenskih akajočih in ukajočih govorih
Melita ZEMLJAK, Vera SMOLE: Frequency and Duration of Unstressed Etymologically o-like Vowels in Some Slovene Dialects with Akanje and Ukanje


Aleksandra DERGANC: Nekatere razlike v rabi dovršnega in nedovršnega vida v ruščini in slovenščini
Aleksandra DERGANC: Some Differences in the Use of the Perfective and Imperfective in Russian and Slovene

Ključne besede: slovenščina | ruščina | primerjalne študije | glagol | glagolski vid | Slovene language | Russian language | contrastive studies | verb

Strani / Pages: [67]–79   [ COBISS ID: 22094178 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-3MAM5NLU ]

Majda MERŠE: Glagolski kalki v zgodovini slovenskega knjižnega jezika (prevzemanje, raba in primerjava s stanjem v slovanskih jezikih)
Majda MERŠE: Verbal Calques in the History of the Slovene Literary Language

Ključne besede: slovenščina | zgodovina jezika | glagol | kalki | Slovene language | history of language | verb | calques

Strani / Pages: 81–103   [ COBISS ID: 22352482 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-UIYAKCMA ]

Irena STRAMLJIČ BREZNIK: Besedotvorna tipologija novonastalega besedja s področja mobilne telefonije
Irena STRAMLJIČ BREZNIK: Word-Formation Typology of the Newly-Formed Lexicon in Mobile Telecommunications


Jože TOPORIŠIČ: Eksperimentalnofonetične raziskave slovenskega knjižnojezikovnega glasovja in tonemskosti
Jože TOPORIŠIČ: Experimental Phonetic Studies of the Sounds and Tonemicity in the Slovene Literary Language


Andreja ŽELE: Slovenska skladnja z vidika skladenjskih teorij
Andreja ŽELE: Slovene Syntax from the Viewpoint of the Syntactic Theories


Tomaž SAJOVIC: Slog je pomen, pomen je slog, Ivan Cankar: Edina beseda, Ciril Kosmač: Pomladni dan
Tomaž SAJOVIC: Style in the Meaning, Meaning in the Style, Ivan Cankar: Edina beseda; Ciril Kosmač: Pomladni dan

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | semantika | črtica | roman | Slovene literature | semantics | novel | short story

Strani / Pages: [165]–180   [ COBISS ID: 22094946 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-FOOLB5YV ]

Simona KRANJC: Izražanje prostora v govorjenih besedilih otrok
Simona KRANJC: The Expression of Space in Children's Spoken Utterances

Ključne besede: slovenščina | psiholingvistika | psihologija otroka | prostor | čas | Slovene language | psycholinguistics | childrens | space realationships | temporal relationships

Strani / Pages: [181]–190   [ COBISS ID: 22096226 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-7KD9QV9B ]


Gregor KOCIJAN: Značilnosti Prešernove, Puškinove in Mickiewiczeve balade - razhajanja in podobnosti
Gregor KOCIJAN: The Characteristics of Prešeren's, Pushkin's and Mickiewicz's Ballads-Differences and Similarities

Ključne besede: balada | romantične balade | literarna teorija

Strani / Pages: 193–210   [ COBISS ID: 5368649 ]

Jožica ČEH: Folklorni svet v liriki slovenske moderne
Jožica ČEH: The Folkloric World in the Lyric Poetry of the Slovene Moderna


Janez VREČKO: Kosovel in ruski literarni center konstruktivistov
Janez VREČKO: Kosovel and the Russian Literary Center of the Constructivists

Ključne besede: slovenska poezija | literarna avantgarda | konstruktivizem | Slovene poetry | literary avant-garde | constructivism

Sinopsis: The paper attempts to point out Kosovel's connection with the Russian Literary Center of the Constructivists. Kosovel established critical relationship towards Černigoj, Zenithism, Futurism, he introduced kartvelianization in his kons's, "focusization", and meaning. He also defined constructivism and delineated it from constructiveness. Eventual publication of the kons's in the never realized journals Konstrukter and KONS would have had a very provocative effect. Since he could not coordinate this kind of poetry with the political responsibilities that were expected of him by the political left, which he became very close to in mid-1925, he started, simultaneously with writing kons's, "new work": integrals, which triggered an immediate response with their social and political orientation. Kons's do not belong to integrals, as has been incorrectly stated by literary criticism. If Kosovel's strategizing with his environment required that he hid his radical poetic orientation, his political position forced the government to forbid his public appearances, which so unfortunately coincided with his untimely death.

Strani / Pages: 225–240   [ COBISS ID: 22314594 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-WOMOARWF ]

Franc ZADRAVEC: Hudodelec v slovenskem romanu XX. stoletja
Franc ZADRAVEC: The Criminal in the 20th c. Slovene Novel


Alojzija ZUPAN SOSIČ: Žanrski sinkretizem sodobnega slovenskega romana
Alojzija ZUPAN SOSIČ: Genre Syncretism in the Contemporary Slovene Novel

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | sinkretizem | roman | Slovene literature | novel

Strani / Pages: [252]–260   [ COBISS ID: 22098018 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-RZNTASOS ]

Marija STANONIK: Svetopisemska motivika v slovenskem leopslovju 19. in 20. stoletja
Marija STANONIK: Biblical Motifs in Slovene Literature of the 19th and 20th cc.



Marjetka GOLEŽ KAUČIČ: Teorija intertekstualnosti in njena uporaba v folklorističnih raziskavah
Marjetka GOLEŽ KAUČIČ: The Theory of Intertextuality and its Use in Folkloristic Research

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | slovenska književnost | folkloristika | Slovene literature | literary theory | folkloristics

Strani / Pages: 311–328   [ COBISS ID: 21191213 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-G3WIKPCW ]


Jasna HONZAK JAHIĆ: Pohlinov in Metelkov opis slovenskega knjižnega jezika v luči časa njunega nastanka
Jasna HONZAK JAHIĆ: Pohlin's and Metelko's Descriptions of the Slovene Literary Language in the Light of their Origin

Ključne besede: slovenščina | slovnice | 19. st.

Strani / Pages: 331–350   [ COBISS ID: 22361698 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-TRE1XCVO ]

Irena OREL: Josef Dobrovsky in slovenski slovničarji - vzporednosti in različnosti v oblikoslovnih prikazih
Irena OREL: Josef Dobrovsky and the Slovene Grammarians-Paralells and Differences in Presentations of Morphology