Slavistična revija

2005 / Številka 3


Miha JAVORNIK: Če se na svetu nič ne začne in nič ne konča
Miha JAVORNIK: If nothing begins and nothing ends in this world

Ključne besede: slavisti | rusisti | jubileji

Strani / Pages: 253–259   [ COBISS ID: 30447458 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-CCS5OMDN ]


Árpád KOVÁCS: Skrivnostno znamenje pri Dostojevskem
Árpád KOVÁCS: The "Mysterious sign" in Dostoevsky

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | ruski pisatelji | subjekt | skrivnostno znamenje | Russian literature | Russian Writers | subject | mysterious sign

Sinopsis: Pojav, o katerem bomo govorili, je bistven tako z vidika poetike Dostojevskega, kot tudi z vidika njegove personologije. Poleg tega je ta pojav zaznamovan tako na ravni romanesknih tekstov, kot tudi na ravni metajezika avtorjeve diskurzivne prakse.

Abstract: The phenomenon discussed in the article apperars to be a fundamental one from both the point of view of Dostoevsky's poetics as well as of his character study. Moreover, it is marked in the realn of novelistic texts and in metalanguage of the author's discourse practices.

Strani / Pages: 261–281   [ COBISS ID: 30452834 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-NBONTSRB ]

Urša ZABUKOVEC: Podoba avtorja in hagiografske prvine v romanu Bratje Karamazovi Dostojevskega
Urša ZABUKOVEC: The "Author's Image" and Hagiographic Elements in Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | roman | Bratje Karamazovi | avtor | junak | Russian literature | novel | Brothers Karamazov | Author | main character

Sinopsis: Razprava se posveča soočanju Bahtinovih ugotovitev o romanih Dostojevskega (reducirani položaj avtorja, "nezaključenost" junakov in, posledično, polifoničnost romanov) z ugotovitvami ob branju Bratov Karamazovih, usmerjenem predvsem na filozofsko-idejni in sižejski binom Ivan - Aljoša. Takšno branje narekuje množica hagiografskih elementov, ki v veliki meri določajo junaka, predvsem Aljoša Karmazova. Vključitev t. i. biografske osebnosti avtorja v "podobo avtorja" odkrije dodatne elemente, ki "zaključujejo" junaka, kar nas sili k ponovnemu premisleku bahtinovske polifonije.

Abstract: The article confronts Bakhtin's findings on Dostoevsky's novels (e.g., the reduced position of the author, "incompletness" of characters, and, consequently, the polyphonic nature of the novels) with the findings from the reading of the novels that focused primarly on the philosophical-ideological and plot binomial Ivan - Aljoša. It has a host of hagiographic elements defining the main characters, particularly Aljoša Karamazov, which require this type of reading. The incorporation of the so-called biographic personality of the author in the author's image reveals additional elements completing the main character, which forses us to reconsider Bakkhtinian polyphony.

Strani / Pages: 283–299   [ COBISS ID: 30453090 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-DPXS0OGZ ]

Blaž PODLESNIK: Anna Ahmatova in Osip Mandelštam v dialogu "zaščitnih listin"
Blaž PODLESNIK: Anna Akhmatova and Osip Mandelshtam in the Dialogue of "Safe Conduct"

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | ruska sovjetska književnost | ruski pisatelji | akmeizem | literarno ustvarjanje | Russian literature | Russsian Soviet literature | Russian writers | ackmeizm | perception of literature

Sinopsis: Razprava je posvečena posebni funkciji "zaščitne listine", ki jo literatura dobi v ustvarjanju nekaterih avtorjev v Sovjetski zvezi. Avtor v opusu Osipa Mandelštama in Anne Ahmatove izpostavlja podobna izhodišča, ki oba književnika pripeljejo do dojemanja literarnega ustvarjanja kot osrednjega sredstva za osmišljanje lastne eksistence, ter nakaže skupne poteze tistih njunih literarnih del, ki jih avtorja zasnujeta kot poskus premagovanja krize biografije s pomočjo literature.

Abstract: The paper deals with the special function of "safe coduct", which was attributed to literature in the works of certain authors of the Soviet era. It concentrates on the works of Osip Mandelstam and Anna Akhmatova, exposing the common basis for the tqo authors' perception of literature as the sole means of attributing meaning to a "random" existence and the common characteristics of their works, dealing with the crisis of biography with the means of literature.

Strani / Pages: 301–315   [ COBISS ID: 30453858 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-L698FMAK ]

Ivan VERČ: Dialoške prvine Lotmanove strukturalne poetike
Ivan VERČ: Dialogical Elements of Lotman's Structural Poetics

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | literarna kritika | strukturalizem | strukturalna poetika

Sinopsis: Strukturalna poetika Jurija Mihajloviča Lotmana se v védenje o književnosti ne vpisuje le kot poskus določanja znanstvene metode, ampak tudi kot prostor široko zasnovanega razmišljanja o mejah in možnostih, ki nam jih nudi stik dveh neenakih besed. Bogastvo ustvarjalne entropije nalaga sogovorniku odgovornost izbire med možnostjo in odklanjanjem preoblikovanja informacije, ki jo dialoški stik vsebuje. V tem pogledu se Lotmanovo razmišljanje o pristopu k besedi izrisuje kot etično dejanje.

Abstract: In literary criticism, Jurij Mihajlovič Lotman's structural poetics does not represent only an attempt at defining a scholarly methodology, but also a space of broadly conceived reflection about the boundaries and possibilities offered by the interaction of two dissimilar words. The wealth of creative entropy obligates the intercocutor to choose between the possibility of refusal of transforming the information included in the dialogic interaction. In this respect, Lotman's reflection of the approach to the work appears to bean ethical act.

Strani / Pages: 317–329   [ COBISS ID: 30455138 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-5CVZTUU2 ]

Jernej HABJAN: Teorija literarnega diskurza in Bahtin
Jernej HABJAN: The Theory of Literary Discourse and Bakhtin

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | literarna veda | metodologija literarne vede | literarni diskurz | theory of literature | literary criticism | methodology of literary criticism | literary discourse

Sinopsis: Spor med kontekstualisti in nekontekstualisti v nekaterih središčih univerzitetnega ukvarjanja s književnostjo nakazuje, da se v sodobnem metodološkem pluralizmu perpetuira antinomija med historizmom prvega in imanentizmom drugega vzorca vesedilnosti. Zdi se, da omogoča "obrobni" položaj slovenski literarni vedi odgovarjati na to zagato z vpeljevanjem teorije literarnega diskurza, teorije in zgodovine ustvarjalnega subjekta ali denomo intenzivnejše hermenevtične prakse. Na osnovi eksplicitnih navezav teh projektov na Bahtina članek pretresa aktualnost metode, s katero se je ruski mislec svojčas soočal s konstitutivno antinomijo med zunanjimi in notranjimi pristopi in tako prevpraševal sama izhodišča literarne vede.

Abstract: The argument between the contextualists and non-contextualists in some academic centers dealing with literature indicates that the contemporary methodological pluralism perpetuates the antinomy between the paradigms of historism and immanentism in literary criticism. It seems that its "marginal" position allows Slovene literary criticism to respond to this dilemma by introducing the theory of literary discourse, theory and history of the creative subject, or a more intense hermeneutic practice. By examining the relation of these projects to Bakhtin, the article analyzes the topicality of the method which the Russian thinker confronted the constitutive antinomy between the external and internal approaches and hence examined the sole basis of literary criticism.

Strani / Pages: 331–346   [ COBISS ID: 30466402 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-GCVIWWJ2 ]

Jola ŠKULJ: Literatura in prostor: o semiozi in semiosferi
Jola ŠKULJ: Literature and Space: on Semiosis and Semiosphere

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | literatura | prostor | mejna kultura | tekstna semioza | semiosfera | dialogizem | theory of literature | literature | space | border culture | semiosphere | dialogism

Sinopsis: Pretresanje problematike o prostoru in literaturi odpira več možnih gledišč. Pravzaprav implicira oboje prostor literature in vprašanje literature v prostoru. Tako je mogoče premisliti različne koncepcije prostorskega v razmerju do literature. Izčrpa teoretska analiza spacialnih vidikov literatur (kot tekstualnih, umetniških, kulturnih, geokritičnih, topografskih pojmov) se nakazuje kot pristojen projekt za natančnejšo raziskavo in ponovno evalvacijo obstoječih in prihodnjih realnosti manjših pa tudi drugih evropskih literatur.

Abstract: Discussion of the issuses of space and literature involves a variety of possible standpoints. It implies both space in literature and literature in space. Thus divergent concepts of space can be considered with reference to literature. A comprehensive theoretical analysis of the spatial aspects of literature (as textual, artistic, cultural, geocritical, topographical concepts) appears to be a pertinent project to examine closely and re-evaluate the existing an future relaity od smaller as well as of the European literatures.

Strani / Pages: 347–361   [ COBISS ID: 30477922 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-QHMJBJRH ]

Franc ZADRAVEC: Ivan Prijatelj in ruska literatura
Franc ZADRAVEC: Ivan Prijatelj and Russian Literature

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | literarni zgodovinarji | ruska književnost | literarna kritika | 1. pol. 20. stl | Slovene literature | Slovene literary historians | Russian literature | literary-critical studies

Sinopsis: Ivan Prijatelj pomeni logični vrh in prvi znanstveno uspešni zaključek večdesetletnih slovenskih razgledovanj po ruskem slovstvu. Ker je pisal o ruskih pisateljih polnih štirideset let, se upravičeno vprašujemo, kaj ga je mimo univerzitetnega predmetnika zavezovalo, da se je tako vztrajno vračal k njim. Odgovoriti si na to vprašanje je poglaviten namen tega zapisa.

Abstract: Ivan Prijatelj represents a logical pinnacle and first scholarly successful conclusion of several decades of Slovene surveys of Russian literature. As he wrote about Russian authors for forty years, one justifiably wonders what, besides academic curriculum, compelled him to return to them with such persistence. The main goal of this article is to answer this question.

Strani / Pages: 363–377   [ COBISS ID: 30479714 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-6KP1ULOB ]

Marko JUVAN: Kulturni spomin in literatura
Marko JUVAN: Cultural Memory and Literature

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | literarni kanon | medbesedilnost | kulturni spomin | identiteta | topos | mnenotehnika | citatnost | literary cnon | intetextuality | cultural memory | identity | topos | mnemonic technique | citation

Sinopsis: Individualni in kolektivni spomin sta znakovna, imata identitetno funkcijo. Literatura je medij kulturnega spomina: literarni teksti so sledi minulih doživetij in mentalitet, pa tudi časovni palimpsesti; literarni kanon prek družbenih mehanizmov zagotavlja trajnost reprezentativnih idej in predstav, topika in mnemotehnika pa kontinuiteto argumentacije in imaginacije; motivi in teme novo ustvarjanje in branje vežejo na spominske sheme; z zvrstmi se obnavljajo stare upodobitve sveta, s citatnostjo pa se literatura spominja svoje tradicije, jo preoblikuje in vstopa v družbenozgodovinski kontekst.

Abstract: Individual and collective memories are semiotic and they constitute indentity. Literature is the medium of the collective memory, i.e., literary texts are traces of past experiences and mentalities, and also temporal palimpsests. The literary canon through social mechanisms ensures the permanence of represntative ideas and images, topics and mnenonic techniques ensure the continuity of argumentation and imagination. Motifs and themes tie new creations and reading to memory schemes. Genres restore old image of the world and with citations literature recalls its tradition, redshapes it, and enters socio-historical context.

Strani / Pages: 379–400   [ COBISS ID: 30480482 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-2VMF9EPY ]

Darko DOLINAR: Murko, začetek Slavie in njeni slovenski sodelavci
Darko DOLINAR: Murko, the Begining of Slavia, and Its Slovene Contributors

Ključne besede: slavistika | slovenščina | slovensko-češki kulturni stiki | slovensko-češki znanstveni stiki | periodika | Slavia | Slavic studies | Slovene language | Slovene-Czech cultural ties | Slovene-Czech academic ties | periodics | Slavia

Sinopsis: V mednarodni znanstveni reviji Slavia, ustanovljen v Pragi po prvi svetovni vojni, so sodelovali tudi slovenski avtorji, vendar razmeroma poredko. Nekaj razlogov za to je mogoče razbrati iz korespondence med urednikom Slavie Matijem Murkom in vodilnim slovenskim lingvistom Franom Ramovšem. Ramovš je l. 1923 kritiziral vsebino in uredniški koncept Slavie. Zavrgel je tradicionalni pojem filologije in se zavzemal za samostojnost jezikoslovja in literarne zgodovine. Slavistika bi morala biti strogo znanstvena, zato je zavračal težnje, naj bi se ravnala tudi po vidikih praktične uporabnosti. Nasprotno je Murko svaril pred pretirano specializacijo, zagovarjal je enotnost slovanske filologije in jo utemeljeval z njenimi družbeno koristnimi funkcijami. Spričo tega je polemika med Murkom in Ramovšem ilustrativna za takratno splošno stanje slavistike.

Abstract: There were some Slovenian authors, who collaborated with the international scholar journal Slavia, founded in Prague after World War one; however, this did not happen often. Some of the reasons for this may be found in correspondence between the editor of Slavia, Matija Murko, and the leading Slovenia linguist Fran Ramovš. In 1923 Ramovš criticized the contents and the editorial concept of Slavia. He rejected the traditional concept of philology and argued for the autonomy of linguistics and literary history. Slavonic studies should be strictly scientific, and for that reason he rejected tendencies which would also see them follow different aspects of practical application. On the other hand, Murko warned against over-specialisation; he argued for the unity of Slavonic philology, and stated as reasons in socially useful functions. In the light of this, the polemic between Murko and Ramovš is illustrative of the general state of Slavonic studies at the time.

Strani / Pages: 401–407   [ COBISS ID: 30506082 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-THPDHR8W ]

Vita ŽERJAL PAVLIN: Stritarjevi in Aškerčevi lirski popotni cikli
Vita ŽERJAL PAVLIN: Stritar's and Aškerc's Lyrical Travelogue Cycles

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | potopis | lirski cikel | Popotne pesmi | Iz popotnega dnevnika

Sinopsis: V nasprotju s prevladujočimi pripovednimi žanri potopisne književnosti predstavljajo njeno lirsko vrsto pesmi s popotniško motiviko, ki sta jih tako Josip Stritar kot Anton Aškerc po trikrat povezala v lirske cikle. Ker sta prizaporedju upoštevala kronotop potovanja, sta tako oblikovala nedominantno narativno strukturo sintagmatskega cikla, s tem pa tudi implicitno zgodbo o potovanju oziroma lirski ciklični potopis, varianto v 19. stoletju na Slovenskem zelo popularnega potopisja. Vendar sta uresničevala različni težnji: Stritar je s temi cikli liriziral v izhodišču pripovedno zvrsti[!] potopisa, Aškerc pa je z njimi liriko približal dominantnim pripovednim zvrstem v realizmu.

Abstract: In contrast to the prevailing narrative genres of travelogue literature, its lyrical genre is represented by the poems with travelogue motifs by Josip Stritar and Anton Aškerc, each of whom strung together three lyrical cycles of such poems. Since they sequenced them following the chronoptop of the travel, they compiled a non-dominant narrative structure of a syntagmatic cycle, i.e., implicitly a story of a travel and/or lyrical cyclic travelogue a variant of travelogue that was at the time very popular among Slovenes. However, with these cycles the two poets fulfilled different goals: Stirtar lyricized the basically narrative genre of travelogue, while Aškerc brought lyricism closer to the dominant narrative genres in Realism.

Strani / Pages: 409–426   [ COBISS ID: 30507106 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-VJ4MN9V7 ]

Gregor KOCIJAN: Kratka pripovedna proza v prvih treh povojnih letih (1919-1921)
Gregor KOCIJAN: Short Narrative Prose in the First Three Years after the World War I (1919-1921)

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | kratka proza | 1919-1921 | Slovene literature | short narrative prose | 1919-1921

Sinopsis: Prva tri leta po 1. svetovni vojni so bila na kratkoproznem področju v glavnemv znamenju nadaljevanja prejšnjega. Triletno obdobje razčlenjujemo zato, ker se v kratkem pripovedništvu še ni zgodilo toliko novega, drugačnega, da bi vidneje obarvalo to produkcijo, res pa je, da se je novo že napovedovalo. Novosti so se začele dogajati zlasti z letom 1922.

Abstract: The prose of the first three years after World War I was mainly the continuation of the previous. The three-year period is analyzed because there was not enough new and different in the short prose to visibly affect its production, but on the other hand, the new was in the making the new developments began in earnest in 1922.

Strani / Pages: 427–444   [ COBISS ID: 6371913 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-LLLOSO2X ]

A. POLIKARPOV, T.V. FILIMONOVA: O zakonitem sorazmerju med starostnimi in drugimi sistemskimi lastnostmi frazeoloških enot (na gradivu slovenskega jezika)
A. POLIKARPOV, T.V. FILIMONOVA: On the Nomothetic Relationship between Chronological and Other Systemic Features of Phraseological Units (On Slovene Material)

Ključne besede: slovenščina | računalniško jezikoslovje | statistika v jezikoslovju | frazeologija | Slovene language | computer linguistics | statistic in linguistics | phraseology

Sinopsis: Predmet pričujoče raziskave je analiza sistemskih korelacij med nekaterimi pomembnimi lastnostmi frazeoloških enot, kot so njihova starost, stopnja večpomenskosti, stopnja idiomatičnosti oz. semantične zlitosto, semantični tip (in sicer glede na prisotnost/odsotnost denotativno-negativnih in subjektivno-negativnih sestavin pomena FE), stopnja uporabnosti, stilno-plastne značilnosti itd.

Abstract: The subject of the present study is the analysis of systemic correlations between some significant features of phraseological units (PU), i.e., their age, degree of polysemy, how idiomatic or, rather, semantically fused they are, semantic type (in terms of presence/absence od denotatively negative and subjectively negative elements in the meaning of the PU), the degree of applicability, features concerning the stylistic register, etc.

Strani / Pages: 445–460   [ COBISS ID: 30507874 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-WGDITMQA ]

Najda IVANOVA: Rapsodije bolgarskega goslarja po bolgarsko
Najda IVANOVA: The Bulgarian Bard's Rhapsodies in Bulgarian

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska poezija | bolgarska književnost | bolgarska poezija | prevodi v slovenščino | prevodi v bolgarščino

Sinopsis: V svoji težnji, da bi zadovoljil potrebo po epski poetični tradiciji v slovenski književnosti, Aškerc išče navdih tudi v osvobodilnem boju Bolgarov iz 70. let 19. st. Podrobno proučuje literarne in zgodovinske spise Z. Stojanova, H. Boteva, S. Zaimova, D. Strašimirova, S. Bobčeva in drugih. Vsaka pesem njegovih Rapsodij se začne z motom iz poezije Boteva. Opazne so tudi pomembne podrobnosti med splošno zamislijo, tematiko in strukturo Aškerčevih Rapsodij ter ciklusom Epopeja na zabravenite Ivana Vazova, čeprav literarni zgodovinarji niso ugotovili neposrednega medsebojnega vpliva obeh avtorjev. Tako slovenski pesnik na več načinov poudarja svojo povezanost z bolgarsko preporodno književnostjo in kulturo.

Abstract: In his desire to fulfill the need for an epic poetic tradition in Slovene literature, Aškerc sought inspiration in the Bulgarian liberation struggle of the 1870s. He studied literary and historical essays by Z. Stojanov, H. Botev,S. Zaimov, D. Strašimirov, S. Bobčev, and others. Every poem of his Rapsodije begins with a motto from Botev's poetry, althought there are noticeable important similarities between the general idea, themes, and structure of Aškerc's Rapsodije and Ivan Vazov's cycle Epopeja na zabravenite, literary historians have not discover the poets' direct influence on each other. Hence the Slovene poet in several ways emphasied his connection with the Bulgariuan Ravival literarure and culture.

Strani / Pages: 461–475   [ COBISS ID: 30508642 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-5YE4SCSN ]


Andreja MUSAR: Literarna kritika in njen razvoj
Andreja MUSAR: Literary Criticism and Its Development

Ključne besede: literarna kritika | literarna teorija | ocene

Strani / Pages: 477–479   [ COBISS ID: 30452066 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-HU5IQR67 ]

Marija STANONIK: Ljubeznivemu prof. dr. Viktorju Jevgenjeviču Gusevu v spomin
Marija STANONIK: In Memoriam Professor Viktor Jevgenjevič Gusev

Ključne besede: rusisti | folkloristi | nekrologi

Strani / Pages: 481–482   [ COBISS ID: 30452322 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-HFQ5S4HD ]

: Bibliografija prof. dr. Aleksandra Skaze (Ob sedemdesetletnici)
: Bibliography of Professor Aleksander Skaza (On the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday)

Ključne besede: slavisti | rusisti | bibliografije | jubileji

Strani / Pages: 483–492   [ COBISS ID: 30450274 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-RNCDBAEF ]