Slavistična revija

2006 / Special issue



Ada VIDOVIČ MUHA: On the Categorialness of Lexemes between Lexicon and Grammar

Ključne besede: slovenščina | semantika | leksem | kategorialna lastnost | pomenska lastnost | denotativni pomen | besedotvorni pomen | stavčni člen | Slovene language | lexem | categorial property | semantic feature | denotative meaning | word-formational meaning | sentence element

Sinopsis: Razprava izhaja iz spoznanja o prepletenosti slovarskih in slovničnih vprašanj jezika - paradigmatskih in sintagmatskih vidikov leksikalnopomenske analize. Kategorialne pomenske sestavine kot definicijske lastnosti posameznih členov ločujejo leksiko na tisto, ki v stavčnočlenskih vlogah te kategorialne pomenske sestavine konkretizira, od tiste, ki te vloge nima. Spreminjanje stavčnočlenskih vlog leksema pomeni spreminjanje kategorialnih pomenskih sestavin in s tem spreminjanje leksikalnega pomena. - Za lekseme s stavčnočlensko vlogo je značilno, da njihov denotat sodi v propozicijsko ogrodje ( stavčne) povedi, če gre xa glagolsko in samostalniško besedo ter prislovno besedo zunanjih okoliščin; zunaj propozicije sta pomenska "modifikatorja" propozicijskih leksemov, ob samostalniku pridevniška beseda, ob glagolu pa prislov notranjih okoliščin. - Pomen leksemov s tovrstnimi denotati je mogoče predstaviti strukturalno kot hierarhično urejen nabor pomenskih sestavin, ki odsevajo smiselno razmerje med pojmovno širšim in pojmovno ožjim.

Abstract: The present article builds on the understanding of interwinement of lexical and grammatical linguistic issues - of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic aspects of lexico-semantic analysis. The categorial semantic features as definitional properties of individual sentence elements divide lexemes into those which concretize these categorial semantic features when performing syntactic functions and tjhose which do not. A change in the syntactic function of the lexeme results in the change of categorial semantic features and, consenquently, in the change of the lexical meaning. It is characteristic of lexemes with syntactic functions that their denotata are part of the propositional structure of the (under lying) sentence meaning if these are verbs or nouns or adverbs of exterior circumstances. Outside the proposition remain the semantic "modificators" of propositional lexemes, the adjective next to noun, and the adverb of interior circumstances next to the verb. The meaning of the lexemes with such denotata can be represented structurally as a hierarchically organized string of semantic features which reflect the logical relationship between what it conceptually wider and conceptually narrower.

Strani / Pages: 39–40   [ COBISS ID: 33228898 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-X1WIBPTN ]

Andreja ŽELE: Valency in Standard Slovenian with Special Reference to the Verb

Ključne besede: slovenščina | odvisnostna slovnica | glagoli | skladnja | Slovenian language | dependency grammar | verbs | syntax

Strani / Pages: 53–55   [ COBISS ID: 25887021 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-EXAXE1X2 ]

Aleksandra DERGANC: Some Characteristics of the Dual in Slovenian

Ključne besede: slovenščina | število (jezikoslovje) | razvoj | pragmatika | Slovenian language | number (linguistics) | development | pragmatics

Sinopsis: V prispevku se ogovori o dvojinskih oblikah v slovenščini, o njihovi rabi, o odnosu med temi oblikami v knjižnem jeziku in narečjih ter pogovornem jeziku Ljubljane. Opozarja se, da krepkejša oblikovna markiranost dela dvojinskih oblik (kar ustreza pomensko krepkejši dvojni markiranosti dvojinskih oblik), do katere je prišlo v zgodovinskem razvoju, poleg pragmatične teže, ki jo ima dvojina, kadar je govor o dveh osebah, prispeva k vitalnosti te kategorije.

Abstract: The article deals with dual forms in Slovenian and their use in standard Slovenian, the dialects of Slovenian and the colloquial language in Ljubljana. The article draws attention to the fact that a stronger degree of formal markedness of part of dual forms (consistent with a stronger degree of semantic double markedness of dual forms), which is a result of the the historical development, and the pragmatic value of the dual when the referenceis to two people, contribute to the vitality of this grammatical category.

Strani / Pages: 70–71   [ COBISS ID: 33230178 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-RFYIWK51 ]

Jerica SNOJ: Metonymic Meanings: Syntagmatic Aspect

Ključne besede: metonimija | semantika | slovarski pomen | propozicije (jezikoslovje) | sintagmatika | metonymy | semantic component | lexical meaning | propositions (linguistics) | syntagmatics

Strani / Pages: 84   [ COBISS ID: 25887277 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-HIPFL35Z ]

Nataša LOGAR: Stylistically Marked New Derivatives – A Typology


Peter JURGEC: Formant Frequencies of Vowels in Tonal and Non-Tonal Standard Slovenian

Ključne besede: slovenščina | akustična fonetika | formanti | formantne frekvence | nadsegmentne lastnosti | ton | tonem | Slovenian language | acoustic phonetics | formant frequencies | suprasegmentals | tone

Strani / Pages: 112–113   [ COBISS ID: 25887533 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-7EOBRGZ2 ]

Karmen KENDA JEŽ: Stucturalism in Slovenian Dialectology


Vera SMOLE: A Geolinguistic Examination of Gender in Singular: Neuter Nouns in -o in Slovenian Dialects

Ključne besede: slovenščina | narečja | fonetika | morfologija | srednji spol | maskulinizacija nevter | feminizacija nevter | geolingvistika | fonetična karta | Slovene language | dialects | phonetics | morphology | geolinguistics | phonetic map | masculinisation of neuter | feminisation of neuter

Sinopsis: S pomočjo gradiva za nastajajoči Slovenski lingvistični atlas (SLA) in dialektološke literature so z metodami lingvistične geografije, tj. na jezikovni fonetočno-morfološki karti, prikazani refleksi *-o in prostorski obsegi maskulinizacije in feminizacije nevter v slovenskih narečjih s poudarkom na vplivu glasoslovnih sprememb na oblikoslovne. Narejena je primerjava s starejšo Ramovševo sintezo teh pojavov in dodana nekoliko dopolnjena raaga feminizacije v nekaterih slovenskih severovzhodnih narečjih.

Abstract: Using the methodolgy of linguistic geography (i.e., linguistic phonetic/morphological maps), and with the aid of dialectological literature and the material collected for the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas (Slovenski lingvistični atlas - SLA), this paper presents *-o reflexes and the geographical spread of the masculinisation and feminisation of neuter in Slovenian dialects, with an emphasis on the impact of phonetic changes. The paper draws a comparison with Ramovš's earlier synthesis of these phenomena, and provides a more comprehensive explanation of feminisation in several northeastern Slovenian dialects.

Strani / Pages: 134–135   [ COBISS ID: 33242978 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-TXI1UQ0U ]

Vojko GORJANC: Corpus Linguistics and Lexical Descriptions of the Slovenian Language

Ključne besede: slovenščina | leksikologija | korpusi (jezikoslovje) | semantika | leksikalna semantika | Slovenian language | lexicology | corpora (linguistics) | semantics | lexical semantics

Sinopsis: In the last decade, corpus linguistics has finally established itself as a separate research starting point, strictly empirical in nature; in the last few years its status of a separate research starting point has emerged in Slovenia as well. Corpora are, of course, a necessary prerequisite for this development, therefore coprus building marked the second half of the 1990s. Inthis process the corpora compiled within the framework of the MULTEXT-EAST project played a pioneer role. Today two monolingual corpora are available forthe Slovenian language, the 100-million-word reference corpus of the Slovenian language, the FIDA Corpus, and a larger non-reference corpus, Nova beseda, of just over 160-million words. At the same time, a very large 300-million-word reference corpus FidaPLUS is being built. Additionally, parallel corpora, so far only combining Slovenian and English, have been created. These corpora presented the starting point for a series of corpus-based linguistic studies carried out in the last few years. Just as the pre-computer Survey of English Usage was a turning point in the linguisticdescription of English, the collectiona of materials compiled for the design of the Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika (1970-1991)(Engl. Dictionary of the Standard Slovenian Language), was a turning point for Slovenian lexicosemantic descriptions since it enabled a thorough description of the Slovenian language on the basis of data on textual reality. In the 1960s, when the concept of the new monolingual dictionary was fully formed, lexical descriptions based on materials collected for that purpose, which rejected descriptions of linguistic elements not based on real language use and exceeded the normative approach to language description, were designed. However, no computer-assisted language data processing was initiated within the framework of Slovenian studies, even though this was one of its explicitlystated goals. This meant that Slovenia language studies only began to focus on language technologie in the second half of the 1990s; but at that time its involvement was very active. The impact of corpus linguistics in Slovenia has been quite noticeable in this last decade, above all after the year 2000, with the appearance of the first integral corpus linguistic studies. In the field of Slovenian studies, corpora have, on the other hand, become an independent starting point for linguistic analyses, and, on the other hand, indespensable in various types of language studies as material foranalysis. Corpus data is practically limitless; its analysis is an ongoing challenge, especially when it surpasses the limits of the expected and defies our intuitive perception of language reality. The results of corpus analyses of the Slovenian language are exciting as they reveal the exceptional creativity and vitality of the Slovenian discourse community.

Strani / Pages: 146–148   [ COBISS ID: 33347938 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-INLMFTK0 ]

Polona GANTAR: Corpus Approach in Phraseology and Dictionary Applications

Ključne besede: slovenščina | frazeologija | kolokacija | idiomi | skladnja | korpusi (jezikoslovje) | slovaropisje | Slovene language | phraseology | collocation | idioms | syntax | corpora (linguistics) | lexicography

Strani / Pages: 161–162   [ COBISS ID: 25894701 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-TBZVVJ2K ]


Marc L. GREENBERG: The Slovene Sound System through Time

   [ COBISS ID: 26408780 ]  

Majda MERŠE: Verbal Aspect in Correlation with Other Verbal Categories in the 16th-Century Slovenian Literary Language

Ključne besede: glagolske kategorije | glagolski vid | besedotvorje | slovenščina | knjižni jezik | | verbal categories | aspect (linguistics) | derrivation | Slovene language | literary language | 16th cent.

Strani / Pages: 188–190   [ COBISS ID: 25894957 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-4ZJHGLHR ]

Irena OREL: Prepositional Phrases in the Development of the Slovenian Literary Language

Ključne besede: slovenščina | predlogi (jezikoslovje) | predložne zveze | morfosintaksa | Sveto pismo | prevodi v slovenščino | 16./ | Slovenian language | prepositions | prepositional phrases | morphosyntax | Bible | translations into Slovenian | 16th/20th cent.

Sinopsis: V prispevku so predstavljene temeljne izrazne in pomenske razvojne spremembe v rabi predložnih zvez v dveh knjigah štirih slovenskih svetopisemskih prevodov od 16. stoletja do danes. Posebej je opredeljena časovno zaznamovana raba predložnih zvez in predložnomorfemskih glagolov ter njijove izmenjavne dvojnice v štiristoletnem razvojnem loku.

Abstract: The article presents the basic formal and semantic changes in the usage of prepositional phrases in two books of four Slovenian translations from the 16th century to the present. It deals separately with temporally marked usage of prepositional phrases and prepositional verbs and their alternating pairs in the 400-year span.

Strani / Pages: 210–211   [ COBISS ID: 33244002 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-8NCL0Y1Z ]

Marko JESENŠEK: Participial and Gerundival Constructions in -č and -ši in Slovenian


Jasna HONZAK JAHIĆ: Notional Elements of Marko Pohlin’s Kraynska grammatika (1768)

   [ COBISS ID: 26408652 ]  


Tomo KOROŠEC: On Elements of Text Linguistics in Slovenian Linguistics


Erika KRŽIŠNIK: The Use of Semantic Potency of Phraseological Units

Ključne besede: slovenščina | frazeologija | semantična potenca frazema | frazeološka prenovitev | remotivacija | podobesedenje | Slovenian language | phraseology | phraseological unit | phrasological renewal | remotivation | literalization

Sinopsis: V prispevku so predstavljeni temeljni pojmi, s katerimi je mogoče pojasniti besedilno pogojene kreativne posege v ustaljeno strukturo in/ali pomen frazeoloških enot. Ob primerjavi s stanjem raziskav v tuji, predvsem germanistični in rusistični frazeološki literaturi se poskuša najti lastnosti, na podlagi katerih bi frazeološke modifikacije ločili na eni strani od napačne rabe frazemov in na drugi od frazeoloških ponovitev. Na kratko se omenja tudi začetke tega stilističnega postopka v slovenskih besedilih.

Abstract: The article presents basic terms which enable the explanation of textually conditiones creative interventions in the established structure and/or meaning of phraseological units. By comparing the state of research with foreign, primarly German and Russian, phraseological literature, we are trying to find the properties which would allow us to distinguish between phraseological modifications and the incorrect use of phraseological units on the one hand, and phraseological renewals on the other. The beginnings of this stylistic procedure in Slovenian texts are also briefly mentioned.

Strani / Pages: 277–278   [ COBISS ID: 33245026 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-OI80BALA ]

Monika KALIN GOLOB: Stylistics of Journalism and Journalistic Style: From the First Daily Newspapers to the Tabloidisation of the Media



Andrej E. SKUBIC: Attitudes towards Social Speech among Different Social Groups in Slovenia

   [ COBISS ID: 26408422 ]  

Marko STABEJ: The Outlines of Slovenian Language Policy

Ključne besede: slovenščina | sociolingvistika | jezikovna politika | jezikovno načrtovanje | Slovene language | sociolinguistics | language policy | language planning

Sinopsis: Zanimalo nas bo, katere poti nastajanja in sprejemanja jezikovne politike obstajajo v sodobnem slovenskem prostoru, izpostavili bomo nekaj protislovnih elementov sodobnega slovenskega jezikovnopoltičnega dogajanja.

Abstract: Tha article examines the processes involved in the conception and adoption of language policy in Slovenia. It also points out some contradictory elements in contemporary developments in Slovenian language policy.

Strani / Pages: 323–324   [ COBISS ID: 33245538 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-6IXHMSAI ]

Nada ŠABEC: Language, Society and Culture: Slovene in Contact with English

Ključne besede: slovenščina | angleščina | sociolingvistika | jezikovni stiki | jezikovna ohranitev | jezikovni odnosi | sposojanje | kodno preklapljanje | medkulturna komunikacija | Slovene language | English language | sociolinguistics | language contacts | language meintenance | language attitudes | borowings | code switching | intercultural communication

Sinopsis: The author addresses Slovene-English language contact, both in the immigrant context and in Slovenia. The direct contact of Slovene and English in the case of Slovene Americans and Canadians is examined from two perspectives: social and cultural on the one hand and linguistic on the other. In the first part, I present the general linguistic situation in Cleveland (and to a minor extent in Washington, D.C. and Toronto), with emphasis on language maintenance and shift, the relationship between mother tongue preservation and ethnic awareness, and the impact of extralinguistic factors on selected aspects of the linguistic behavior of the participants in the study. I then compare the use of second person pronouns as terms of address and the use of speech acts such as compliments to determine the role of different cultural backgrounds in the speakers' linguistic choices. The linguistic part of the analysis focuses on borrowing and code switching, as well as on the influence of English on seemingly monolingual Slovene discourse, where the Slovene inflectional system in particular is being increasingly generalized, simplified and reduced, and Slovene word order is beginning to resemble that of English. Finally, the rapidly growing impact of English on Slovene in Slovenia on various linguistic levels from vocabulary to syntax and intercultural communication is discussed.

Abstract: Avtorica obravnava slovensko-angleški jezikovni stik v izseljenstvu in v Sloveniji. Neposredni stik med slovenščino in angleščino pri ameriških in kanadskih Slovencih prikaže z dveh vidikov: družbenega oz. kulturnega in jezikoslovnega. V prvem delu predstavi splošno jezikovno stanje v Clevelandu (in delno v Washingtonu, D. C. in Torontu), pri čemer jo posebej zanimajo vprašanja jezikovnega ohranjanja in opuščanja, odnosa med stopnjo ohranitve materinščine in zavestjo o etnični pripadnosti ter vpliva izbranih zunajjezikovnih dejavnikov na jezikovno vedenje sodelujočih v raziskavi. Sledi primerjava rabe osebnih zaimkov za 2. osebo pri ogovarjanju sogovornika in govornih dejanj, kakršni so npr. komplimenti, da bi ugotovila, v kolikšni meri so jezikovne izbire govorcev odvisne od različnih kulturnih okolij, iz katerih le-ti prihajajo. Jezikoslovni del analize se osredotoča na sposojanje in kodno preklapljanje, pa tudi na vpliv angleščine v na videz enojezičnem diskurzu izseljencev. Ta se kaže predvsem na oblikoslovni ravnini, kjer se poenostavljajo, posplošujejo in celo opuščajo slovenski sklanjatveni vzorci, prisoten pa je tudi v skladnji, kjer se slovenski besedni red ponekod približuje angleškemu. Zadnji del je posvečen vedno močnejšemu vplivu angleščine na slovenščino v Sloveniji. Govora je o angleškem vplivu na leksikalni, sintaktični in medkulturni ravni.

Strani / Pages: 340–341   [ COBISS ID: 15024392 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-AZCX9F8R ]

Marko SNOJ: On Foreignisms and Borrowings in Slovene

Ključne besede: slovenščina | tujke in izposojenke | etimologija | besediloslovje | terminologija | Slovene language | foreign words and phrases | etymology | discourse analysis | terminology

Strani / Pages: 349   [ COBISS ID: 25895213 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-IPD1MSIW ]

Simona KRANJC, Ljubica MARJANOVIČ UMEK, Urška FEKONJA: Language Development in Early Childhood: Developmental Changes between the Ages of Three and Four

Ključne besede: malčki | predšolski otroci | govorni razvoj | razumevanje | izražanje | pripovedovanje zgodbe | razvojne spremembe | toddlers | preschool children | speech development | comprehension | expression | storytelling | development changes

Strani / Pages: 365–367   [ COBISS ID: 33246050 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-D7EXJ5RA ]