Slavistična revija

2013 / Številka 2



Matej Šekli: Analoški procesi nastajanja drugotnih vzorcev zlaganja v pozni praslovanščini
Matej Šekli: Analogical Processes in the Creation of Secondary Compounds in Late Proto-Slavic

Ključne besede: praslovanščina | stara cerkvena slovanščina | cerkvena slovanščina | besedotvorje | zloženke | analogija | besedotvorna sprememba | Proto-Slavic | Old Church Slavic | Church Slavic | word formation | compounds | analogy | word-formational change

Sinopsis: V prispevku so na osnovi kritične analize (staro)cerkvenoslovanskega gradiva prikazani poznopraslovanski besedotvorni vzorci zlaganja znotraj sinhronega in diahronega analitičnega pristopa. Sinhroni pristop podaja delitev zloženk na osnovi njihove morfemske zgradbe (oblikovni vidik) in besedotvornega pomena (pomenski vidik). Diahroni pristop vzorce zlaganja analizira glede na njihov izvor ter nastanek posameznih poznopraslovanskih drugotnih vzorcev zlaganja razlaga v okviru analoških, in sicer besedotvornih oblikovnih sprememb.

Abstract: Taking for its basis the critical analysis of (Old) Church Slavic material, the article investigates Late Proto-Slavic word-formational models of compounding, within both the diachronic and the synchronic analytic approach. The synchronic perspective offers an overview of the typology of compounds on the basis of their morphemic structure (morphological point of view) and the word-formational meaning (semantic point of view). In the diachronic part of the discussion the origin of the different models of compounding is attempted,together with the analysis of Late Proto-Slavic models responsible for the creation of secondary compounds, especailly in terms of their analogical word-formational changes.

Strani / Pages: 343–360   [ COBISS ID: 52381282 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-WA2YEBBK ]

Matej Meterc: Antonimija enako motiviranih paremioloških enot (primeri iz slovenščine in slovaščine)
Matej Meterc: The Antonymy of Identically Motivated Peremiological Units (Based on Examples from Slovene and Slovak)

Ključne besede: slovenščina | slovaščina | paremiologija | antonimija | antonimično gnezdo | antipregovori | wellerizmi | Slovenian langauge | Slovak langauge | paremiology | antonymy | antonymical nests | anti-proverbs | wellerisms

Sinopsis: Zanima nas, kako se jezikovna sredstva za izražanje nasprotnega pomena uveljavljajo v frazeologiji, ko gre za dvojice enako motiviranih stavčnih frazemov. Pozornost posvecčamo vprašanju nasprotnega pomena v paremiologiji ter vprašanju obstoja paremioloških antonimičnih gnezd. Na primerih iz slovenščine in slovaščine si želimo ogledati, kdaj (in ali sploh) lahko govorimo o antonimičnih gnezdih in v čem je specifika enako motiviranih pregovorov z nasprotnim pomenom. V članku se opiramo na demografsko raziskavo poznavanja slovenskih pregovorov v okviru doktorskega študija in na podatke iz jezikovnega korpusa Gigafida.

Abstract: The article examines the ways in which linguistic means used for expressing the opposite meaning are realized in phraseology, i.e., in pairs of phraseological units with identical motivation. It focuses on the questions of opposite meaning in paremiology and of the existence of paremiological antonymous nests. Based on examples from Slovak and Slovene, it attempts to determine when (if at all) it is possible to speak of antonymous nests and what the specifics of the antonymous paremiological units with identical motivation are. The article is based on the results of a demographic study of the knowledge of Slovene proverbs as part of doctoral research and on the data from the language corpus Gigafida.

Strani / Pages: 361–376   [ COBISS ID: 52381538 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-K3SHWIX2 ]

Eom Sooncheon: Analiza spremembe besednovrstnosti pri ruskem vprašalnem zaimku čto
Eom Sooncheon: Analysis of the Word-Class Transference Phenomenon of the RussianInterrogative Pronoun čto

Ključne besede: ruščina | zaimek | vprašalni zaimek | gramatikalizacija | pragmatična inferenca | metonimija | metafora | Russian language | pronoun | interrogative pronoun | gramaticalization | subjectivization | pragmatic inference | metonymy | metaphor

Sinopsis: V razpravi skušamo proučiti značilnosti prehoda ruskega čto iz vprašalnega zaimka v členek, ugotoviti odločilne mehanizme tega procesa ter v posameznih fazah analizirati spremembe pomena, slovničnih in skladenjskih značilnosti in diskurzivne vloge. Vprašalni zaimek v končni fazi pridobi status členka, a gre skozi vmesni fazi zaimka členka in členka zaimka s prestrukturiranjem, subjektivizacijo, pragmatično inferenco iz metonimije in inferenco iz metafore. Vmesne faze prehoda zaimka čto v členek vsebujejo posebnosti na slovnični, skladenjski in diskurzivni ravnini. Sprememba besednovrstnosti ruskega čto iz vprašalnega zaimka v členek je posledica gramatikalizacije.

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to analyze the characteristics of the change and development of čto from an interrogative pronoun to a particle and the relevant mechanism of that process, and to analyze the grammatical and syntactic characteristics, discourse function, and meaning by distinguishing the stages involved in the process from the interrogative pronoun to the particle. The interrogative pronoun ultimately acquires the status of a particle after going through the stages of pronominal particle to particle pronoun by restructuralization, subjectivization, and pragmatic inference from metonymy and inference from metaphor. When the interrogative pronoun čto becomes a particle, it goes through several intermediate stages that have unique characteristics on the grammatical, syntactic, and discourse levels. The transformation of the interrogative pronoun čto into the particle čto is due to the grammaticalization phenomenon.

Strani / Pages: 377–394   [ COBISS ID: 52501346 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-V1YZYK3Y ]

Monika Kalin Golob, Marko Stabej, Mojca Stritar, Gaja Červ: Jezikovna politika slovenskega visokega šolstva: Stališča do rabe jezikov in priporočila za njeno urejanje
Monika Kalin Golob, Marko Stabej, Mojca Stritar, Gaja Červ: Slovenian Higher Education Language Policy: Views on the Use of Languages and Recommendations for Its Regulation

Ključne besede: Slovenija | slovenščina | visoko šolstvo | bolonjska reforma | internacionalizacija

Sinopsis: Prispevek predstavlja nekatere rezultate raziskave o stališčih do rabe jezikov v slovenskem visokem šolstvu, ki smo jo izvedli med septembrom in novembrom 2012 z anketiranjem visokošolskih učiteljev ter domačih in tujih študentov ter poglobljenimi intervjuji med rektorji in dekani slovenskih javnih univerz. Na podlagi ugotovljenega stanja predlagamo priporočila za jezikovno politiko v slovenskem visokem šolstvu

Abstract: Since the Bologna reform, internationalization has become one of the priorities of the European higher-education system. The main Slovenian higher education policy documents show that the concept was promptly adopted, that it is trongly correlated with the aim of improving higher education quality and profits, but far too often it remained just a key word without exact explication of its content and deliberate systemic solutions for its implementation. One of the aspects of internationalization of Slovenian higher education system that lacks an elaborate planning strategy, systematic policy regulation, as well as resources for its implementation is the use of languages of instruction. The paper presents some of the results of the research that the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sport supported with the goal of overcoming this deficit and forming short- and long- term measures for language policy in Slovenian higher education. Methodologically, the survey consisted of: a comparative study of (highereducation) language policy documents in Slovenia and other European countries and of language-use strategies and practice at selected European public universities; a survey of language use in the higher-education process among students and instructors of the three Slovenian public universities and interviews with their chancellors and with deans of selected faculties. The results of the comparative study show that language use in higher education in many European countries is at least at the state level substantially deregulated. Big nations tend to conduct the first three years of academic study predominantly in national languages, while they increase the number of courses held in English at the master's level. The Nordic countries have the highest share of courses held in English, while for countries that are sociolinguistically most similar to Slovenia, a discrepancy between strict regulations of national language use on the one hand and deviations from these norms in practice on the other are characteristic. The data obtained by questionnaires show that Slovenian university instructors and students unanimously agree that Slovene should remain the dominant language of Slovenian higher education, while courses with high-quality content in English should be offered to foreign students and to those Slovene students whoare willing to attend them. One of the greatest problems of the actual Slovenian internationalization process has shown to be its financing, which makes carrying out entire parallel programs in Slovene and English almost impossible. Consequently, the choice of classes accessible to foreign studentsis often very limited or study activities performed in English are restricted to contact hours in the class or other individual forms of work. Onthe other hand, Slovene students have shown considerable reluctance to attending courses in English held by Slovene professors. In the opinion of some of the interviewed policy-makers, a constructive solution to this problemwould be the formation of a limited number of special English modules for different fields (e.g., for the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences). These modules would be designed at the university level and would represent a selection of its top quality and most attractive content. According to the research results, the authors propose two possible lines of language policy in Slovenian higher education. The first possibility is to maintain the current legislative framework, based upon Slovene language as a social value, but also to secure finances to enable the full realization of its potentials. The other solution is deregulation that would transfer the responsibility for language-use regulation from the state to individual highereducation institutions. The authors also propose guidelines for strategies of language policies and their implementation that could be adapted to the particularities and special needs of individual institutions

Strani / Pages: 395–412   [ COBISS ID: 32139357 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-HYKOQYNG ]

Vladislava Gordić Petković, Ivana Đurić Paunović: Hudič in vampir v kulturnem spominu: Fantastično in identiteta v sodobnem srbskem romanu
Vladislava Gordić Petković, Ivana Đurić Paunović: The Devil and the Vampire in Cultural Memory: Fantasy and Identity in the Contemporary Serbian Novel

Ključne besede: srbska književnost | sodobni srbski roman | hudič | vampir | identiteta | kulturni spomin | 21. st. | Serbian literature | contemporay Serbian novel | novel | devil | vampire | identity | cultural memory | 21st century

Sinopsis: Sodobna srbska proza je ustvarila junake v okvirih strašljivega in nadnaravnega: predvsem hudiče in vampirje, kot je razvidno iz romanov Mirjane Novaković (Strah i njegov sluga, 2000) in Dejana Stojiljkovića (Konstantinovo raskršće, 2009). V prvem delu je glavni junak gospodar Pekla, medtem ko Stojiljković prikazuje dogodke ob poskusu nacistov, da si prisvojijo kulturno dediščino mesta Niš. Romana združujeta elemente realističnega in fantastičnega ter antično in sodobno zgodovino, odlikujeta pa ju bogat nabor aluzij na politične dogodke in dovršeno parodiranje raznovrstnih literarnih slogov.

Abstract: Contemporary Serbian fiction has built characters within the verbal space of the uncanny: devils, vampires, magicians and monsters. Mirjana Novaković's Fear and Servant and Dejan Stojiljković's Constantine's Crossing, the former with the master of Hell as its main character and the latter picturing an attempt of the Nazis to appropriate the ancient cultural heritage of the Serbian town Niš, combine realistic and fantastic elements, ancient and modern history, references to politics and witty parodies of various literary styles.

Strani / Pages: 413–420   [ COBISS ID: 52500834 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-7XDD2J0N ]


Janez Stanonik: Slovenski vodni imeni Mislinja in Hudinja (Ob 20. obletnici smrti Franceta Bezlaja)
Janez Stanonik: The Slovene Hydronyms Mislinja and Hudinja (On the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of France Bezlaj's Death)

Ključne besede: slovenščina | slovenski jezikoslovci | etimologija | onomastika | vodna imena | Mislinja | Hudinja | Slovenska vodna imena | polemike | Slovenian language | Slovenian linguists | etymology | onomastics | hydronyms | Mislinja | Hudinja | polemics

Strani / Pages: 421–426   [ COBISS ID: 52501858 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-J6EN6PUS ]

Ivana Latković: Zvonko Kovač – Međuknjiževne rasprave: Poredbena i/ili interkulturna povijest književnosti
Ivana Latković: Zvonko Kovač – Međuknjiževne rasprave: Poredbena i/ili interkulturna povijest književnosti

Ključne besede: južnoslovanske književnosti | literarna zgodovina | primerjalna književnost | interkulturnost | ocene

Strani / Pages: 427–431   [ COBISS ID: 52502370 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-XUCCHHUP ]

Larisa Nikitina, Fumitaka Furuoka: Podobe države in stereotipi, ki jih o Rusih gojijo učenci ruskega jezika
Larisa Nikitina, Fumitaka Furuoka: Country Images and Stereotypes about Russia Held by Learners of Russian

Ključne besede: ruščina | ruščina za tujce | stereotipi | Rusija | Malezija

Strani / Pages: 432–438   [ COBISS ID: 52502882 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-R4PPS4IU ]

Ivo Pospíšil: Mednarodni seminar o problematiki panslavizma
Ivo Pospíšil: International Seminar on the Topic of Pan-Slavism

Ključne besede: slavistika | panslavizem | seminarji | Poljska

Strani / Pages: 439–439   [ COBISS ID: 52503138 ]

Ivo Pospíšil: Poslovil se je slavist in komparativist svetovnega slovesa Slavomir Wollman
Ivo Pospíšil: In Memoriam of the World Renowned Slavist and Comparativist, Slavomír Wollman

Ključne besede: češki slavisti | spominski članki

Strani / Pages: 440–445   [ COBISS ID: 52503650 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-R1AYHEIS ]