Slavistična revija

2014 / Številka 4



Ivan Verč : Iz gradiva o mentorskem delu prof. dr. Aleksandra Skaze (Roman Tat Leonida Leonova)
Ivan Verč : From Materials on Professor Aleksander Skaza's Role as a Mentor (Leonid Leonov's Novel The Thief)

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | ruski formalizem | literarna evolucija | Russian literature | Russian formalism | literary evolution

Sinopsis: Raziskovalno delo o ruskem romanu v prvem desetletju sovjetskega obdobja se je odvijalo v letih 1978/1979, ko je na Univerzi v Ljubljani avtor kot stažist sledil učnemu programu za izpopolnjevanje slovenskih šolnikov v Italiji. Ob strogem metodološkem pristopu je prof. dr. Aleksander Skaza svoje učence uvajal v analizo umetniškega besedila. Med drugimi poglavji iz ruske literarne vede je posebno mesto zavzemala "literarna evolucija" Jurija Tinjanova. V tej luči je bilo mogoče obravnavati vlogo in pomen "tradicije" Dostojevskega v dveh variantah romana Tat Leonida Leonova. V primerjalni analizi smo opazovali stične poetološke prvine obeh avtorjev in razlike med njima.

Abstract: Research on the Russian novel of the 1920s was expanding in 1978%79, when I was a guest student at the University of Ljubljana on an academic program for Slovenes from Italy to advance their studies. Dr. Aleksander Skaza intoduced his students to the analysis of artistic texts according to a strict methodological approach. Among the chapters of Russian literary studies, Iurii Tynianov's "literary evolution" occupied a special place. It was possible in light of it to analyze the role and meaning of the Dostoevskyan "tradition" in two variants of Leonid Leonov's novel The Thief. We observed in our comparative analysis similar poetological elements in the two authors and differences between them.

Strani / Pages: 485–496   [ COBISS ID: 56990050 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-HSLQ4CCF ]

Miha Javornik: Mihail Jurjevič Lermontov na meji
Miha Javornik: Mikhail Iur’evich Lermontov on the Border

Ključne besede: slv | ruska književnost | ruska poezija | ruski pesniki | romantizem | demonizem | realizem | 19. st.

Sinopsis: Razprava je posvečena 200-letnici rojstva Mihaila Ju. Lermontova in prinaša motivno tematski in idejni oris njegovega pesniškega ustvarjanja s posebnim ozirom na prehod iz romantičnega modeliranja sveta v realizem. Kot pomembno prelomnico v ustvarjanju izpostavi obdobje med zgodnjo in zrelo liriko, ki ga zaznamuje epikurejsko-frivolno ter opolzko, malodane pornografsko ustvarjanje - 'junkerske poeme' in pesnitev Mongo.

Abstract: This article, on the 200-year anniversary of M. Iu. Lermontov's birth, presents an outline of motivational, thematic, and intellectual aspects of his poetic works, with special attention to the transition from Romantic modeling of the world to Realism. The period between his early and mature lyrics is highlighted as a significant watershed in his creativity, characterized by epicurean, frivolous, salacious, and almost pornographic works' the "junker poems" and the poem "Mongo."

Strani / Pages: 497–513   [ COBISS ID: 57039970 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-MWDM0KCP ]

Blaž Podlesnik : Za groš greha ob milijonskem jubileju (pomen manj znanih grafj Lermontova)
Blaž Podlesnik : For an Ounce of Sin on the Millionth Anniversary (the Meaning of Lermontov’s Lesser Known Jottings)

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | ruska poezija | ruski pesniki | pornografija | klasicizem | romantizem | realizem | junkersko obdobje | 19. st.

Sinopsis: Članek se ob dvestoletnici rojstva Lermontova posveča manj kanoniziranemu delu pesnikove zapuščine. Obravnava t. i. junkersko obdobje, v katerem je Lermontov za svoje kolege napisal več pornografskih besedil, ki jih je predvsem ruska literarna zgodovina pogosto marginalizirala kot umetniško nepomembna, osvetljuje pa jih v kontekstu celotne pesnikove zapuščine kot primer tipičnega avtorjevega odnosa do uveljavljenih pesniških jezikov dobe.

Abstract: This article, on the two hundredth anniversary of Lermontov's birth, is devoted to the less canonical works of his poetic legacy - from the so-called junker period, during which Lermontov wrote numerous pornographic texts for his companions. Russian literary history has frequently tended to marginalize them as artistically insignificant. I explain them in the context of the entire poetic oeuvre as an example of a typical authorial attitude towards the predominant poetic languages of the time.

Strani / Pages: 515–536   [ COBISS ID: 57131362 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-I8FWVY9M ]

Aleksandra Derganc : Še o razliki med vzhodnim in zahodnim tipom delovanja glagolskega vida v slovanskih jezikih
Aleksandra Derganc : Another Look at the Differences between East and West Slavic Types of Verbal Aspect Functioning

Ključne besede: vzhodnoslovanski jeziki | zahodnoslovanski jeziki | ruščina | slovenščina | glagol | glagolski vid | East Slavic languages | West slavic languages | Russian language | Slovenian language | verb | verbal aspect

Sinopsis: V prispevku se obravnavajo nekatere razlike pri delovanju oz. tvorjenju predponske tvorjenke osrednjega glagola determiniranega premikanja idti v ruščini in iti v slovenščini ter povezanost teh jezikovnih pojavov z razliko v delovanju glagolskega vida v vzhodni in zahodni skupini slovanskih jezikov.

Abstract: This article discusses some differences in the use of Russian pošel resp. Slovene šel (in the frame of Dickey's Eastern and Western type of aspectual usage in Slavic languages) and claims that the Slovene verb of motion is bi-aspectual.

Strani / Pages: 537–544   [ COBISS ID: 57144162 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-RPVVSK1J ]

Marko Juvan: Od političnega gledališča v jugoslovanskem socializmu do političnega performansa v globalnem kapitalizmu: Primer Slovenskega mladinskega gledališča
Marko Juvan: From Political Theater during Yugoslav Socialism to Political Performance under Global Capitalism: The Case of the Slovene Mladinsko Theater

Ključne besede: slovensko gledališče | politično gledališče | performans | postdramsko gledališče | avantgarde | postmodernizem | socializem | neoliberalni kapitalizem | 20.-21. st. | Slovene theatre | political theater | performance | post-dramatic theater | avant-garde | postmodernism | socialism | neoliberal capitalism | 20th-21st century

Sinopsis: Politično gledališče je smer, ki je v avantgardističnih 20. letih 20. stoletja nastala na presečišču teženj po osvobajanju umetniških form. Že v obdobju med obema vojnama je vplivalo na slovenske gledališčnike (Delavski oder). Med svetovnimi tokovi politiziranih uprizoritvenih umetnosti zadnje tretjine 20. stoletja se je v Sloveniji in drugih republikah bivše Jugoslavije v 80. letih uveljavil trend "političnega gledališča". Zaradi krize identitete jugoslovanske države in ideologije je politično gledališče postavantgardno tematiziralo velike zgodbe Revolucije in Zgodovine. V tranziciji je politično gledališče sprva zamrlo, a je znova oživelo v 21. stoletju. Kot postdramska praksa, povezana s performansom, zdaj analizira svojo lastno poli - tiko. Kritično obravnava male, lokalne zgodbe, v katerih pa se zgoščajo protislovja periferne nacionalne države v dobi transnacionalnega poznega kapitalizma.

Abstract: Political theater is a trend that, during the avant-garde 1920s, emerged at the intersection of efforts to liberate the oppressed and the artistic form. It influenced the Slovenian theater artists (Workers' stage) already in the interwar period. Among global currents of politicized performing arts since the 1960s, a trend of "political theater" launched in Slovenia and the other republics of former Yugoslavia in the 1980s was a success. Due to the identity crisis of the Yugoslav state and the ideology the political theater addressed great stories of History and the Revolution in a post-avant-garde manner. During the transition, political theater initially lost its edge but revived in the 21st century. As a post-dramatic practice associated with performance, it analyzes its policy. It represents a forum for a critique of the small, local stories in which, however, surface the contradictions of a peripheral nation-state in the era of transnational late capitalism

Strani / Pages: 545–558   [ COBISS ID: 38226733 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-54KIPBMB ]

Tomo Virk : Avtor, junak in sporočilnost v zgodnji kratki prozi Vladimirja Bartola
Tomo Virk : Author, Protagonist, and Messaging in Vladimir Bartol’s Early Short Prose

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | kratka proza | avtor | pripovedovalec | literarni junak | svetovni nazor | tendenčnost | Slovene literature | short prose | author | narrator | literary protagonist | world view | tendentiousness

Sinopsis: Članek se ukvarja z razmerjem med avtorjem in njegovimi liki na primeru zgodnje kratke proze Vladimirja Bartola. Prikaže, da sporočilnosti Bartolovih besedil ni upravičeno razumeti s pomočjo avtorjevih nazorov, tudi če so ti preslikani v pripovedovalca ali druge literarne osebe.

Abstract: This article deals with the relationship between the author and his manifestations using the example of Vladimir Bartol's early short prose. It shows that the messages of Bartol's texts ought not to be understood with reference to the author's views, even if the views are applied to the narrator or other literary personages.

Strani / Pages: 559–568   [ COBISS ID: 57074530 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-KXE9YRBO ]

Jernej Habjan: Prvi slovenski roman in literarni svetovni-sistem
Jernej Habjan: The First Slovene Novel in the System of World Literature

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenski roman | Slovene literature | Slovene novel | literary studies

Sinopsis: Prvi slovenski roman še ni bil prebran na primerjalnem in hkrati družbenem ozadju. To vrzel skupaj ustvarjata slovenistika in komparativistika, s tem ko prva vznik slovenskega romana obravnava družbeno, a ne primerjalno, druga pa primerjalno, a ne družbeno. Vrzel lahko zapolni perspektiva literarnega svetovnega-sistema. Ta lahko obenem konkretizira tako slovenistično socialnozgodovinsko tezo o zamudništvu slovenskega romana kot zamudništvu slovenskega meščanstva kakor komparativistično duhovnozgodovinsko tezo o vzniku slovenskega romana šele po koncu možnosti evropskega romana. Tako lahko svetovnosistemski pristop naposled zamudništvo onstran zatrjevanja ali zanikanja obravnava kot družbeno dejstvo, ki manj kakor o esenci slovenskega romana govori o strukturnih razmerjih med slovensko kulturo in njenim evropskim družbenim okoljem.

Abstract: The first Slovenian novel is yet to be read in a way that is both comparative and social. For while Slovenian studies treats the emergence of the Slovenian novel socially but not comparatively, comparative literature studies views it comparatively yet not socially. This lack can be filled in by the perspective of the literary world-system. Moreover, this viewpoint can concretise the thesis of Slovenian studies that the so-called belatedness of the Slovenian novel is part of the belatedness of the Slovenian bourgeoisie, as well as the comparatist thesis that the Slovenian novel could emerge only after the end of the European novel. The world-systemic approach can grasp this belatedness as a social fact that speaks less of the Slovenian novel's essence than of the structural relations between the Slovenian culture and its European social environment.

Strani / Pages: 569–578   [ COBISS ID: 38234669 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-T9PWOGDU ]

Urša Zabukovec : Гностический спаситель или »ревностный христианин«? Об одном прочтении романа »Идиот« Достоевского
Urša Zabukovec : A Gnostic Savior or a “Pious Christian”? On a Reading of Dostoevsky’s Novel The Idiot

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | ruski pisatelji | literarni junaki | literarne interpretacije | Russian literature | Russian writers | literary characters | Myshkin | literary interpretations

Sinopsis: The article discusses the ideas of a famous contemporary Russian dostoevskologist Karen Stepanjan about the protagonist of "The Idiot" as an imposter, who wants to redeem the world by taking the sins of others upon himelf. Stepanjan believes the reason Myshkin does not succed in this mission is his distorted perception of reality. Our analysis of the novel, however, casts doubts on Stepanjan's conclusions and more or less agrees with the so called "tradicional" reading of the novel.

Strani / Pages: 579–590   [ COBISS ID: 56989026 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-E75OQHJ1 ]

Mladen Uhlik : Dva poskusa pojmovanja stilistike: Charles Bally in Grigorij Vinokur
Mladen Uhlik : Two Attempts to Understand Stylistics: Charles Bally and Grigori Vinokur

Ključne besede: stilistika | zgodovina jezikoslovja | teorija knjižnega jezika | govorjeni jezik | jezikovne funkcije | stylistics | history of linguistics | theory of literary language | colloquial language | speech langauge | language functions

Sinopsis: V prispevku obravnavamo poskus Grigorija Vinokurja (1896-1947) in Charlesa Ballyja (1865-1947), da bi v prvih desetletjih dvajsetega stoletja, še pred delovanjem Praškega lingvističnega krožka, razvila stilistiko kot teoretično utemeljeno jezikoslovno disciplino. Oba jezikoslovca sta si prizadevala uveljaviti stilistiko kot uporabno znanost, a se njuna izhodišča in pojmovanje predmeta stilistike močno razlikujejo. Osvetlili bomo težave, ki jih odpirata oba pristopa in konteksta, v katerih sta njuni pojmovanji nastali.

Abstract: During the first two decades of the twentieth century, Charles Bally (1865-1947) and Grigorij Vinokur (1886-1947) made an attempt, each in his own way, at establishing stylistics as new applied linguistics. Nonetheless, as will be shown in the present paper, the object of stylistics of the two linguists differed. This paper will focus on the problems, raised by the two different approaches, as well as on the description of the different contexts, in which these two conceptions were formulated. In conclusion, it will be examined to what extent the differences are linked to two different linguistic schools of thought which are based on different philosophical assumptions.

Strani / Pages: 591–604   [ COBISS ID: 56987746 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-HDKSUHGG ]

Dušan Živković, Časlav Nikolić: Moderne mitološke transformacije v pesniškem ciklusu Odisej Gregorja Strniše
Dušan Živković, Časlav Nikolić: Modern Mythological Transformations in Gregor Strniša’s Odysseus Cycle of Poemы

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska poezija | slovenski pesniki | mit | transformacija | znaki | ontologija | humaniteta | Slovene literature | Slovene poetry | Slovene poets | myth | transformation | signs | ontology | humanity

Sinopsis: V prispevku so obravnavane osnove, procesi in funkcije mitičnih transformacij v pesniškem ciklu Odisej Gregorja Strniše. Doumevanje preteklosti nam da zaznati deridajevsko igro razlik, dvoumnosti, subjekt Strniševe poezije pa odkriva potepuško izkušnjo humanitete kot izkušnjo izven tradicionalnega metafizičnega diferenciranja življenja in smrti. Strniševa nova mitologija omogoča, da se podobe starodavnih svetov ponovno vzpostavijo s pomnoženimi perspektivami, da se to posreduje s pomočjo kompleksne optike spoznanj o preteklosti in da se tako določi izkušnja 20. stoletja. Nov mitični svet Gregorja Strniše predstavlja skrivnostno dimenzijo, v kateri so znaki nevidnega istočasno tudi namigi in skrivajo ne le eksotičen pomen preteklosti, ampak tudi mračno ontološko izhodišče seštevka preteklih dogodkov in zgodb o njih.

Abstract: In this article we analyze the bases, processes, and functions of mythic transformations in Gregor Strniša's poetic cycle "Odysseus." Comprehending the past allows us to recognize the Derridean play of differences and ambiguity; the subject of Strniša's poetry reveals humanity's wandering experience as an experience outside the traditional metaphysical distinction between life and death. Strniša's new poetic mythology allows images from ancient worlds to establish themselves afresh in a variety of perspectives-conveying this by means of complex optics of consciousness in order to express twentieth century experiences. His new mythical world presents a mysterious dimension where signs of the invisible are simultaneously hints that conceal not only the exotic meaning of the past, but also the dark ontological origin of the sum of past events and modern stories about them.

Strani / Pages: 607–619   [ COBISS ID: 57171554 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-REBDQGDB ]

Т. В. Романова: Pусская ментальность через призму логической оценки Истинно/неистинно (по данным русской мемуарно-исповедальной прозы конца XX - начала XXI вв.)
Т. В. Романова: The Russian Mindset as Viewed through the Prism of the Logical Evaluation of true vs. untrue (Based on Russian Memoirs and Confessional Prose of the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-frst Centuries)

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | spomini | ruska inteligenca | resnica | konceptualna analiza | ruska kultura | 20.-21. st. | Russian literature | confessional memoirs | Russian intelligentsia | truth | conceptual analysis | 20th-21st century | Russian culture

Sinopsis: The article looks at the content and means of expressing logical evaluations true vs. untrue in confessional memoirs of the Russian intelligentsia, seeking to define the genre status of these evaluations in modern confessional memoirs in general and see their role and function in the Russian mindset. The author describes the conceptual nature of truth- istina and truth- pravda evaluations, typical for the Russian mentality, concludes that the opposition true vs. untrue is irrelevant for the modern confessional genre, and looks at pragmatic functions of these evaluations in the Russian culture.

Strani / Pages: 621–634   [ COBISS ID: 57172066 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-AMSAUAU3 ]

Janko Trupej: Zaznamovanost slovenskega izrazoslovja za temnopolte
Janko Trupej: Markedness of Slovenian Terminology for Black People

Ključne besede: slovenščina | sociolingvistika | terminologija | temnopoltnost

Sinopsis: Članek obravnava spreminjanje zaznamovanosti slovenskih poimenovanj za temnopol - te skozi zgodovino. Obravnavana so relevantna gesla v različnih slovarjih, pri čemer je pozornost posvečena predvsem kvalifikatorjem in spreminjanju opredelitev gesel. Na podlagi analize korpusa besedil, ki je dostopen na spletnem portalu Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije, je obravnavana pogostost uporabe posameznih izrazov skozi zgodovino. Sodoben slovenski odnos do poimenovanj za temnopolte je opredeljen tudi na podlagi analize rezultatov izvedene ankete, pri kateri je sodelovalo 309 oseb.

Abstract: The present article is concerned with how the markedness of Slovenian terminology for black people changed throughout history. Relevant headwords in different dictionaries are examined, the primary focus being on how terms were labelled and how the definitions of headwords changed. The frequency of the use of certain terms throughout history is examined by means of an analysis of the corpus available on the portal Digital Library of Slovenia . The modern attitude towards select Slovenian terms denoting black people is defined by means of a survey, in which 309 people participated.

Strani / Pages: 635–645   [ COBISS ID: 57172322 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-IBFOKTJR ]

Natalija Ulčnik : Dvojnici bolnica – bolnišnica v 19. stoletju in danes
Natalija Ulčnik : The Terms Bolnica and Bolnišnica in the Nineteenth Century and Today

Ključne besede: slovenščina | knjižnojezikovna norma | besedilna raba | slavizmi | Slovene language | standard language norm | word use | slavisms

Sinopsis: V prispevku je z zgodovinskega in s sočasnega vidika predstavljeno pojavljanje dvojničnih izrazov bolnica - bolnišnica. Preverjeno je njuno evidentiranje v slovenskih slovarjih (1781-2012), normiranje njune rabe v slovenskih pravopisih (1899-2001), pojavljanje v strokovnih, leposlovnih in publicističnih besedilih 19. stoletja ter prisotnost v korpusih sodobnega slovenskega jezika. Ugotovljeno je, da sta od prve polovice 19. stoletja do danes slovarsko oz. besedilno prisotna oba izraza, vendar pa se je njuna raba zlasti pod vplivom purističnih teženj, zaznavnih v pravopisnih določilih, sčasoma vezala na knjižno (bolnišnica) oz. neknjižno (bolnica), ob tem pa je bila doslej v normativnih priročnikih spregledana njuna ustaljenost na različnih strokovnih področjih, ki jo ponazarjata značilni zvezi: splošna bolnišnica - veterinarska bolnica.

Abstract: The present article presents diachronic and synchronic aspects of the occurrence of the competing terms bolnica - bolnišnica. We checked the occurrence of the terms in Slovene dictionaries (1781-2012); their normative use in Slovene grammars (1899-2001); their occurrence in nineteenth-century professional, literary, and journalistic works; and in the corpus of the contemporary Slovene language. We discovered that from the first half of the nineteenth century until today, both terms occur in dictionaries and literary works; however, with time the use of the terms split into a literal (bolnišnica) and non-literal (bolnica) under the influence of puritanical tendencies. We also discovered that up to the present, normative reference works did not take into account the terms' stability in various professional fields, as illustrated by such distinctive phrases as splošna bolnišnica - veterinarska bolnica.

Strani / Pages: 647–663   [ COBISS ID: 21243912 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-QGRWDTU7 ]


Anja Banko: Slovenski obraz(i) v ruskih očeh
Anja Banko: The Image of the Slovene in Russian Eyes

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | zgodovinski pregledi | ruski slovenisti | ocene

Strani / Pages: 665–672   [ COBISS ID: 57172578 ]   [ URN:NBN:SI:DOC-LVNH57YY ]