Slavistična revija

2017 / Številka 1



Urška Perenič: Medialnost in literatura I (ur. Urška Perenič)
Urška Perenič: Mediality and Literature I (Ed. Urška Perenič)

Ključne besede: književnost | mediji

Strani / Pages: 1–2   [ COBISS ID: 63766114 ]

Urška Perenič: Še k pojmu medialnosti
Urška Perenič: Once more on the Concept of Mediality

Ključne besede: neposrednost sporočanja | medijske tehnologije | občost | izraznost | kognitivnost | zgodovina medialnosti | immediacy of communication | media technologies | main models of media communication | performative mediality | cognitivity

Sinopsis: Pojem medialnosti ima več razsežnosti. V Benjaminovem teološko-jezikovnofilozofskem spisu pomeni "neposrednost vsakega duhovnega sporočanja" (1916), v perspektivi zgodovinskega razvoja medijev, ki ga zaznamuje razvoj tehničnih medijev, pa zlasti posrednost sporočanja. Medialnost lahko pomeni obča načela, ki veljajo za štiri glavne vrste medijsko posredovane komunikacije (ustnost, pisnost, avdiovizualnost, tudi teatralnost), lahko pa se nanaša na skupek lastnosti, ki opredeljujejo "bistvo" posameznega medija (npr. knjigotiska, filma itd.). Lahko se prvenstveno nanaša na izrazno-estetske potenciale medijev (modi operandi), ki so odvisni od uporabljenih tehnologij, ali pa so mišljeni učinki, ki jih imajo tehnologije na človekovo zaznavanje, spoznavanje in organiziranje sveta. Medialnost je treba opredeliti tudi v zgodovinskih razsežnostih, tj. na ozadju spremenljivih znakovnih procesov, začenši z govorom do uveljavitve najmodernejših medijev.

Abstract: The concept of mediality has numerous dimensions. In Benjamin's theologically-linguistic, philosophical essay it means "the immediacy of all spiritual communication" (1916), while from the perspective of the historical development of the media, which is characterised by the evolution of technical media, it most often signifies the indirectness of the communication. Mediality can signify the general principles which apply to the four main kinds of media communications (verbality, writing, audio visualisation, and theatricality), but they can also apply to the bundle of characteristics that define "the essence" of the individual media (e. g. book printing, film etc.). It can primarily refer to the expressive-aesthetic potential media (modi operandi), which depend on the technologies used, or to the effects that the technologies have on human cognition, knowledge and organisation of the world. Mediality also has to be defined within its historical dimensions, meaning against the background of variable sign processes, beginning with speech and all the way to the appearance of more modern media.

Strani / Pages: 3–19   [ COBISS ID: 63767138 ]

Helmut Schanze: Medialnost literature: Ali obstaja v medijski znanosti »posebna nemška pot«? ...
Helmut Schanze: The Mediality of Literature: Is There a »Unique German Path« in Media Studies?

Ključne besede: medialnost | medijski preobrat | zaslonski mediji | kritična medijska teorija | mediality | medial turn | screen media | critical media theory

Sinopsis: Medijska znanost velja za novo in inovativno strokovno področje. O vprašanju "medialnosti " pa se razpravlja že od 70. let prejšnjega stoletja. Nemška posebnost je v tem, da je bilo vprašanje o "literarni zgodovini kot medijski zgodovini" najprej obravnavano v okviru germanistike in romanistike. Nasprotno je bilo v v anglo-ameriškem svetu vprašanje o medijih obravnavano v okviru študij filma in televizije. V razpravi se bomo prek vprašanja o "medialnosti literature" vrnili k epistemološkim izhodiščem medijske znanosti in predstavili tri poglede nanj.

Abstract: Media studies have a reputation as a new and innovative field, but "mediality" has been a research topic since the 1970s. It appears that what has been uniquely German is the question of literary history as media history, which was first treated in the context of Germanic and Romance studies. In the Anglo-American world media have been treated in the context of film and television. In this article I will return to the epistemological bases of media studies via questions about the "mediality of literature". There are three different points of view.

Strani / Pages: 21–29   [ COBISS ID: 63769442 ]

Peter Scherber: Vilém Flusser und der Paradigmenwechsel zur Internetkultur
Peter Scherber: Vilém Flusser and the Paradigm Change Towards Internet Culture

Ključne besede: medmrežje | informacijska družba | post-zgodovina | nomadstvo | pisanje | komunikacija | internet | information society | post-history | nomadology | writing | communication

Sinopsis: Vilém Flusser (1920-1991) velja za enega najpomembnejših medijskih teoretikov po M. McLuhanu. Kot neke vrste "zadnji polihistor" in znanstveni kozmopolit je deloval na številnih humanističnih področjih. Ni bil član traditionalnih akademskih skupnosti in ni razvijal kakšne znanstvene doktrine. Flusser stoji tako rekoč na krajni točki "Gutenbergove galaksije", saj je skušal podati smernice, ki kažejo prek njenih meja. Čeprav ni več doživel interneta in moderne oblike računalništva, je razvil originalne vizije o informacijski (telematični) družbi v takrat bližajoči se dobi post-zgodovine in novega nomadstva.

Abstract: Vilém Flusser (1920-1991) is known as one of the most important media theoreticians after Marshall McLuhan. As a kind of cosmopolitan scholar he worked in numerous media-related fields and other studies (i.e., philosophy, linguistics, photography and film, education, information studies, telematics, anthropology and so forth). Flusser's work is located, so to speak, at an extreme edge of the "Gutenberg Galaxy"; he tried to point out paths beyond its borders. Although he died in the early 1990s, he developed some interesting visions about the nascent new age of the internet and mobile computing.

Strani / Pages: 31–41   [ COBISS ID: 63772770 ]

Klemens Gruber: Kinofikacija umetnosti
Klemens Gruber: The Cinematization of Art

Ključne besede: gledališče | film | projekcijska platna | kinofikacija | theatre | film | movie screen | cinematization

Sinopsis: "Kinokacija" je eden od ključnih pojmov 20. let 20. stoletja. Nove zmožnosti filma so spodbudile gledališče, da je začelo z uporabo gledaliških sredstev ustvarjati filmske učinke in iskati novih uprizoritvenih oblik in načinov, ki bolj ustrezajo s filmom transformirani percepciji publike. Na to niso ostale imune niti druge umetnosti (literatura, slikarstvo, fotografija, proces izdelave knjige). Vselej pa gre za izrabljanje potencialov filma za predstavljanje kolektivno izkušenega sveta.

Abstract: "Cinematization" is a key concept of the 1920s. The new potential of film encouraged the drama to begin employing theatrical means to create filmic effects and to seek new staging formats and means more in line with public perceptions transformed by film. Nor were the other arts immune (literature, painting, photography, book making). Ultimately it is a matter of film's potential for representing a collectively experienced world.

Strani / Pages: 43–51   [ COBISS ID: 63778146 ]

Tomaž Toporišič: Medmedijsko nomadstvo besedilnih in uprizoritvenih praks
Tomaž Toporišič: Intermedia Nomadism of Textual and Performative Arts

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | medialnost | slovenska dramatika | slovensko gledališče | postdramsko gledališče | medmedijskost | intertekstualnost | rizom | hipertekst | Slovene literature | Slovene drama | Slovene theatre | intermediality | intertextuality | rhizome

Sinopsis: Prispevek raziskuje, na kakšen način lahko "multidisciplinarne" metodologije raziskujejo besedilnost v sodobnem mediatiziranem svetu in kako lahko preučujejo vezi med teksti in mediji, ki so (tako kot tiste v rizomu) heterogene, raznovrstne (Deleuze Guattari). Obravnava Butnskalo Marka Derganca in Emila Filipčiča, Slovensko narodno gledališče Janeza Janše, zgodbo o nekem slastnem truplu ter Simone Semenič.

Abstract: On the basis of concrete examples of textual practices of drama and no longer dramatic texts from Slovene drama and theatre production during the latest 10 years (Butnskala by Marko Derganc and Emil Filipčič, by Simona Semenič, Slovenian National Theatre by Janez Janša ...) this article examines the intense dialogue between literature and other media, witnessed during recent decades both in the field of live and mediatised arts.

Strani / Pages: 53–64   [ COBISS ID: 63764322 ]

Andrej Leben, Dominik Srienc: Novi mediji v sodobni literarni praksi koroških Slovencev
Andrej Leben, Dominik Srienc: New Media and Carinthian Slovenes' Contemporary Literary Practice

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | intermedialnost | novi mediji | scena pisanja | Koroška | dvojezična literarna praksa | Slovene literature | intermediality | new media | writing scene | Carinthia | bilingual literary practice

Sinopsis: V koraku s splošnimi težnjami na polju literature razvija tudi literarna praksa koroških Slovencev svoje oblike (inter)medialnosti, naj bo to na tekstovni ravni in na ravni knjižne proizvodnje ali na ravni interakcij z gledališčem, filmom, glasbo ter likovno in upodabljajočo umetnostjo. Na osnovi gradiva, ki ga raziskujemo v sklopu projekta o dvojezični literarni praksi koroških Slovencev po letu 1991, se članek posveča vprašanju, kako se medialnost in medijski razvoj odražata v literarni produkciji koroških slovenskih avtorjev in kakšna je njihova vloga glede "scene pisanja" (Writing Scene), sprašuje pa tudi po razmerju med novimi mediji ter dvoin večjezičnostjo, ki je značilna za sodobno literarno prakso koroških Slovencev.

Abstract: In accordance with general trends in the field of literature, contemporary Carinthian Slovene literature has also developed forms of (inter)mediality-on the level of text and book production as well as with respect to manifold interactions with the field of theater, film, music, and the arts. These issues are part of our research project on the bilingual literary practice of Carinthian Slovenes since 1991. The article tries to point out how mediality and medial developments are reflected in the literary production of Slovene writers in Carinthia and with respect to the concept of the "writing scene" (Schreibszene). In addition, it dissects the relationship between new media and bi- or multilinguality in the literary practice of Carinthian Slovenes.

Strani / Pages: 65–80   [ COBISS ID: 63780194 ]


Andreja Žele: Razmerje osebek proti osebkov odvisnik v slovenskih povedih
Andreja Žele: The Relationship Subject vs. Subject Clause in Slovene Sentences

Ključne besede: slovenščina | stavčni členi | oseba | osebek | osebkov odvisnik | prisojevalno razmerje | zložena poved | Slovenian language | sentence constituent | person | subject | subject clause | predicate relation | complex clause

Sinopsis: Prispevek z vidika strukturalnega sistemskega paralelizma z upoštevanjem tudi pretvorbenih možnosti med razmerji stavčni člen nasproti stavčni člen v obliki stavka obravnava položaj osebkovega odvisnika. V zvezi s tem je predstavljena specifika prisojevalnega razmerja med osebkom in povedkom v nezloženi prosti povedi.

Abstract: The article deals with the position of the subject clause from the point of view of structural systemic parallelism, taking into account transformational possibilities in the relation sentence constituent vs. sentence constituent that has a form of a clause. In this context, the author also discusses the specificity of the predicative relationship between the subject and the predicate in a simple sentence.

Strani / Pages: 81–97   [ COBISS ID: 63781986 ]

Ivo Kerže: Razvoj slovenske ontološke terminologije do konca 19. stoletja
Ivo Kerže: The Development of Slovene Ontological Terminology through the End of the 19th Century

Ključne besede: slovenščina | terminologija | filozofija | ontologija | 19. st. | Slovenian language | terminology | philosophy | ontology | 19th century

Sinopsis: V prispevku je prikazan razvoj ontološkega izrazja v slovenskem jeziku od začetkov pa vse do konca 19. stoletja. Analiziran je izvor osrednjih ontoloških izrazov: podstat, bitje, bistvo, bitnost, bit. Izkaže se, da je bilo obdobje katoliške obnove posebej cvetoče glede nastajanja te terminologije, čeprav so bili osnovni izrazi stan, bitje) postavljeni že v protestantskem obdobju. Poleg tega se v tej genezi izkaže kot pomemben zlasti slovarski prispevek Valentina Vodnika in Mateja Cigaleta.

Abstract: The paper analyzes the development of Slovene ontological terminology from the earliest period to the end of the nineteenth century. The analysis is focused on the core ontological terms: podstat "substance", bitje "being in the nominal sense", bistvo "essence", bitnost "entity", bit "being in the verbal sense". The analysis shows that the period of the Counter-Reformation was a particularly creative phase of this development, while the basic ontological terms stan, bitje) were conceived in the Protestant period. Essential contributions to this genesis are also the dictionaries by Valentin Vodnik and Matej Cigale.

Strani / Pages: 99–114   [ COBISS ID: 63782754 ]

Мария Вадимовна Скачедубова: К интерпретации случаев употребления л-формы без связки (на материале Ипатьевской летописи)
M. V. Skachedubova: On the Interpretation of Examples of Use of l-Forms without a Copula (Based on the Material from the Hypatian Chronicle)

Ključne besede: ruščina | stara ruščina | pretekli čas | deležnik | Ipatjevski letopis | 14. st. | Russian language | Old Russian | past participle | perfect tense | Hypatian Cronicle | 14th-16th century

Abstract: The article analyzes instances of verbal l-forms used without auxiliary in Old Russian Hypatian Chronicle (13th-15th c.). Special emphasis is on the contexts where l-forms do not convey the meaning of the perfect tense. One part consists of contexts that are typical for participle predications. The other part consists of examples where the l-forms appear in typical participle contexts of the vstav (i) reče type. All examples where l-forms do not have the meaning of the perfect tense can be attributed either to the first or to the second group. Taking this into account, as well as the material from the dialects and other Slavic languages that include, to varying extent, adjectives going back to l-participles, it seems reasonable to assume that l-forms could function not only as a part of the compound verbal predicate, but also as a past participle -š-/-vš-.

Strani / Pages: 115–125   [ COBISS ID: 63784034 ]

Ivana Zajc: Implicitni avtor: Raba v slovenski literarni vedi, nove opredelitve in problematična mesta
Ivana Zajc: The Implied Author: Use in Slovene Literary Studies, New Definitions, and Problematic Areas

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | literarna veda | implicitni avtor | nakazani avtor | naratologija | literary theory | literary studies | implied author | inferred author | narratology

Sinopsis: Implicitni avtor zaradi različnih opredelitev ni enoten koncept. Članek predstavi in problematizira implicitnega avtorja, kot ga je oblikoval Wayne C. Booth, in preveri njegovo rabo v slovenskem prostoru. Prispevek vsebuje izvirno sintezo teorij implicitnega avtorja s poudarkom na opredelitvah, ki so nastale v 21. stoletju, in ključnih starejših. Izpostavi temeljne razlike med različnimi tipi teorij, pri posameznih tipih obravnavanega koncepta izpostavi problematična mesta in osvetli razumevanje implicitnega avtorja kot bralčevega konstrukta, ki se kaže kot najbolj utemeljeno in prevladuje v sodobnih razpravah.

Abstract: The implied author is not a uniform concept because of the variety of its definitions. The article examines the use of the term implied author introduced by Wayne C. Booth and his subsequent reconceptualizations in Slovenia. The paper includes an original synthesis of the theories of the implied author focusing on the key older and modern theories, which shows their differences. The author highlights the problematic areas of each type of the concepts. She sheds light on understanding of the implied author as a reader-generated construct, which is seen as the most reasonable view and it is prevalent in contemporary debates.

Strani / Pages: 127–139   [ COBISS ID: 63785058 ]

Slobodan Vladušić: Kiš in Andrić – možna poetološka vzporednica
Slobodan Vladušić: Kiš and Andrić: A Possible Poetological Parallel

Ključne besede: srbska književnost | srbski pisatelji | poetika | avtopoetika | zgodovina | zgodba | primerjalne študije | Serbian literature | Serbian writers | poetics | autopoetics | history | story | comparative studies

Sinopsis: Temeljno izhodišče razprave je ugotovitev, da pri ustvarjanju književnih del tako Andrić kot Kiš uporabljata zgodovinske dokumente, vendar to počneta na dva različna načina. To različnost obravnavamo v kontekstu epohalnega izziva, na katerega morata odgovoriti oba avtorja, to pa je premoč informacije nad zgodbo. Medtem ko je poetološka reakcija na ta izziv pri obeh avtorjih različna, pa jima je skupno to, da razlikujeta med uradno priznano zgodovino, ki jo istovetita s fikcijo, in nepriznanim védenjem o preteklosti. Verjameta, da ima književnost to moč, da zbere elemente tega nepriznanega védenja o preteklosti in z njimi sooči unificirano zgodovino.

Abstract: The author's point of departure is the observation that both Andrić and Kiš use historical documents in the process of their writing, although they achieve that in different ways. This difference is examined in the context of a monumental challenge to which both authors had to respond, i.e., the dominance of information over the story. The poetological reaction to this challenge is different for each author, but a certain position is common to both of them: they both differentiate between the officially accepted history, which they equate with fiction, and non-accepted knowledge about the past. They believe that literature has the power to gather elements of this non-accepted knowledge about the past and confront the official history with them.

Strani / Pages: 141–150   [ COBISS ID: 63786594 ]

Павел Успенский: Николай Гумилев как Николай Ростов: Oб одной жизнетворческой модели поэта
Pavel Uspensky: Nikolai Gumilev as Nikolai Rostov: A Model for Building a Poet’s Life

Ključne besede: jezikoslovje | literarne vede

Strani / Pages: 151–167   [ COBISS ID: 761092 ]

Kristina Riman: Hrvatsko-slovenske veze v putopisima Josipa Starèa
Kristina Riman: Slovene-Croatian Connections in Josip Starè’s Travelogues

Ključne besede: slovenski zgodovinarji | slovenska književnost | slovenski pisatelji | hrvaška književnost | potopis | slovensko-hrvaški literarni stiki | Slovene historians | Slovene literature | Slovene writers | travelogue | Slovene-Croatian literary connections

Sinopsis: U radu se interdisciplinarno promatra putopisni tekst Josipa Starèa, profesora, pisca i kulturnog djelatnika, Slovenca koji je veći dio svojega života proveo na hrvatskim prostorima. Tekst Po koju iz Kranjske opisuje autorovo putovanje iz Zagreba na Bled. U tekstu se promatra Starèov odnos prema vlastitom identitetu i iščitava se njegova pripadnost slovenskom ili hrvatskom entitetu. Kroz brojne paralele kojima Starè u tekstu ističe bliske veze slovenskog i hrvatskog naroda kroz povijest, u putopisu se iskazuje temeljna autorova ideja: potreba za uvažavanjem i suradnjom dvaju različitih, ali po mnogim značajkama i vrlo sličnih naroda.

Abstract: The paper presents an interdisciplinary analysis of two travelogues by Josip Starè - professor, writer, and cultural worker, a Slovenian who spent most of his life in the Croatian region. The text in Croatian, Po koju iz Kranjske, describes the author's journey from Zagreb to Bled. The author examines Starè's relationship with his own identity and observes his sense of belonging to Slovene or Croatian entity. Starè uses numerous parallels to highlight the close ties between Slovene and Croatian people throughout history. Both travelogues convey his basic idea: the need for respect and cooperation between two different, yet in many ways very similar nations.

Strani / Pages: 169–182   [ COBISS ID: 63787106 ]

Igor Žunkovič: Reprezentacija spola pri prejemnikih nagrade kresnik
Igor Žunkovič: The Representation of Gender by Kresnik Award Laureates

Ključne besede: literarna teorija | študije spola | kvantitativne študije | feminizem | teorija revolucije | literarne nagrade | kresnik | literary theory | gender studies | quantitative studies | feminism | theory of evolution | literary awards | kresnik

Sinopsis: Študija išče in analizira lastnosti glavnih literarnih oseb z uporabo kvantitativne metode, povzete po referenčni raziskavi Jonathana Gottschalla, objavljeni v knjigi Literature, Science, and the New Humanities. Metodo prilagajamo glede na zahteve korpusa, ki je izbran na od raziskovalcev neodvisen način. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, kakšne so literarne osebe v izbranem korpusu glede na njihov spol in s spolom povezane lastnosti. Sekundarni namen raziskave je primerjava z rezultati Gottschallove raziskave in preverjanje njegovih sklepov o ustreznosti evolucijsko-teoretskih in feminističnih tez o vzrokih za morebitne različne reprezentacije spolov v obravnavanih literarnih delih in literaturi nasploh. Nazadnje ugotovitve postavimo v kontekst dosedanjih raziskav spola v slovenskem pripovedništvu.

Abstract: The present study analyzes features of the main literary characters, drawing on the referential study of gender properties of literary characters by Jonathan Gottschall in his Literature, Science, and a New Humanities. The referential methodological layout has been adapted to the needs of the analysis of modern prose vis-à-vis Gottschall's traditional tales. The goal of the study is to explicate the gender and gender-related properties of literary characters in the selected population of modern Slovene novels. The secondary goal is a comparison with Gottschall's results and a critical review of his conclusions on the appropriateness of feminist and evolutionary views and on the causes of potentially differing representations of genders in literature. Last but not least, the author compares the results and methodology of the present study with other gender-related studies of literary characters in contemporary Slovene novels.

Strani / Pages: 183–198   [ COBISS ID: 63787362 ]


Milena Nosková, Miloš Zelenka: Francoska monografija o Borisu Pasternaku: Michel Aucouturier: Un poète dans son temps: Boris Pasternak
Milena Nosková, Miloš Zelenka: A French Monograph on Boris Pasternak

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | ruski pisatelji | monografije | ocene | Russian literature | Russian writers | monography | review

Strani / Pages: 199–200   [ COBISS ID: 63787618 ]