Slavistična revija

2017 / Številka 2



Domen Krvina, Andreja Žele: O medmetih, zlasti o njihovih razločevalnih lastnostih: Poudarjen slovarski vidik
Domen Krvina, Andreja Žele: Interjections and Their Differential Qualities: An Emphatic Lexicological Perspective

Ključne besede: slovenščina | medmeti | razločevanje | členki | slovarji | razlage | zložena poved | Slovenian language | interjections | distinction | particles | dictionaries | definitions

Sinopsis: Namen prispevka je zastaviti izhodiščna merila za čim bolj jasno prepoznavanje medmetov in za posledično čim bolj jasno razločevanje zlasti med medmeti in členki v nastajajočem novem razlagalnem slovarju knjižne slovenščine. Obravnava najprej komentira tipologijo medmetov in predstavlja teoretična merila za ločevanje medmetov zlasti od členkov, praktična slovarska predstavitev medmetov pa je pospremljena z novo tipologijo slovarskih razlag za medmete in s problemskimi komentarji.

Abstract: This article establishes the basic criteria for differentiating interjections from other parts of speech, thus making it possible for the newest growing explanatory dictionary of standard Slovenian to consistently pursue as clear a distinction as possible between interjections and particles. First, it comments on the existing typology along with a description of theoretical principles for distinguishing interjections from particles in particular. Afterwards, a new typology of dictionary definitions for interjections is given with related commentary, accompanied by a practical dictionary presentation of some interjections.

Strani / Pages: 201–228   [ COBISS ID: 41719597 ]

Irena Orel: Rokopis Družba Kraljevih vrat v kontekstu zgodovine oblikovanja slovenskega črkopisa
Irena Orel: The Manuscript Družba Kraljevih vrat in the Historical Shaping of the Slovene Alphabet 

Ključne besede: slovenščina | zgodovinsko jezikoslovje | neznani slovenski rokopisi | rokopisi | slovenski črkopis | 19. st.

Sinopsis: Prispevek je prvi del predstavitve (opis rokopisa in črkopisa) delno ohranjenega prevoda francoskega polemičnega besedila Druxba Kraljevih urat neznanega kranjskega janzenističnega pisca, nastalega v zvezi z verskim sporom med jezuiti in janzenisti v opatiji Port-Royal des Champs v 17. stol. V privezku je besedilo S. Atanazi z opisom mučeniškega življenja škofa Atanazija Aleksandrijskega iz 4. stol. in dodano spremno pismo pošiljateljice rokopisa neimenovanemu duhovniku. Rokopis hrani Nadškofijski arhiv v Ljubljani, vključen je v Register Neznani rokopisi slovenskega slovstva 17. in 18. stoletja in datiran med leti 1820 in 1840. Osvetljuje v času intenzivnih prizadevanj za reformiranje slovenskega črkopisa novo vednost o zasebni ali v ožjem krogu uveljavljeni rabi razlikovalnih grafemov za sičnike in šumevce, ki se z eno izjemo ujemajo z dajnčico.

Abstract: This article is the first part of a presentation (a description of the manuscript and the alphabet) of the preserved fragments of a translation of a controversial French text, titled Druxba Kraljevih urat (Society of Port-Royal), written by an unknown Jansenist writer from Carniola that was associated with the religious conflict between the Jesuits and the Jansenists at Port- -Royal-des-Champs Abbey in the seventeenth century. A text titled S. Atanazi with a description of the martyr's life of Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria from the fourth century, and an accompanying letter written by the female sender of the manuscript, who sent the manuscript to an anonymous priest, are also enclosed with the manuscript. It is kept in the Archdiocesan Archives in Ljubljana and is included in the Register of Baroque and Enlightenment Slovenian Manuscripts and dated between the years 1820 and 1840. As an artefact from the time of intensive efforts to reform the Slovenian alphabet, this manuscript highlights new information about the private use of distinctive graphemes for sibilants and shibilants that was taking place within limited circles and differed from the traditional Bohorič alphabet (bohoričica). All of the new graphemes except one matched the new alphabet created by Peter Dajnko (dajnčica).

Strani / Pages: 229–245   [ COBISS ID: 64479586 ]

Marjeta Vrbinc, Alenka Vrbinc: Ustreznost na ravni sporočila: Vloga ko- in konteksta v dvojezičnem slovarju (na gradivu angleško-slovenskega slovarja)
Marjeta Vrbinc, Alenka Vrbinc: Equivalence at the Level of the Message: The Role of Co- and Context in a Bilingual Dictionary (Based on the Material from a Not Yet Published English-Slovene Dictionary)

Ključne besede: angleščina | slovenščina | leksikografija | odsotnost slovarskih ustreznikov | izhodiščni jezik | ciljni jezik | zgledi rabe | slovar za dekodiranje | English language | Slovenian language | lexicography | Absence of dictionary equivalents | source language | target language | examples of use | decoding dictionary

Sinopsis: V prispevku obravnavamo odsotnost slovarskih ustreznikov na ravni leksema v še ne izdanem angleško-slovenskem slovarju za dekodiranje. Raziskava se osredotoča na rabo znaka lojtra (#), ki označuje ničto ustreznost na ravni leksema, če pa neprevedljiv izhodiščnojezikovni leksem uporabimo v zgledu rabe, ga lahko prevedemo v ciljni jezik in tako dosežemo ustreznost na ravni sporočila. V celotnem slovarju je lojter 92, vendar jih je lahko v eni iztočnici več; tako najdemo lojtro pri 41 različnih iztočnicah. Podrobni rezultati so predstavljeni po besednih vrsta iztočnic: numerični analizi sledi vsebinska analiza zgledov rabe. Ugotovitev: če ustreznosti ne moremo doseči na ravni leksema, lahko pa jo dosežemo na ravni celotnega sporočila, lahko problem rešujemo z vključevanjem prevedenih zgledov rabe.

Abstract: The article examines the treatment of absence of dictionary equivalents at word level in a decoding English-Slovene dictionary (ESD) which has not been published yet. The study focuses on the use of the hash sign, which implies no equivalence at word level. However, if the untranslatable SL lexical item is used in an example illustrating its use, it can be rendered in the TL, which means that equivalence is reached at the level of the entire message. The total number of hash signs used in the ESD is 92, but one and the same entry can contain more than one hash, which means that hash signs are found in 41 lemmata. Detailed results are presented by parts of speech of the lemmata: a numerical analysis is followed by an analysis of the content of the illustrative examples. The conclusion is that if equivalence cannot be achieved at word level but is possible at the level of the entire message, the problem can be resolved by including translated examples of use.

Strani / Pages: 246–262   [ COBISS ID: 64481378 ]

Sanja Šubarić: Status skraćenica – u istorijskoj i savremenoj perspektivi
Sanja Šubarić: The Status of Abbreviations: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective

Ključne besede: srbščina | črnogorščina | pravopis | kratice | Serbian language | Montenegrin language | ortography | abbreviations

Sinopsis: U radu ćemo predstaviti i komentarisati status skraćenica u normativnoj literaturi srpskog i crnogorskog jezika, ali i dati osvrt na njihovu poziciju određenu normom nekadašnjeg srpskohrvatskog jezika. Iniciraćemo pitanja koja se tiču "pravopisne relevantnosti", međuodnosa pravopisne i gramatičke norme, uloge tradicije u pozicioniranju određenih skraćeničkih formi, i pokušati da konkretnim zapažanjima doprinesemo prevazilaženju postojećih nejasnoća i uočenih nedosljednosti.

Abstract: This article presents and comments on the status of abbreviations in normative literature for Serbian and Montenegrin, and it offers an overview of their position defined by the norms of the former Serbo-Croatian language. Questions are raised related to "orthographic relevance", the interrelationship between the norms of orthography and grammar, and the role of tradition in positioning certain abbreviations. An effort is also made to contribute to overcoming existing ambiguities and inconsistencies through concrete observations.

Strani / Pages: 263–280   [ COBISS ID: 64486242 ]

Damjan Huber: Raziskovalna izhodišča besedilnofonetične analize slovenskega medijskega govora (na primeru besednovrstne predvidljivosti poudarkov)
Damjan Huber: Points of Departure for Prosodic Analysis of Slovene Media Speech (Based on Text Genre Predictability of Stress)

Ključne besede: slovenščina | fonetika | besedilna fonetika | poudarek | besedne vrste | medijski govor | Slovenian language | phonetics | prosody | sentence stress | text genre | media speech

Sinopsis: Besedilna fonetika je področje, ki je v slovenističnem jezikoslovju razmeroma slabo raziskano. V prispevku je predstavljen primer besedilnofonetičnega raziskovanja, tj. analiza poudarkov z vidika besednovrstne predvidljivosti, pri čemer je izpostavljena pomembnost posameznih raziskovalnih faz, kot so izbor govorcev, priprava, transkripcija in segmentacija gradiva ter dvostopenjsko potrjevanje raziskovalnih hipotez - slušna in računalniška analiza. Raziskava temelji na korpusu izbranih slovenskih pogovornih TV-oddaj, torej na avtentičnem in bolj ali manj spontanem medijskem govoru.

Abstract: Prosody, or sentence phonetics, is a relatively poorly researched area in Slovenian linguistics. This article presents a piece of prosodic research: an analysis of sentence stress from the perspective of text genre predictability, emphasizing the importance of specific research phases, particularly the selection of speakers, preparation, transcription and segmentation of material, and a two-stage confirmation of the research hypotheses using audio and computer analysis. The research is based on a corpus of selected Slovenian television discussion programs-in other words, on authentic and relatively spontaneous media speech.

Strani / Pages: 281–299   [ COBISS ID: 64487010 ]

Grigorij V. Tokarev: Kulturno-kognitivni potencial besedotvorne vrednosti besede
Grigorij V. Tokarev: The Cultural and Cognitive Potential of the Derivational Significance of a Word

Ključne besede: besedotvorje | tvorjenka | kategorizacija | koncetualizacija | relevantnost | vrednost | semantika | ruščina | word formation | derived word | categorization | conceptualization | significance | value | semantics | Russian language

Sinopsis: Predmet raziskave predstavljajo semantika, produktivnost in ustaljenost besedotvornih struktur in razmerij, tema raziskave je kulturno-kognitivni potencial besedotvorne vrednosti besede, cilj razprave pa preučitev kulturnih vidikov kategorizacije vedenj s tvorjenkami. Razprava nadaljuje znanstveno diskusijo o kulturno-kognitivnem potencialu tvorjenk, začeto v delih A. Wierbicke, R. W. Browna, M. Forda, E. S. Kubrjakove idr.

Abstract: Semantics, productivity, and the regularity of derivational structures and relations have become a subject of research. This article examines the cultural and cognitive potential of the derivational significance of a word, whereby the objective is to study cultural aspects of the categorization of knowledge for a derived word. The article continues the discussion on the cultural and cognitive potential of derived words initiated in works by Wierzbicka, Brown, Ford, and Kubryakova et al.

Strani / Pages: 300–311   [ COBISS ID: 64487778 ]

Simon Malmenvall: Narativni teksti o Borisu in Glebu med posredovanjem političnega zgleda in tolmačenjem zgodovine
Simon Malmenvall: Narrative Texts about Boris and Gleb between Offering a Political Example and Interpretation of History

Ključne besede: stara ruska književnost | Kijevska Rusija | ruska zgodovina | zgodovina odrešenja | ruski svetniki | strastotrpci | Boris in Gleb | Old Russian literature | literature of Rusʹ | Kievian Rusʹ | salvation history | Rusisan saints | passion-bearers | Boris and Gleb

Sinopsis: Knežja brata Boris in Gleb predstavljata prva kanonizirana vzhodnoslovanska svetnika (strastotrpca). Njima posvečene narativne/literarne tekste, nastale do začetka 12. stoletja, med katerimi stilistično in konceptualno izstopa Branje o Borisu in Glebu, opredeljujeta dve temeljni značilnosti: posredovanje sakraliziranega političnega zgleda v obdobju vse večje politične nestabilnosti na vzhodnoslovanskem ozemlju; in izpostavljanje duhovne "zrelosti" Kijevske Rusije v kontekstu zgodovine odrešenja. Obstoja kategorije knežjih ali kraljevskih svetnikov (strastotrpcev) ni mogoče imeti za posebnost vzhodnoslovanske srednjeveške kulture, saj se je tovrstno svetništvo nasploh pojavljalo v deželah na severnem in vzhodnem obrobju takratne Evrope.

Abstract: The two princely brothers Boris and Gleb were the first canonized East Slavic saints (known as passion-bearers). The narrative/literary texts dedicated to them and written until the beginning of the twelfth century, among which the Lesson on Boris and Gleb stands out stylistically and conceptually, are defined by two fundamental characteristics: by offering a sacralized political example during the period of growing political instability in East Slavic territory and by stressing the spiritual "maturity" of Kievan Rus' in the context of salvation history. The existence of princely or royal saints (i.e., passion-bearers) cannot be regarded as a special feature of East Slavic medieval culture; this kind of sainthood was generally present in the lands of the northern and eastern European peripheries of the time.

Strani / Pages: 312–322   [ COBISS ID: 64488034 ]

Maja Sekulović: Poetika Pekićevog žanr-romana Besnilo
Maja Sekulović: The Poetics of Pekić’s Genre Novel Rabies

Ključne besede: srbska književnost | srbski pisatelji | žanrski roman | pripovedovalne ravni | časovna struktura | prostorska struktura | intetekstualnost | dokumentarnost | Serbian literature | Serbian writers | genre novel | narrative situation | time | space | intertextuality | documentarism

Sinopsis: U ovom radu autorka se bavi poetičkim zakonitostima u gradnji Pekićevog žanr-romana. Tumače se osnovni elementi narativne strukture: pripovjedačka situacija, prostor, vrijeme, kompozicija, likovi, te postupci intertekstualnosti i dokumentarnosti, kao i žanrovsko određenje samog teksta. Tumačeći navedene elemente, osvjetljavamo poetičke postulate Pekićevog pripovjedačkog postupka.

Abstract: This article deals with Borislav Pekić's poetic principles in the development of his genre novel Rabies. It interprets the basic elements of narrative structure: narrative situation, space, time, composition, characters, techniques of intertextuality and documentarism, and text categorization in terms of genre. An analysis of these elements helps shed light on the poetic conventions that are characteristic of Pekić's narrative technique.

Strani / Pages: 323–340   [ COBISS ID: 64489314 ]

RAZPRAVE – Medialnost in literatura II (ur. Urška Perenič) / ARTICLES – Mediality and Literature II (ed. Urška Perenič)

Urška Perenič: Predgovor
Urška Perenič: An Introduction

Ključne besede: književnost | mediji

Strani / Pages: 341–342   [ COBISS ID: 64376930 ]

Timothy Pogačar: Izseljenski tisk v Ameriki v digitalni dobi: Slovensko-ameriški časopis Prosveta
Timothy Pogačar: The Emigré Press in the Digital Age: The Case of the Slovene-American Periodical Prosveta

Ključne besede: časopisje | tiskani mediji | elektronski mediji | produkcija | distribucija | slovenski izseljenci | ZDA | Prosveta | 20.-21. st.

Sinopsis: Slovensko-ameriški časopis Prosveta (od 1908 do 1916 kot Glasilo Slovenske narodne podporne jednote) velja za največji časopis v slovenščini v ZDA. Objavljal je literarne in esejistične prispevke, ki so jih spremljale novice iz raznih delov ZDA. Leta 1999 je časopis prešel na digitalni način produkcije, na voljo pa je bil v obeh, tj. v digitalni in tiskani obliki. Od 2001 je v tiskani obliki izhajal najprej tedensko, nato na štirinajst dni in nazadnje enkrat na mesec. Prispevek preučuje, kako sta digitalni način produkcije in distribucije vplivala na vsebinski vidik časopisnih prispevkov v zadnjih petnajstih letih in kakšni so učinki tega na distribucijo časopisa v zadnjih petih letih. Podana bo tudi primerjava z drugimi podobnimi časopisi v ZDA.

Abstract: The Slovene-American newspaper Prosveta has been published by the Slovene National Benefit Society (Slovenska narodna podporna jednota) since 1908. Historically, literature and essays occupied a prominent place in the paper, along with organizational news from around the United States. In 1999, the newspaper began digital production and became available in both digital and print forms. Since 2001, the print edition changed from weekly to biweekly and later to monthly. This study will examine the impact of digital production and distribution on Prosveta's contents over the past fifteen years and on its distribution over the past five years. It will include comparisons to the distribution of similar newspapers in the U. S.

Strani / Pages: 343–353   [ COBISS ID: 64390754 ]

Mateja Pezdirc Bartol: Vpliv medijev na oblikovanje prostora in časa v sodobni slovenski dramatiki in gledališču
Mateja Pezdirc Bartol: The Impact of Media on the Shaping of Time and Space in Slovene Drama and Theatre

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska dramatika | postdramsko gledališče | medijska tehnologija | prostor | čas | Slovene literature | Slovene drama | contemporary Slovene drama | post-dramatic theatre | media technology | space | time

Sinopsis: Prispevek izhaja iz misli Patricea Pavisa, da so dramska besedila vedno samo sled določene uprizoritvene prakse, prav zato jih je potrebno brati tako, da si predstavljamo, kako so jih med nastajanjem oblikovale omejitve igre in uprizoritve. V zgodovini drame je imelo pomembno mesto pravilo o enotnosti kraja, časa in dejanja, ki je upoštevalo tako sprejemnikove zmožnosti kot nemožnost hitrih menjav prizorišč in časovnih preskokov. Danes medijska tehnologija omogoča vnosom mediatiziranega, posredovanega v živo uprizoritev gledališča, kar je močno razširilo razumevanje prostora in časa ter vplivalo tudi na pisanje dramskih besedil. Navedene procese bomo prikazali na primerih iz sodobne slovenske dramatike in gledališča (Dušan Jovanović: Razodetja, Simona Semenič: tisočdevetstoenainosemdeset, Neda R. Bric: Eda: Zgodba bratov Rusjan, Andrej E. Skubic: Pavla nad prepadom).

Abstract: This article proceeds from Patrice Pavis's idea that dramatic texts are always only the trace of a performance practice, and that they must be read in such a way that one imagines how the limitations of the play and performance shaped their creation. In the history of theatre, the rule of unity of place, time, and action held an important place and took into account both the recipients' capacity and technological capacities, which were not capable of rapid scene changes and leaps in time. Today one is witness to the most varied input (from fictitious stories to documentary material), mediated with the aid of various media technology, into live theatre performance, which has greatly expanded the understanding of space and time, and has also had a reciprocal impact on writing dramatic texts. These processes are presented using selected examples from contemporary Slovenian drama and theatre: Dušan Jovanović's Razodetja (Revelations), Simona Semenič's tisočdevetstoenainosemdeset (nineteeneightyone), Andrej E. Skubic's Pavla nad prepadom (Paula Above the Precipice), and Neda R. Bric's Eda: Zgodba bratov Rusjan (Eda: The Rusjan Brothers Story).

Strani / Pages: 354–365   [ COBISS ID: 64377186 ]

Gabrijela Lučka Gruden: Radijska igra: Produkcijski dialog z lastnim medijem in drugimi mediji
Gabrijela Lučka Gruden: The Radio Play: A Productive Dialog with the Medium and Other Media

Ključne besede: radio | gledališče | radijska igra | medmedialnost | produkcija | zvok | beseda | paraverbalno | radio | literature | theatre | radio play | intermediality | production | sound | paraverbal

Sinopsis: Podlaga za prispevek so zvočni primeri dobre prakse z radijsko igro, izbrani tako, da so poudarjene tiste lastnosti, ki so za radio in za njegovo najbolj strukturirano zvrst (tj. radijsko igro oz. t. i. "zvočno gledališče") nepogrešljive. To so: iluzija intimnega stika, iluzija sočasnosti, paraverbalno kot najmočnejši signal govorjenega sporočila, hierarhija glasov, identifikacija poslušalca in režiserja kot "prvega poslušalca", minimalizem, segmentirana kompozicija, da prestreže tudi mimoidočega poslušalca, reciklaža in tišina kot močan kompozicijski in izrazni element.

Abstract: This article is based on audio samples of good practice in radio plays. The samples were selected to emphasize features essential to radio and its most structured genre (i.e., the radio play or so-called sound theatre). They are: the illusion of intimate contact, the illusion of simultaneity, the paraverbal as the strongest signal in a spoken message, the hierarchy of voices, identifying the listener and director as "primary listener," minimalism, segmented composition that can catch even the casual listener, recycling, and silence as a powerful compositional and expressive elThis article is based on audio samples of good practice in radio plays. The samples were selected to emphasize features essential to radio and its most structured genre (i.e., the radio play or so-called sound theatre). They are: the illusion of intimate contact, the illusion of simultaneity, the paraverbal as the strongest signal in a spoken message, the hierarchy of voices, identifying the listener and director as "primary listener," minimalism, segmented composition that can catch even the casual listener, recycling, and silence as a powerful compositional and expressive element.ement.

Strani / Pages: 366–372   [ COBISS ID: 64391266 ]

Igor Koršič: Železo in sanje: Medij in umetnost v filmu
Igor Koršič: Iron and Dreams: On Technology and Art in Film

Ključne besede: medialnost | filmska teorija | ustvarjalna praksa | estetika filma | avantgarde | tehnologija | mediality | film theory | creative process | film aesthetics | avant-garde | technology

Sinopsis: Po eni vplivnih filmsko teoretičnih tradicij je medialnost, razumljena na način tehnološkosti filma kot svetlobnega posnetka, zapisa (foto-grafije) resničnosti, tudi temelj za filmsko estetiko. Odvisnost filmske umetnosti od tehnično dokaj zapletenega aparata pa je tako pospeševala kot zavirala razvoj filmske umetnosti. Tradicionalistični krogi so na začetku zgodovine filma zaradi tehnologije (in spet v zadnjih desetletjih, npr. Czesław Miłosz) filmu odrekali status umetnosti. Nasprotno pa so tehnično osnovo filma podpirali pripadniki zgodovinskih in drugih avantgard in revolucionarnih oblasti (vsaj na začetku). Da bi razumeli t. i. realistične teorije, se moramo odpovedati ontološkemu "naivnemu realizmu" in sprejeti filozofijo ontološke diference. Ideosinkratična teorija, utemeljena na osebni izkušnji estetskega predmeta, morda lahko ponudi manjkajoči skupni jezik med nomotetičnimi in ideosinkratičnimi pristopi in med teorijo in prakso v humanistiki, družboslovju in naravoslovju.

Abstract: According to an influential tradition of film theory, the mediality of cinema - that is, its technologically based copying of realit - is also the basis for film aesthetics. Film art's dependence on a rather technically complex apparatus has both stimulated and thwarted its development. At the very beginning of film history (and again in recent decades, e.g. Czesław Miłosz), traditionalists have denied cinema the status of art. On the other hand, members of historical and neo-avant-garde, as well as revolutionary forces have advocated for cinema's technological basis. In order to understand so-called realist traditions in film theory, we must abandon ontologically "naïve realism" and accept a philosophy of ontological difference. Idiosyncratic theory based on personal experience of an aesthetic object may provide the missing common language between theory and practice, between the technical and aesthetic, between nomothetic and idiosyncratic approaches in humanities, social and natural sciences.

Strani / Pages: 373–384   [ COBISS ID: 4330331 ]

Aleksander Bjelčevič: Verz, proza in poezija v ustnem mediju
Aleksander Bjelčevič: Vers, Prose, and Poetry in Oral Media

Ključne besede: petje | recitiranje | svobodni verz | pasijon | nepismene kulture | singing | recitation | free verse | Passion play | oral culture

Sinopsis: V čem se loči verz od proze v ustnem mediju, kako vemo, da poslušamo verz? Kaj se spremeni, ko metrični in svobodni verz ter vmesne oblike pojemo, melorecitiramo in recitiramo, kako na sluh ločimo posamezne verze, kako je treba recitirati svobodni verz, kako je treba zapisati primarno péte verze?

Abstract: How is verse distinguished from prose in an oral medium, and how do listeners know they are listening to verse? What changes when metrical and free verse, or mixed forms, are sung, recited musically, or recited? How do listeners distinguish individual verses, how ought free verse be recited, and how should verses that were originally sung be written down?

Strani / Pages: 385–404   [ COBISS ID: 64391778 ]

Petra Jordan: Slovenski klasiki na družabnih omrežjih
Petra Jordan: Slovene Classics and Social Media

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenski pisatelji | slovenski klasiki | parodije | mediji | družabna omrežja

Sinopsis: Prispevek predstavlja SLOLvenske klasike 1 Boštjana Gorenca - Pižame (Cankarjeva založba, 2015), zbirko parodičnih predelav 53 del iz kanona slovenske književnosti. Avtor jih je prestavil v spletno okolje družabnih omrežij, e-pošte, SMS-sporočil, forumov in spletnih strani. Slovenski klasiki so uporabljeni na različne načine: lahko z uporabo osrednjega motiva, skozi odlomek literarnega dela ali le kot aluzija, zlasti pa so postavljeni v nove kontekste aktualnega družbenega dogajanja (migrantska kriza, pravice istospolnih, založniški trg in njegov odnos do avtoric, prekarno delo). Z vidika novomedijske teorije prispevek pregleduje okoliščine seljenja kanonskih literarnih besedil v jezik, kod in okolje digitalnega medija, ki so pravzaprav vsebina Pižamove - še vedno tiskane - knjige. Osredotoča se zlasti na odnos med besedilom in njegovim medijem, tj. na vpliv zakonitosti digitalnega medija na nova ubesedenja (znanih) književnih vsebin oz. na kakšne načine avtorju digitalne tehnike zapisovanja omogočajo predelavo na ravni jezika in izraza.

Abstract: The paper analyzes the book SLOLvenski klasiki 1 by Bošjtan Gorenc - Pižama (Cankarjeva založba, 2015), a collection of fifty-three parodic adaptations of classic Slovene literary works. The subject matter of the canoni- cal literature is transported into a new setting of social networks, e-mails, text messages, message boards, and web pages. The Slovene classics are exploited in various ways: by employing a central motif, through an excerpt from a literary work, or simply by allusion. The main thing is that they are situated in new contexts of current social issues (e.g., migrant crises, gay rights, women in publishing, etc.). Drawing from new media theory, the presentation surveys the circumstances of migrating classic literary works into the language, code, and milieu of digital media, which are the contents of Pižama's printed book. The discussion focuses on the relation between text and medium-that is, on how the rewriting of familiar literary themes is influenced by digital technologies and their features, and especially on how such features affect the adaptation in terms of language and expression.

Strani / Pages: 405–415   [ COBISS ID: 64478306 ]


Andreja Žele: Stana Ristić, Ivana Lazić in Nenad Ivanović (ur.): Leksikologija i leksikografija u svetlu savremenih pristupa, Beograd: Inštitut za srpski jezik, 2016
Andreja Žele: Stana Ristić, Ivana Lazić, Nenad Ivanović (ed.): Lexicology and Lexicographyin the Light of Modern Approaches, SANU Serbian Language Institute, 2016

Ključne besede: leksikologija | leksikografija | zborniki | ocene | lexicology | lexicography | reviews

Strani / Pages: 416–419   [ COBISS ID: 64482146 ]

Tomaž Toporišič: Svežina dramskih praks in njihovih analiz (Mateja Pezdirc Bartol: Navzkrižja svetov, Ljubljana: ZIFF, 2016)
Tomaž Toporišič: The Freshness of Dramatic Practices and their Analysis (Mateja Pezdirc Bartol: Navzkrižja svetov, Ljubljana: ZIFF, 2016)

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska dramatika | slovenske dramatičarke | dramske pisave | ocene | Slovene literature | Slovene drama | Slovene woman dramatists | drama writing | reviews

Strani / Pages: 420–423   [ COBISS ID: 64491106 ]

Alenka Šivic-Dular: Zapisnik zasedanja razširjenega predsedstva MSK (Bukarešta, 24.–25. september 2016)
Alenka Šivic-Dular: Minutes of the Full Presidium of the ICS (Bucharest, September 24th–25th, 2016)

Ključne besede: Mednarodni slavistični komite | predsedstvo | zasedanja | zapisniki | Bukarešta | 2016

Strani / Pages: 424–432   [ COBISS ID: 64496738 ]