Slavistična revija

2017 / Številka 3



Jožica Čeh Steger: Podoba Slovencev v Bartschevem romanu Das deutsche Leid
Jožica Čeh Steger: The Image of Slovenes in Bartsch’s Novel Das Deutsche Leid

Ključne besede: večkulturnost | podobe tujega | podobe drugega | narodni boji | germanizacija Spodnje Štajerske | avstrijski roman | multiculturalism | images of foreign | images of the other | national struggle | germanization of Lower Styria | Austrian novel

Sinopsis: Kulturološke raziskave opozarjajo, da zahtevajo ubeseditve nenemških narodov v AvstroOgrski, kakor se razkrivajo v dominantnem nemškem diskurzu, več raziskovalne pozornosti in kritično branje, ki naj razgali mit o večkulturni in nadnacionalni Avstro-Ogrski. Njen kulturni kolonializem je skonstruiral negativne, celo sovražne podobe tujega/drugega. V pričujoči razpravi1 so v Bartschevem romanu Das deutsche Leid, ki vsebuje prvine nemškega nacionalizma, predstavljene tako podobe Slovencev z vidika tujega/drugega kakor tudi asimetrična nemško-slovenska dvokulturnost na Spodnjem Štajerskem v času narodnostnih bojev in močne germanizacije pred prvo svetovno vojno.

Abstract: Cultural studies have shown that verbal depictions of non-Germanic nations in the AustroHungarian Empire in the dominant German discourse demand more investigative research which would expose the myth of a multicultural and supranational Austria-Hungary. German cultural colonialism has constructed negative, even hostile images of the foreign/the other. This article examines Bartsch's German nationalist novel Das Deutsche Lied and its depictions of Slovenes as foreign/other, as well as asymmetric German-Slovene biculturalism in Lower Styria in the period of ethnic friction and the unrelenting Germanization prior to World War I.

Strani / Pages: 433–445   [ COBISS ID: 23436040 ]

Blaž Podlesnik: Vodka in pir … Knjiga kot orožje v primeru Zaharja Prilepina
Blaž Podlesnik: The Book as a Weapon in the Case od Zakhar Prilepin

Ključne besede: ruska književnost | ruski pisatelji | novi realizem | klinični realizem | vojna proza | etika literature | 21. st. | Russian literature | Russian writers | new realism | clinical realism | war prose | literature and ethics | 21st century

Sinopsis: V razpravi obravnavamo ustvarjanje ruskega pisatelja in publicista Zaharja Prilepina, ki s svojstvenim razumevanjem odnosa med literaturo, stvarnostjo in biografsko izkušnjo na nov način osmišlja tudi odnos med literaturo in vojno. Ob osvetlitvi avtorjevega razumevanja "kliničnega" realizma predstavljamo Prilepinovo vojno prozo kot udejanjenje modela avtobiografskega junaka, ki v času kaosa in zmede svoj sistem vrednot vzpostavi v moški mikroskupnosti, ki jo ključno zaznamuje izkušnja razreševanja konflikta s fizičnim nasiljem. V nadaljevanju zagovarjamo tezo, da Prilepin podoben model razumevanja konstrukcije identitete uveljavlja tudi v svoji publicistiki, oba vidika - literarni in publicistični - pa lahko predstavljata zanimiv izziv za obravnavo z vidika odnosa literature in etike.

Abstract: The article "The book as a weapon in the case of Zakhar Prilepin" discusses the work of Russian prose writer and journalist Zakhar Prilepin, whose unique understanding of the relationship between literature, reality, and biographical experience generates new insights into the relationship between literature and war. We start by illuminating the author's understanding of "clinical" realism and present Prilepin's military prose as the implementation of the autobiographical hero's model, which establishes his system of values in the chaotic and conflicting reality by joining a male micro-community, marked by the experience of resolving conflicts by means of physical violence. We further argue that Prilepin applies a similar model for constructing identity in his journalism, and that both modes - his literary and media writing - can be viewed as an interesting challenge to the relationship between literature and ethics.

Strani / Pages: 447–458   [ COBISS ID: 65581922 ]

Natalia Kaloh Vid: Posodabljanje prevodov: Prevajanje kulturnospecifičnih elementov v prvih dveh knjigah romana Bratje Karamazovi
Natalia Kaloh Vid: Retranslation: Translating Culturally Specific Elements of the First Two Books of Dostoevsky's Novel The Brothers Karamazov

Ključne besede: prevajanje | multikulturnost | ruski roman | multiculturalism | translation | Russian novel

Sinopsis: Roman F. M. Dostojevskega Bratje Karamazovi je bil v slovenščino preveden dvakrat. Leta 1929 ga je prvič prevedel Vladimir Levstik, leta 2010 pa je izšel posodobljen prevod Boruta Kraševca. Ta razprava sodi v širši kontekst ovrednotenja učinka posodobljenih prevodov z vidika rabe podomačitvenih in potujitvenih prevajalskih strategij ob prevajanju kulturnospecifičnih izrazov. Ob tem bomo preizkusili teorijo posodabljanja prevodov, t. i. hipotezo posodabljanja prevodov, ki vsak nadaljnji prevod interpretira kot poskus "izboljšanja" prejšnjega, pri čemer se pojem "izboljšanje" definira na podlagi stopnje ohranitve tujega v prevodu. Oba prevoda opazujemo na mikrobesedilni ravni, in sicer na ravni posamičnih besed, pri čemer nas zanima ustreznost prevoda kulturnospecifičnih detajlov.

Abstract: F. M. Dostojevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov has been translated into Slovenian twice. Vladimir Levstik's translation was published in 1929 and Borut Krashevec's re-translation in 2010. The current analysis is part of a discussion on the effect of re-translations from the perspective of using domesticating and foreignizing strategies when rendering culturally specific items. The analysis seeks to evaluate the "Re-translation Hypothesis," which interprets each subsequent translation as an attempt to "improve" the previous, defining "improvement" by merely one criterion"i. e., keeping as many foreign elements in the translation as possible. We analyzed both translations on the micro-linguistic level and focused on the issue of equivalence when translating culturally specific terms.

Strani / Pages: 459–474   [ COBISS ID: 23443720 ]

Danijela Marot Kiš: Sjećanje na život: Pripovijedanje i pamćenje u romanu Mamac Davida Albaharija
Danijela Marot Kiš: Remembering a Life: Narration and Memory in David Albahari's Novel Mamac

Ključne besede: srbska književnost | postjugoslovanska književnost | srbski pisatelji | roman | zgodovina | avtobiografija | Serbian literature | Post-Yugoslav literature | Serbian writers | novel | history | autobiography

Sinopsis: Književno stvaralaštvo Davida Albaharija dosad je mahom proučavano u kontekstu tematike egzila u okvirima kulturne i ideološke matrice post-jugoslavenske književnosti. Autorovo osobno iskustvo emigracije postalo je ključem kritičkih čitanja njegovih romana i otkrivanja njihovih poetičkih osobitosti. U radu se pretpostavljeno autorovo autobiografsko iskustvo podređuje novome čitanju kojemu je cilj analizirati i opisati ulogu pamćenja u organizaciji pripovjednoga teksta i (re)konstrukciji osobnoga identiteta. Temelj je analize odnos stvarnosti (povijesti) i njezina pripovjednoga (jezičnog) konstrukta uobličenog sjećanjima.

Abstract: The literary work of David Albahari has so far been studied in the context of the problem of exile in the cultural and ideological paradigm of post-Yugoslav literature. The author's personal experience of exile has become a key for critical readings of his novels and defining their poetical features. Beyond the author's autobiographical experience, the aim of this article is to offer a new reading of Albahariʼs novel Bait and to describe the role of memory in the organisation of narrative text and (re)construction of personal identity. The analysis is based on the relationship between reality (history) and its narrative (linguistic) construction through memories.

Strani / Pages: 475–486   [ COBISS ID: 65582690 ]

Mateja Curk: Dialog sodobnih literarnih ustvarjalcev z večkulturnostjo evropske družbe
Mateja Curk: Contemporary Writers in Dialog with Multicultural European Society

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenski pisatelji | roman | večkulturnost | prvoosebni pripovedovalec | družbeni profil | Slovene literature | Slovene writers | novel | multiculturality | multilingualism | first-person narrator | social profile

Sinopsis: V prispevku so dvojezičnim pripovedovalcem del Andreja E. Skubica in Gorana Vojnovića pripisane značilnosti družbenega profila. Ob primerih sodobnih proznih del je problematizirana povezava, ki se večkrat vzpostavlja med družbenim profilom prvoosebnih pripovedovalcev in osebnim profilom avtorjev. Glede na primerljive značilnosti družbenega profila dvojezičnih pripovedovalcev, ki se identificirajo s skupnostjo potomcev priseljencev, v delih avtorjev, katerih osebni profil ne sovpada s profilom prvih, prispevek zagovarja stališče, da v obravnavanih delih vzpostavljeni dialog z družbeno resničnostjo izrisuje večkulturno podobo slovenske družbe - kot refleksijo širše sodobne evropske družbe.

Abstract: In this article, the characteristics of the social profile are attributed to the bilingual narrator in Andrej E. Skubic and Goran Vojnović's works of prose. Examples of contemporary works of prose are used to problematize the link that frequently exists between the social profile of the first-person narrator and the personal profile of the author. As regards the comparable characteristics of the social profiles of bilingual narrators who identify with a community of immigrants' descendants in the works of authors whose personal profiles do not coincide with the profiles of the former, the article argues that the dialogue established with social reality draws on the multicultural image of Slovenian society - as a reflection of wider contemporary European society.

Strani / Pages: 487–500   [ COBISS ID: 65584994 ]

Irena Orel: Pomen rokopisa Družba Kraljevih vrat iz prve polovice 19. stoletja za zgodovino slovenskega jezika
Irena Orel: The Significance of the Družba kraljevih vrat Manuscript of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century for the History of the Slovene Language

Ključne besede: slovenščina | zgodovinsko jezikoslovje | neznani slovenski rokopisi | rokopisi | skladnja | leksikografija | intertekstualnost | 19. st. | Slovenian language | historical linguistics | unknown Slovenian manuscripts | manuscripts | syntax | lexicography | intertextuality | 19th century

Sinopsis: Prispevek je drugi del predstavitve heterogenega rokopisa s krovnim naslovom Družba Kraljevih vrat, ki poleg osebne različice črkopisa izkazuje tudi raznoliko jezikovno podobo. Rokopis je pisan pred splošnoslovenskim poenotenjem knjižnega jezika v osrednjeslovenski (kranjski) knjižni varianti prve polovice 19. stoletja in izkazuje redke dolenjske narečne ostanke starejše osrednjeslovenske knjižne norme (pogostejši so v spremnem pismu) ter opaznejše regionalne gorenjske narečne prvine. V njem prevladujejo s francosko predlogo povezane skladenjske posebnosti z značilnimi nedoločniškimi in trpnodeležniškimi polstavki ter polemični vsebini podrejen slog z ekspresivnostjo leksike in medbesedilno argumentacijo.

Abstract: The contribution is the second part of the presentation of the heterogeneous manuscript titled Družba Kraljevih vrat, which demonstrates a diverse linguistic identity as well as a personal version of the alphabet. The manuscript was written prior to the unification of the common Slovenian literary language and is composed in the Central Slovenian (Carniola) literary language variant from the first half of the 19th century. It demonstrates rare dialectal remains of Lower Carniola (Dolenjska) from the older Central Slovenian literary norm (more frequent in the cover side letter) and more notable regional elements from the Upper Carniola (Gorenjska) dialect. There is a prevalence of syntactic particularities linked to the French prototext, with typical infinitive and passive participle semi-clauses, and a prevalence of style that is subordinate to the polemic content, with expressive lexicon and intertextual arguments.

Strani / Pages: 501–516   [ COBISS ID: 65586274 ]

Aleksandra Bizjak Končar: Dialoške značilnosti pridižnega besedila – jezikoslovni vidik
Aleksandra Bizjak Končar: Dialogic Features of Homiletic Texts - A Linguistic Model

Ključne besede: retorična enota | stavčna poved | sistemsko-funkcijska teorija jezika | pridiga | dialog | rhetorical unit | clausal sentence | systemic functional theroy of language | sermon | dialog

Sinopsis: Prispevek obravnava dialoške značilnosti pridižnega besedila ob pomoči jezikoslovnega modela za semantični opis stavčne povedi, ki ga je izoblikovala C. Cloran (1994) v okviru sistemsko-funkcijske teorije jezika (Halliday 1985). Z razčlembo petdesetih sodobnih televizijskih pridig določimo za pridigo značilne retorične enote, kot so komentar, refleksija, posplošitev, dejanje, domneva, retorično vprašanje in premo poročanje, ki v monološko besedilo vnašajo dialoškost. Prvi cilj prispevka je opisati oblikoslovno-skladenjske značilnosti dialoško usmerjenih retoričnih enot, drugi je usmerjen k njihovi pomenski vlogi v pridižnem besedilu.

Abstract: This article examines the dialogic aspects of homiletic discourse by using a linguistic model for the semantic description of a complete (clausal) sentence proposed by C. Cloran (1994) within the framework of the systemic functional theory of language (Halliday 1985). Based on the analysis of 50 contemporary television sermons, we identify the rhetorical units, such as commentary, reflection, generalisation, action, conjecture, question, and report, which reveal the dialogic nature of monologic texts. The first goal of the article is to describe the lexico- grammatical features of dialogically-oriented rhetorical units. The second goal is to reveal their semantic functions in sermonic discourse.

Strani / Pages: 517–536   [ COBISS ID: 65587554 ]

Андрей Евгеньевич Бочкарев: O русской гордости и смежных понятиях
Andrey E. Bochkarev: On Russian Pride and Related Concepts

Ključne besede: ruščina | korpusna lingvistika | semantika | konceptualna metafora | aksiološka norma | jezikovna zavest | Russian language | corpus linguistics | semantics | conceptual metaphor | axiological norms

Abstract: According to the National Corpus of the Russian language, the meanings of pride vary with axiological norms and might be associated in different contexts with a town, a country, people, cucumbers, a wife, an army, or even a mobile phone. The predicates applicable to pride vary with its position in the syntactic structure. As a semantic object, pride is felt, shared and hidden; as a semantic subject it attacks and covers. In metaphoric mapping, pride is defined in relation to a hostile force, beast or liquid. On analogy with hostile forces it covers, possesses, and carries; on analogy with liquid substances, it rushes, overflows, and boils; on analogy with vicious beasts, it wavers, seizes, and torments.

Strani / Pages: 537–550   [ COBISS ID: 65589346 ]

Наталья Григорьевна Карапетян, Людмила Константиновна Серова: Kонцептуальное отношение к погоде как проявление национальной ментальности
Natalya G. Karapetyan, Ludmila K. Serova: The Conceptual Relationship to Weather as a Manifestation of National Mentality

Ključne besede: ruščina | lingvokulturologija | epitet | prilastek | vreme | Russian language | cultural linguistiscs | epithet | attribute | weather

Abstract: This article considers the evaluative characteristics of words that Russian-language speakers use to describe the weather by attempting to determine the national specificity of descriptive means forming the concept of "weather." The authors advance a systematization of definitions and epithets pertaining to weather, which might aid in formulating a unified conceptual classification of epithets that aid in understanding the particularities of the Russian community's mentality. The article analyzes different adjectives which Russian native speakers use to describe the weather. The authors offer a systematization of adjectives that refer to the weather and which can help understanding the Russian mentality. The article analyzes assessment word characteristics which Russian's native speakers use to describe the weather. There is an attempt to determine national specific of describing means that generate concept "weather". The authors offer a systematization of definitions and epithets that refers to the weather and can promote creation of a common classification of epithets and help understanding the mentality of Russian society.

Strani / Pages: 551–558   [ COBISS ID: 65592930 ]


Vita Žerjal Pavlin: Alenka Jensterle-Doležal: Ključi od labirinta: O slovenski poeziji
Vita Žerjal Pavlin: Alenka Jensterle-Doležal: Keys to the Labyrinth: On Slovene Poetry

Ključne besede: slovenska književnost | slovenska poezija | literarne študije | ocene

Strani / Pages: 559–564   [ COBISS ID: 65593954 ]

Vlasta Kučiš: Prevajanje in migracije / Translation and Migration – Trans 2017
Vlasta Kučiš: Prevajanje in migracije / Translation and Migration – Trans 2017

Ključne besede: prevodoslovje | prevajanje | migracije | poletne akademije

Strani / Pages: 565–568   [ COBISS ID: 65597794 ]

Л. В. Куркина: Metka Furlan: Prispevki k slovenski in slovanski etimologiji
L. V. Kurkina: Metka Furlan: Contributions to Slovene and Slavic Etymology

Ključne besede: slovenščina | slovanski jeziki | etimologija | ocene

Strani / Pages: 569–576   [ COBISS ID: 65598306 ]