Perceptual Normativity of Nominal Compounds Premodified by Indeclinable Attributes




perceptual research, indeclinable attribute, compounding, linguistic normativity, noun


This article addresses the well-known usage problem of nominal compounds premodified by indeclinable attributes. Both the systemic and sociolinguistic aspects of correctness, acceptability, and likelihood of usage are examined. While traditional Slavic word formation precludes noun compounding without a phonologically expressed infix, such usage is attested in multiple contemporary Slavic languages, including Slovene. Consulting the corpus has shown that there are at least seven categories where this wordformational pattern is productive in Slovene and subsequent perceptual research demonstrated that prototypically adjectival indeclinable attributes are the preferred pattern for younger speakers.


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How to Cite

Zgonc, M. (2024) “Perceptual Normativity of Nominal Compounds Premodified by Indeclinable Attributes”, Slavistična revija, 72(1), pp. 71–88. doi: 10.57589/srl.v72i1.4163.

