The Competent Overview and Synthesis of Czech (Slovak) Polish Studies


  • Ivo Pospíšil Institute of Slavonic Studies Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University



In 2023, when Czech Polish studies commemorated the centenary of its institutional university activity, the middle and younger generation of Polonists came up with a key publication that is important not only for Czech polonistics, but also for Slavonic studies, linguistics, literary criticism and cultural studies as such. The truth is that Czech polonistics has some unpaid debts towards itself. The last comprehensive, real Czech history of Polish literature by Karel Krejčí was published in 1953, after which only overviews followed as part of a wider range of publications, dictionaries or partial studies (Jarmil Pelikán, Krystyna Kardyni Pelikánová, Ludvík Štěpán, Roman Madecki and others). Nowadays, this debt has been gradually repaid, and the resolution of new generations of Czech polonists is perhaps a guarantee that this activity will continue; after all, this book monograph is proof of that.


Roman Baron, Roman Madecki, Renata Rusin Dybalska a kolektiv, 2023: Česká (a slovenská) univerzitní Polonistika do roku 1939. Od polonofilství k systematickému bádání o dějinách polského jazyka a literatury. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny a nakladatelství Historický ústav AV ČR.

[Roman Baron, Roman Madecki, Renata Rusin Dybalska et al., 2023: Czech (and Slovak) University Polonistics until 1939. From Polonophile to systematic research on the history of the Polish language and literature. Prague: Lidové noviny Publishing House and Publishing House Historical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.]



Kako citirati

Pospíšil, I. (2024) „The Competent Overview and Synthesis of Czech (Slovak) Polish Studies “, Slavistična revija, 72(4), str. 403–408. doi: 10.57589/srl.v72i4.4224.

