The Interpretative Function as a Criterion for the Choice of Linguistic Means in the Editorials of Slovenski narod


  • Monika KALIN GOLOB


slovenščina, časopisni jezik, uvodniki, Slovenski narod


The comparative analysis of newspaper editiorials in a German and Slovene daily illustrated the development of genre-specific features of interpretative newspaper reports by the end of the 19th century. German newspapers (and foreign newspapers in general) served as a model for the topics to be covered in the press and for the ways to express them. They also illustrated the fact that in texts with primarily interpretative function figuratively used words and phrases were possible. These were unitially imported into interpretative texts from Slovene literary, epistolary, and oratorical traditions. The newspaper editorials discussed in this article show their progression towards a more variegated utilization fo these words and phrases, which opened themselves to the European cultural framework and the developing world of tehnical fields.



How to Cite

KALIN GOLOB, M. (2000) “The Interpretative Function as a Criterion for the Choice of Linguistic Means in the Editorials of Slovenski narod”, Slavistična revija, 48(4), pp. 363–378. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

