The Change in the Typical Structure of Characters in the Slovene Novels after 1991


  • Branka FIŠER


slovenska književnost, slovenski roman, literarni junaki, hrepenenje, žrtve, pasivnost


The article discusses the changes in the typical structure of characters in Slovene novels after 1991 - and as a consequence, with changes in the typology of the Slovene novel - with respect to Dušan Pirjevec's and Janko Kos's supposition that the change of the socio-historical and cultural--political foundations in Slovenia (Slovene national independence) will bring forth the alteration of the typical Slvoene novel and the character in the novel. Based on the analysis of twenty Slovene novels published after 1991, the article attempts to verify this thesis. The criteria that qualified the novels for inclusion in the representative type of Slovene novel are mainly the features of their characters: 1. passivity, idleness; 2. the structure of yearing; 3. the possition of sacrifice. The results of the analysis have shown that the majority of novels continue the tradition of the Slovene novelistic character as passive yearnes and victim. They remain in the sphere of the representative type of Slovene novel as a novel about disillussin of the victim. The change of the Slovene socio-historical and cultural-political situation in the last decade did not bring forth the expected alteration of the typology of the Slovene novel.



How to Cite

FIŠER, B. (2003) “The Change in the Typical Structure of Characters in the Slovene Novels after 1991”, Slavistična revija, 51(1), pp. 71–91. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

