Daljšanje akuta v severovzhodnih slovenskih narečjih


  • Zorko Zinka


jezikoslovje, slovenska narečja, slovenščina, dialektologija, glasoslovje, samoglasniki, akut, vzhodnokoroško narečje, severnoštajersko narečje, panonska narečja


In the northeastern Slovene dialects, which have lost distinctive pitch accent (eastern Carinthia, northern Styrian, and the Pannonian dialects, west of a line linking Trate, Lenart, Ptuj and Macelj), the old acute on long vowels and the neo-acute on short vowels lengthened later than in the central Slovene dialects. This occured at different times both in disyllabic and trisyllabic words, resulting in various reflexes of ě, é, and ó. The most recent lengthening took place in the western Pannonian dialects; thus the reflexes of all acute vowels differ from circumflected vowels.



How to Cite

Zinka, Z. (1993) “Daljšanje akuta v severovzhodnih slovenskih narečjih”, Slavistična revija, 41(1), pp. 193–207. Available at: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/COBISS_ID-4705284 (Accessed: 30 June 2024).



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