Надсознательная коммуникация в социумах и внутриклеточные «информационные» процессы: семиотические метафоры или неочевидная реальность? / Nadzavestna komunikacija v družbah in znotrajcelični »informacijski« procesi: semiotične metafore ali skrita resničnost?


  • Nina Mečkovska

Ključne besede:

mikrokomunikacija, makrokomunikacija, informacija, semiotika, genetika, metafora, sistemska metafora, micro-communication, macro-communication, information, semiotics, genetics, system metaphor, metaphor


The article deals with two types of processes that cannot be observed directly and that are occasionally considered informational: (1) supraconscious macro-communication within societies and between them, representing unconscious transmission of average and generalized content extracted from a host of individual communicative acts; (2) micro-communication taking place as chemical reactions in the chromosomes of plant and animal cells. The author demonstrates that the expression "transfer of genetic information" is a metaphor: in fact, the components required for communication phenomena were not observed in "hereditary mechanisms."



Kako citirati

Mečkovska, N. (2014) „Надсознательная коммуникация в социумах и внутриклеточные «информационные» процессы: семиотические метафоры или неочевидная реальность? / Nadzavestna komunikacija v družbah in znotrajcelični »informacijski« procesi: semiotične metafore ali skrita resničnost?“, Slavistična revija, 62(3), str. 435–450. Dostopno na: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/COBISS_ID-56505442 (Pridobljeno: 5 februar 2025).

