Гностический спаситель или »ревностный христианин«? Об одном прочтении романа »Идиот« Достоевского
Ključne besede:
ruska književnost, ruski pisatelji, literarni junaki, literarne interpretacije, Russian literature, Russian writers, literary characters, Myshkin, literary interpretationsPovzetek
The article discusses the ideas of a famous contemporary Russian dostoevskologist Karen Stepanjan about the protagonist of "The Idiot" as an imposter, who wants to redeem the world by taking the sins of others upon himelf. Stepanjan believes the reason Myshkin does not succed in this mission is his distorted perception of reality. Our analysis of the novel, however, casts doubts on Stepanjan's conclusions and more or less agrees with the so called "tradicional" reading of the novel.Prenosi
Kako citirati
Zabukovec, U. (2014) „Гностический спаситель или »ревностный христианин«? Об одном прочтении романа »Идиот« Достоевского“, Slavistična revija, 62(4), str. 579–590. Dostopno na: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/COBISS_ID-56989026 (Pridobljeno: 13 marec 2025).
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