Pусская ментальность через призму логической оценки Истинно/неистинно (по данным русской мемуарно-исповедальной прозы конца XX - начала XXI вв.)


  • Т. В. Романова

Ključne besede:

ruska književnost, spomini, ruska inteligenca, resnica, konceptualna analiza, ruska kultura, 20.-21. st., Russian literature, confessional memoirs, Russian intelligentsia, truth, conceptual analysis, 20th-21st century, Russian culture


The article looks at the content and means of expressing logical evaluations true vs. untrue in confessional memoirs of the Russian intelligentsia, seeking to define the genre status of these evaluations in modern confessional memoirs in general and see their role and function in the Russian mindset. The author describes the conceptual nature of truth- istina and truth- pravda evaluations, typical for the Russian mentality, concludes that the opposition true vs. untrue is irrelevant for the modern confessional genre, and looks at pragmatic functions of these evaluations in the Russian culture.



Kako citirati

Романова, Т. В. (2014) „Pусская ментальность через призму логической оценки Истинно/неистинно (по данным русской мемуарно-исповедальной прозы конца XX - начала XXI вв.)“, Slavistična revija, 62(4), str. 621–634. Dostopno na: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/COBISS_ID-57172066 (Pridobljeno: 14 marec 2025).

