The Play within the Play as Metatheatricality and Metamediality from Cankar to Zupančič


  • Tomaž Toporišič Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo Univerza v Ljubljani


contemporary Slovene drama, intertextuality, intermediality, heatre within the theatre, metadrama


This article discusses the phenomenon of a play within play or theatre within theatre as developed in twentieth-century Slovene drama, from the decadent “Moderna” movement through expressionistic Modernism and Neomodernism with its performative turn and post-dramatic theatre in a mediatized society of spectacle. The article analyzes the four pillars of contemporary Slovene drama following the crisis of absolute drama: Ivan Cankar and A Scandal in St. Florian Valley, Slavko Grum and An Event in Goga Town, Dušan Jovanović and his Play Tumor in the Head, or the Pollution of Air, and Matjaž Zupančič and The Corridor. The thesis is that a play within a play is very present, but to a varying degree, and used in different ways in order to speak metatheatrically, metatextually, and intermedially about the status of fiction and reality within art, culture, and society in specific periods.


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How to Cite

Toporišič, T. (2018) “The Play within the Play as Metatheatricality and Metamediality from Cankar to Zupančič”, Slavistična revija, 66(3), pp. 265–279. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

