Word-Image-Body: The Expanded Text and New Modalities of Reading and Experiencing a Text


  • Janez Strehovec Inštitut za nove medije in elektronsko literaturo, Ljubljana


In today’s world we encounter an expanded concept of textuality based on words-imag-
es-(virtual) bodies that are arranged with respect to a spatial and temporal grammar. The new
media shaped text as a textual service follows the performative turn by deploying verbal and
non-verbal components, blanks, empty space, and vanishing letters. Such a text challenges
not-just-readng as a new mode of complex textual experience.


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How to Cite

Strehovec, J. (2019) “Word-Image-Body: The Expanded Text and New Modalities of Reading and Experiencing a Text”, Slavistična revija, 67(1), pp. 1–15. Available at: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/2019-1-1-1 (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

