Pozabljene literarne pravljice francoskih salonskih pisateljic


  • Lilijana Burcar Filozofska fakulteta v Ljubljani, Univerza v Ljubljani

Ključne besede:

17. stoletje, salonske pravljičarke, Diskretna princesa, Zvezdna svetloba, Čebela in pomarančevec, Princ Škrat


Prve literarne pravljice so se v prepoznavni žanrski obliki pojavile ob koncu 17. stoletja v okviru francoskega salonskega gibanja, ki so ga vodile elitne aristokratinje. Namenjene so bile odraslemu poslušalstvu in bralstvu, služile pa so kot oblika političnega manifesta. Z njimi so se salonske pisateljice postavile po robu patriarhalnim omejitvam svojega časa, še zlasti proti prisilnim porokam in zakonskim zvezam, v katerih ženske niso imele pravice do svobodne ljubezni, ekonomske neodvisnosti in lastnega, prepoznavnega literarnega glasu. Vse to so podelile svojim pravljičnim protagonistkam in ustvarile utopični protofeministični svet, ki je z dekanonizacijo avtoric ostal pozabljen in izbrisan vse do konca 20. stoletja.


Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy, 2009: The Bee and the Orange Tree. Beauties, Beasts, and Enchantment: Classic French Fairy Tales. Ur. Jack Zipes. Maidstone: Crescent Moon, 2009. 417–37.

Madame d’Aulnoy, 1987: Pavji kralj in druge pravljice. Prev. Tadeja Krečič. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga.

Marius Barbeau: »French Folklore«. Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend, Volume 1. Ur. Maria Leach. New York: Funk & Wagnalis. Na spletu.

Ruth Bottigheimer, 2012: Fairy Tales Framed: Early Forewords, Afterwords, and

Critical Words. Albany: SUNY.

Ruth Bottigheimer, 2009: Fairy Tales: A New History. Albany: SUNY.

Lisa Brocklebank, 2000: Rebellious Voices: The Unofficial Discourse of Cross-dressing in d’Aulnoy, de Murat, and Perrault. Children's Literature Association Quaterly 25/3. 127–36.

Alexandra Cheira, 2014: A Fairy Godmother of her own 17th Century France: Subversive Female Agency in Madame d’Aulnoy’s ‘The White Cat’. Anglo Saxonica 30/8. 219–40.

Anne E. Duggan, 2008: Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy (1650/51–1705). The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Ur. Donald Hasse. Westport in London: Greenwood Press. 79–81.

Anne-Marie Feat, 2012: Playing the Game of Frivolity: Seventeenth-Century Conteuses and the Transformation of Female Identity. Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 45/2. 217–42.

Christine A. Jones, 2008: Madame d’Aulnoy Charms the British. The Romanic Review 99/3–4. 239–56.

Marie-Jeanne L’Héritier, 2009: The Discreet Princess, or the Adventures of Finette. Beauties, Beasts, and Enchantment: Classic French Fairy Tales. Ur. Jack Zipes. Maidstone: Crescent Moon. 77–94.

Henriette-Julie de Murat, 1996: Starlight. Wonder Tales. Ur. Marina Warner. New York: Farrar, Straus, Groux. 149–87.

Henriette-Julie de Murat, 2012: To the Modern Fairies. Fairy Tales Framed. Ur. Ruth Bottigheimer. Albany: SUNY Press. 203–04.

Karen E. Rowe, 1986: Feminism and Fairy Tales. Don’t bet on the prince. Ur. Jack Zipes. Aldershot: Gower. 209–66.

Gayle Rubin, 1975: Traffic in Women: Notes on the ‘Political Economy’ of Sex. New York: Monthly Review.

Lewis Seifert, 1996: Fairy Tales, Sexuality, and Gender in France, 1690-1715: Nostalgic Utopias. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.

Lewis Seifert, 2008: Feminist Tales. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales. Ur. Donald Hasse. Westport in London: Greenwood Press. 338−40.

Dorothy R. Thelander, 1982: Mother Goose and Her Goslings: The France of Louis XIV as Seen through the Fairy Tale. The Journal of Modern History 54/3. 467–96.

Marina Warner: 1996. Introduction. Wonder Tales. Ur. Marina Warner. New York: Farrar, Straus, Groux. 1–7.

Marina Warner: 1995. From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and their Tellers. London: Vintage.

Jack Zipes, 2009: The Rise of the French Fairy Tale and the Decline of France. Beauties, Beasts, and Enchantment. Ur. Jack Zipes. Maidstone: Crescent Moon. 1–13.




Kako citirati

Burcar, L. (2020) „Pozabljene literarne pravljice francoskih salonskih pisateljic“, Slavistična revija, 68(2), str. 197–210. Dostopno na: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/3850 (Pridobljeno: 15 marec 2025).

