Semantičke uloge u općim i terminološkim resursima
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semantičke uloge, semantičko označavanje, leksički resursi, terminološki resursiPovzetek
U radu se opisuju i uspoređuju semantičke uloge u općejezičnim i terminološkim mrežnim resursima te se prikazuje prijedlog modela semantičkih uloga za bazu AirFrame, u kojoj je nazivlje iz područja zrakoplovstva prikazano semantičkim okvirima. Nakon kritički prikazanih različitih setova semantičkih uloga, opisuje se struktura baze AirFrame te se navode sličnosti i razlike u odnosu na FrameNet na koji se metodološki nastavlja. Cilj je rada na temelju postojećih setova semantičkih uloga odrediti najprihvatljiviji model za određivanje semantičkih uloga u prvoj hrvatskoj specijaliziranoj bazi semantičkih okvira, čime se daje i prijedlog modela za povezivanje općejezičnih i specijaliziranih leksičkih resursa.
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Matea Birtić, Tomislava Bošnjak Botica, Ivana Brač, Ivana Matas Ivanković, Ivana Oraić Rabušić, Siniša Runjaić, 2018: Valencijski rječnik psiholoških glagola u hrvatskome jeziku. Zagreb: Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje.
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Claire Bonial, Julia Bonn, Kathryn Conger, Jena Hwang, Martha Palmer, Nicholas Reese, 2015: English PropBank Annotation Guidelines. Boulder: University of Colorado Boulder. Na mreži.
Miriam Buendía Castro, Silvia Montero Martínez, Pamela Faber, 2014: Verbs collocations and phraseology in EcoLexicon. The Yearbook of Phraseology 5. 57–94.
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Pamela Faber (ur.), 2021: A Cognitive Linguistics View of Terminology and Specialized Language. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Pamela Faber, Miriam Buendía Castro, 2014: EcoLexicon. Proceedings of the XVI EURALEX International Congress. The User in Focus. Ur. Andrea Abel, Chiara Vettori, Natascia Ralli. Bolzano: EURALEX. 601–7. Na mreži.
Christiane Fellbaum (ur.), 1998: WordNet: An electronic lexical database. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Charles J. Fillmore, 1982: Frame semantics. Linguistics in the Morning Calm. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.
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Matea Filko, Daša Farkaš, Danijela Merkel, 2012: SRL Tagset for Croatian. Zagreb: Zavod za lingvistiku Filozofskoga fakulteta. Na mreži.
Polona Gantar, Kristina Štrkalj Despot, Simon Krek, Nikola Ljubešić, 2018: Towards Semantic Role Labeling in Slovene and Croatian. Zbornik konferencije Jezikovne tehnologije in digitalna humanistika. Ur. Darja Fišer, Andrej Pančur. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za elektroniko, Univerza v Ljubljani. 93–9.
Karin Kipper Schuler, 2005: VerbNet: A Broad-coverage, comprehensive verb lexicon. Doktorska disertacija. Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania.
Karin Kipper, Hoa Trang Dang, Martha Palmer, 2000: Class-Based Construction of a Verb Lexicon. AAAI/IAAI. 691–96. Na mreži.
Pilar León Aráuz, Pamela Faber, Silvia Montero Martínez, 2012: Specialized Language Semantics. A Cognitive Linguistics View of Terminology and Specialized Language. Ur. Pamela Faber. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. 95–175.
Pilar León Araúz, Arianne Reimerink, Pamela Faber, 2009: Puertoterm & Macrocosta: A Frame-based Knowledge Base for the Environmental Domain. Journal of Multicultural Communication 1. 47–70.
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Marie-Claude L’Homme, 2012: Adding syntactico-semantic information to specialized dictionaries: an application of the FrameNet methodology. Lexicographica 28. 233–52.
Marie-Claude L’Homme, 2018: Maintaining the balance between knowledge and the lexicon in terminology: a methodology based on frame semantics. Lexicography: Journal of ASIALEX 4/1. 3–21.
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Martha Palmer, Daniel Gildea, Paul Kingsbury, 2005: The Proposition Bank: An Annotated Corpus of Semantic Roles. Computational Linguistics 31/1. 71–105.
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Janine Pimentel, 2013: Methodological bases for assigning terminological equivalents. A contribution. Terminology 19/2. 237–57.
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Josef Ruppenhofer, Michael Ellsworth, Miriam R. L. Petruck, Christopher R. Johnson, Collin F. Baker, Jan Scheffczyk, 2016: FrameNet II: Extended Theory and Practice. Na mreži.
Amanda Schiffrin, Harry Bunt, 2007: LIRICS Deliverable D4.3. Documented compilation of semantic data categories. Na mreži.
Thomas Schmidt, 2007: The Kicktionary: A Multilingual Lexical Resource of the Language of Football. Data Structures for Linguistic Resources and Applications. Ur. Georg Rehm, Andreas Witt, Lothar Lemnitzer, Gunter Narr. Tuebingen. 189–96.
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Giulia Venturi, Ro Lenci, Simonetta Montemagni, Eva Maria Vecchi, Maria Teresa Sagri, Daniela Tiscornia, Tommaso Agnoloni, 2009: Towards a FrameNet Resource for the Legal Domain. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Legal Ontologies and Artificial Intelligence Techniques: 2nd Workshop on Semantic Processing of Legal Text. Na mreži.
Vossen, Piek. 2002: EuroWordNet: General document. Na mreži.
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