Квазиэталон как единица лингвокультурного уровня


  • Grigorij Tokarev

Ključne besede:

ruščina, semiotika, semantika, kvazistandard, stereotip, prototip, konotacija, kulturni kod, Russian language, semiotics, semantics, quasi-standard, stereotype, prototype, connotation, culture code


As the result of interaction between culture and language a new semiotic level, linguaculture, emerges. On this level, individual units that are verbal in nature function as symbols of culture. One of these units is quasi-standard. The element "quasi" emphasizes a particular, verbal, nature of the unit. Quasi-standard points to the standard of human qualities. The semantics of quasistandard is formed on the basis of linguistic connotations relying on similarity. The article describes the peculiarities of coding cultural meanings in terms of the base image and identifies the main cultural codes. The author determines that the productive code of the Russian linguistic culture is a biomorphic code with a base image of animal. He illustrates the mechanisms that bind cultural information with linguistic matter. Quasi-standards are prototypical in nature. They represent the values of a linguacultural community. The semantics of quasi-standard is anthropocentric. The article reconstructs the image of the Russian national character.



Kako citirati

Tokarev, G. (2015) „Квазиэталон как единица лингвокультурного уровня“, Slavistična revija, 63(3), str. 285–292. Dostopno na: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/COBISS_ID-59133538 (Pridobljeno: 4 marec 2025).

