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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been published elsewhere and has not been sent elsewhere for publication (or an explanation is entered in the space for “Comments to the Editor.”)
  • The submission is in an OpenOffice (ODT) or Microsoft Word (DOCX) file.
  • Links to sources are embedded in the text where possible. Internet addresses, especially long ones, should not be quoted. Instead, the internet site, or simply “on the internet,” is cited.
  • The text should be 12-point; only article headings and sub-headings are in bold; and the titles of works cited, in particular book-length works, are italicized. Illustrations figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text conforms to the stylistic and bibliographic guidelines in the “Guidelines for Submissions,” found in the rubric “About Publications.”

Author Guidelines

Slavistična revija accepts original, unpublished scholarly and scientific articles on Slovene and Slavic linguistics, literary studies, and related subjects that are not under review by other publications. Submissions are to be in Slovene, with a lesser number accepted in other Slavic or world languages. They undergo editorial review before publication. The editors give priority to submissions in languages corresponding to the subject matter and to translations into Slovene.

If an article is submitted in a language other than Slovene, and reviewers recommend it for publication, the editors decide whether it will be published in that language or in Slovene. If in Slovene translation, then the author furnishes the translation and delivers it as a first submission. If the editors decide that the translation is stylistically or academically flawed, they can require fresh reviews of the translated text.

The author is informed about a submission’s acceptance or rejection within approximately three months of its receipt. Published texts will be immediately available free of charge in the journal’s internet archive and in The Digital Library of Slovenia (Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije).

The author retains full rights to the article. Proofs must be returned in three days. Authors make submissions on the portal  (first time visitors must register as authors).

The text of a submission should be in an ODT, DOC, or DOCX file.

The length of a text (including notes, summaries, and works cited) should not exceed one and a half author’s pages—that is, 45,000 characters (24,000 for reviews and 8,000 for communications, including spaces and notes).

The file of a submission for the articles section must contain:

• the title (NOT in capital letters)
• an English-language translation of the title (if the submission is in English, a Slovene-language translation is required)
• an abstract of the submission (not to exceed eight lines in one paragraph, 10-point type)
• three-five key words (in a separate paragraph, 10-point type)
• an English-language translation of the abstract (if the abstract is in English, a Slovene-language translation is required)
• an English-language translation of the key words (if the keywords are in English, a Slovene-language translation is required)
• the text of the submission
• a list of works cited
• a summary (in another language relevant to the language and topic of the article: a Croatian topic in Slovene should have a Croatian-language summary; a Russian topic in Russian; if the article is not in Slovene, the summary must be in Slovene; the summary should not exceed 2,000 characters, including spaces).

Other submissions (reviews, communications, and materials) must contain a title, English-language translation of the title (if the submission is in English, a Slovene-language translation of the title is required), and the text of the submission.

Technical requirements for formatting texts:

• Submissions should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, 1.5-spaced. Abstracts, summaries, extended citations, and notes should be in 10-point font. Paragraphs should be separated by an extra space, not indented, and with no right justification. Guillemets should be used for quotations; punctuation and transliteration should follow Slovene style.
• The author must submit illustrations in a separate file, numbering each illustration and indicating its corresponding place in the text. Captions belong in the text of the article.
• Quotations over five lines long are placed in a separate paragraph without quotation marks. Ellipses are indicated by three dots in square brackets; ellipses are not to be placed at the beginning or end of a quotation.
• Footnotes follow immediately after punctuation marks in the place to which they refer.
• Sources are briefly listed in parentheses within the text—e.g., (Boršnik 1962: 213)—and full information is included in the list of sources at the end of the article.
• Footnotes should not contain bibliographic information, but if they do, the component parts should be separated by commas—e.g., Marja Boršnik, Študije in fragmenti, Maribor, Obzorja, 16–18.

Technical requirements for formatting the list of works cited:

• Works cited are listed alphabetically according to the first letter of the last name of the first author. A list of Latin alphabet names comes first, followed by names in other alphabets, in alphabetical order.
• Each bibliographic entry ends with a period.
• The titles of discrete publications, books, and periodicals are italicized.
• A series title appears in parentheses immediately before the page number(s). The abbreviation str. (p., pp.) is omitted. The titles of periodicals that are well known in the field can be abbreviated (e.g., SR for Slavistična revija, LZ for Ljubljanski zvon). Authors’ names are not abbreviated, with the exception of patronymics.
• When listing multiple works by the same author, his or or name and last name are included in each entry.
• If there is more than one work by the same author in one year, then lower case letters of the Slovene alphabet are used immediately right of the year (e.g., 1944a, 1944b').
• Internet resources that can be easily found in a web search are given without URLs (http, https) and dates of access. In addition to the author and title, the source internet portal or service is listed, along with a note, “Na spletu,” “Tudi na spletu”  (“online” or “also online”) that serves as a hyperlink. If an article is in a language other than Slovene, a corresponding note is used (e.g., online, also online, в сети, и в сети). Such a note can be omitted for obvious sources, such as Wikipedia, Facebook, and Twitter.
• Due to the automatic indexing of all sources, all entries in Slavic Cyrillic alphabets are transliterated in parentheses (see the example below). The transliteration standard is ISO/R 9:1968.

Examples of entries in a list of works cited:

Marja Borštnik, 1962: Študije in fragmenti. Maribor: Obzorja.

Helga Glušič, 2003: Izraz negotove zavesti: Pogled na sočasni slovenski roman. Sodobni slovenski roman. Ur. Miran Hladnik in Gregor Kocijan. Ljubljana: FF (Obdobja, 21). 287–95.

Jože Toporišič, 1993: Jakoba Riglerja teza o začetkih slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Slavistična revija 41/4. 449–64. Tudi na spletu.

Lemma (Lexikographie). Wikipedia: Die freie Enzyklopädie.

Primož Jakopin, 1980: Zgornja meja entropije pri leposlovnih besedilih v slovenskem jeziku: Doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana. Na spletu.

Александр Бушковский, 2011: Изучая Патологии. Нелепицы и странности в рассказах о войне. Вопросы литературы 2011/2. 195–209. Tudi na spletu.

[Aleksandr Buškovskij, 2011: Izučaja Patologii. Nelepicy i strannosti v rasskazah o vojne. Voprosy literatury 2011/2. 195–209].

Л. В. Щерба, 2007: Языковая система и речевая деятельность. Москва: КомКнига.
[L. V. Ščerba, 2007: Jazykovaja sistema i rečevaja dejatel'nost'. Moskva: KomKniga.]

Making a submission, reviewing procedures, and submitting corrections:

• The author uploads the submission on the website once. All corrections and additions are submitted as revisions to the original submission in other files.
• When submitting online, the author must copy the title, English-language title, abstract, English-language abstract, key words, key words in English (Slovene is the second, mandatory language for English-language submissions), and list of works cited from the file into the metadata of the submission.
• After the first round of reviews, the author will be informed through the OJS system of the submission’s acceptance and about reviewers’ possible recommendations for corrections and additions. The editors are not required to explain the reasons for a submission’s rejection.
• The author must respond to requests for corrections and additions within three days. During that time, he or she must inform the editors when a new, corrected version of the file will be uploaded in the system.
• If the corrections and additions are numerous, the submission receives a new review. If there are few additions, and the editors determine that reviewers’ comments have been addressed, then the submission is formatted and goes to set up.
• During set up, the author will be asked to review proofs. At the editors’ request, he or she must supply any corrections within three days in the form of a list of corrections in a separate file or comments and annotations to a PDF file with the proof. The author attaches the file to a response to the editors’ request in the system.

In order to preserve anonymity during the review process, the author’s name, last name, and institutional affiliation are not included in the uploaded submission but are entered in the user profile on OJS.

Submissions that do not adhere to the guidelines as regards length, required parts, and metadata entry will be automatically rejected upon first consideration and deleted from the system. In this case, the author can correct the submission and upload it once again as a new submission.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered on this website will be used exclusively for the purposes of this publication and will not be given to third parties.