Answers to Questions about Questions


  • Lada Badurina Sveučilište u Rijeci. Filozofski fakultet
  • Nikolina Palašić Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Filozofski fakultet


question, interrogative sentence, speech act, pragmalinguistics, illocution


In this paper questions are treated as a pragmatic category, that is, as a category closely related to the speech act (i.e. to the speaker and his interlocutor) and are in this sense distinguished from interrogative sentences which are a syntactic (grammatical) category. In relation to this we will establish that the formal grammatical structure (interrogative sentence) and question as a type of speech act are not necessarily the same thing. For example, there are questions the structure of which is the same as that of declarative sentences and they only differ from statements in the intonation used (e.g. Name? Or Coming?), and there are those which, despite the fact that they have the structure of an interrogative sentence, do not require the interlocutor to respond but to react in some way (Why is the window closed?, Are you trying to pick a fight? or Oughtn’t you to apologise?). In the rest of the paper questions will be analysed through the prism of interlocutors’ interaction and special attention will be given to the potential illocutionary force of questions.


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How to Cite

Badurina, L. and Palašić, N. (2018) “Answers to Questions about Questions”, Slavistična revija, 66(3), pp. 383–397. Available at: (Accessed: 27 July 2024).

