Stylistic (un)markedness of English and Slovenian gender-marked terms for professions


  • Andrej Stopar
  • Gašper Ilc


The article discusses male and female terms for professions in English and Slovenian. By means of corpus analysis, it aims to identify the types of word-formation processes involved in the creation of feminatives and masculinatives, and to examine their use. The article focuses primarily on feminatives and, from the point of view of semantic preference and associative meaning, tries to determine the extent to which they can be described as stylistically (un)marked. Corpus data is also used to address the issue of collocates that indicate stereotypical views related to gender roles, appearance, and character.


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How to Cite

Stopar, A. and Ilc, G. (2019) “Stylistic (un)markedness of English and Slovenian gender-marked terms for professions”, Slavistična revija, 67(2), pp. 333–342. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

