Gender at the crossroads of society, language use, and norms


  • Tina Lengar Verovnik
  • Monika Kalin Golob


language and gender, gender fair language, language management, underscore


Due to its systemic category of gender and morphemic complexity of its expression, Slovenian can be considered a language that plays a central role in promoting gender fairness. During the past year, efforts for gender-fair expression have resulted in two achievements: the use of underscore as a written sign for non-binary or multiple gender, and the decision of two Ljubljana faculties to alternate between the use of masculine and feminine as generic gender in their statutes. Overshadowed by the second event, the question of underscore failed to receive enough public exposure and debate. The article aims to shed some light on additional aspects of (eventual) implementation of underscore based on the theory of language management, which is presented in examples from Slovenian standardization practice.


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How to Cite

Lengar Verovnik, T. and Kalin Golob, M. (2019) “Gender at the crossroads of society, language use, and norms”, Slavistična revija, 67(2), pp. 385–394. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

