A Contribution to Stritar Studies: A Revision of the Process of Reevaluating Josip Stritar in the Slovene Literary History and Criticism


  • Blaž Kavšek Filozofska fakulteta


literary historiography, correspondence, Anton Primožič, literary, empirical study of literature


In 1936 Anton Primožič donated his correspondence with Josip Stritar to the Study Library in Maribor. Apart from the letters, it contains the transcript of three poems, that Stritar carved into birch bark. A few days before the donation, one of them (the first one) was published by the newspaper Slovenec. Janko Glaser drew attention to these poems in 1939, but didn't publish any of them. The editor of The Complete Works France Koblar published the first and the third poem in the second book of The Complete Works (1953), but mentioned in a footnote, that the second one is lost. In the article I publish the second poem and enquire, how and why its omission occured. Above all, I analyse the specifics of the treatment of the Primožič-Stritar correspondence in Slovenec and try to place it in the process of (re)evaluation of Stritar in the literary processing segment of the literary system.


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How to Cite

Kavšek, B. (2019) “A Contribution to Stritar Studies: A Revision of the Process of Reevaluating Josip Stritar in the Slovene Literary History and Criticism”, Slavistična revija, 67(3), pp. 465–478. Available at: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/2019-3-1-3 (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

