Annotating Dialogue Acts in Corpora


  • Darinka Verdonik Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Mariboru


dialogue act, speech act, corpus pragmatics


Schemes for annotating dialogue acts in spoken corpora have incorporated pragmatic speech act theory; however, they have also significantly adapted and expanded the original categorisation of illocutionary acts. Consequently, an unsystematic mixture of different types of annotations has arisen. The aim of this article is to investigate what types of pragmatic meaning are annotated in different schemes and what problems appear in the annotation. At the same time, the question of what kind of things we do in discourse is addressed.


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How to Cite

Verdonik, D. (2020) “Annotating Dialogue Acts in Corpora”, Slavistična revija, 68(3), pp. 373–390. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

