Contradictions of the Modern Authorial Concept: The Correspondence of Josip Cimperman


  • Blaž Kavšek Filozofska fakulteta


cultural nationalism, Romanticism, individuality, bourgeoisie, Slovenian Realism


This article analyses writers’ correspondence from the second half of the nineteenth cen­tury on the territory of what is now Slovenia, identifying a tension between two imperatives. One the one hand, the discourse of this correspondence is firmly embedded in the collectivist ideological matrix of cultural nationalism; on the other, the authors of these letters present themselves as completely individualised authorial subjects. I focus on the correspondence from the personal archive of Josip Cimperman, in which I observe these interweaving aspirations and search for an ideological element that made their coexistence possible.


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How to Cite

Kavšek, B. (2020) “Contradictions of the Modern Authorial Concept: The Correspondence of Josip Cimperman”, Slavistična revija, 68(3), pp. 441–455. Available at: (Accessed: 26 September 2024).

