Literature and Theory in Tribuna and Student in 1968
student movement, New Left, neo-avant-garde, concrete poetry, structuralismAbstract
This article compares the publication of literary, metaliterary and philosophical texts in two student journals in 1968, the Slovene Tribuna and the Czechoslovakian Student. Literature and theory played an important role in the West in the context of the student movement of the “long 1968.” Therefore, we decided to investigate how this symbiosis of activism, thought and literature was reflected in the student press in two socialist states. We focused on literary texts, literary-theoretical hybrids, theoretical texts and the reception of Western literature and theory.
Student, letnik 1968. Na spletu.
Tribuna 20. 10. 1965, 3; 22. 2. 1967, 12; letnik 1967/1968: št. 11–22; 1968/1969: št. 1–6. Na spletu.
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