Implementing Language Planning in Toronto's Slovene Community


  • Tadej Kralj Osnovna šola narodnega heroja Rajka Hrastnik


Canadian Slovenes, Slovene Language, Heritage Language, Users of Slovene Language, Language Planning


21st-century language policy faces the challenge of the increasingly intense coexistence of local and global ethnic immigrant communities. Heritage languages are confronting the impact of globalization, and the task of language planning is to support languages with national policies and ideology applicable at the local level. Language planning requires a thoughtful effort to influence language behavior so that people are motivated to learn the heritage language, especially as part of identifying with the culture of their ancestral country. Language planning is implemented on several levels. At the macro level, language planning refers to prescriptive government legislation and state institutions in the host country. The ar­ticle presents the method of managing the use of the Slovene language in the Toronto Slovene community, presenting language planning primarily at the micro level, which is essential for smaller immigrant communities.


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How to Cite

Kralj, T. (2021) “Implementing Language Planning in Toronto’s Slovene Community”, Slavistična revija, 69(2), pp. 167–181. Available at: (Accessed: 18 July 2024).

