Realization of Norm-Forming Infringement? Double Prepositions in Contemporary Standard Slovene


  • Matjaž Zgonc Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani


double prepositions, prepositional phrase syntax, preposition dimensionality, linguistic norm, norm formation


Although the use of double prepositions is not particularly rare according to the Gigafida 2.0 corpus, Slovene speakers are discouraged from using them by two important stylistic guides, namely Pravipis and Jezikovna svetovalnica. The article analyses double prepositions in terms of prepositional phrase syntax and the semantics (dimensionality) of prepositions and, following contemporary linguistic normativity theory (cf. Mäkilähde et al. 2019) builds upon this analysis with an acceptability survey of double prepositions conducted on 104 informants. Despite the surge in its frequency, the use of double prepositions cannot be considered an overarchingly norm-forming infringement; yet its acceptability ratings differ considerably in terms of both syntax and semantics.


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How to Cite

Zgonc, M. (2021) “Realization of Norm-Forming Infringement? Double Prepositions in Contemporary Standard Slovene”, Slavistična revija, 69(4), pp. 375–391. Available at: (Accessed: 8 January 2025).

