The Croatian Prepositions u ‘in’ and na ‘on’ with Body Parts


  • Ivana Matas Ivanković Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje
  • Goranka Blagus Bartolec Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje



Croatian language, preposition u ‘in’, preposition na ‘on’, body parts, locative


This work is a part of a greater research of prepositions u ‘in’ and na ‘on’ in Croatian, namely of their usage with same nouns and their possible interchangeability (u cilju – na cilju ‘at the goal’, u dnu – na dnu ‘at the bottom’). While usually the use of different preposition changes the meaning of the whole phrase (in prsten u kutiji ‘ring in the box’ location of the ring coincides with the interior of the box, whereas in prsten na kutiji ‘ring on the box’ location coincides with the place taken up by the top of the box), sometimes, they can be used without changing the meaning of the phrase (e.g. glumiti u/na filmu ‘act in a movie’). In this work, we have focused on prepositional phrases with nouns denoting body parts since they impose a closed group with some peculiarities, which has not been a subject of a detailed research yet.


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How to Cite

Matas Ivanković, I. and Blagus Bartolec, G. (2022) “The Croatian Prepositions u ‘in’ and na ‘on’ with Body Parts”, Slavistična revija, 70(2), pp. 175–190. doi: 10.57589/srl.v70i2.3989.

