A Critical Multimodal Analysis of the Soviet Satirical Publication Crocodile


  • Denis Hacin Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana




critical discourse analysis, ideology, Fairclough, Bakhtin, comic


The article puts forward a critical multimodal analysis of the satirical Soviet publication Крокодил (Crocodile), drawing on the methodologies of Norman Fairclough, Gunter Kress, and Theo van Leeuwen. The question at hand pertains to how the magazine encoded and disseminated the dominant ideological forms, thereby consolidating the political power of the Communist Party. More precisely, the analysis focuses on the representations of Soviet life and the contrasting images of a capitalist, antagonistic West. The multimodal material may be categorized into two groups: texts whose primary purpose is entertainment (satire) and texts which the reader must interpret seriously (solemnity). Differentiation between them is possible at the level of both content and form. What is more, these groups may be divided even further into several subgroups.


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How to Cite

Hacin, D. (2023) “A Critical Multimodal Analysis of the Soviet Satirical Publication Crocodile”, Slavistična revija, 71(1), pp. 17–28. doi: 10.57589/srl.v71i1.4034.

