Code-Switching and Code-Mixing on Different Language Levels: The Case of a Polish Language Island in Siberia
Against the example of a Polish language island in Siberia
code-switching, code-mixing, language contact, bilingualism, sociolinguisticsAbstract
The aim of the article is to discuss the diverse nature of code-switching and mixing phenomena on different language levels. In the field of phonetics, morphology and lexis, researchers most often focus on the interlingual influence in the form of interference, while code-switching is a phenomenon that occurs at the level of syntax. In this article about linguistic material from a Polish language island in a Russian environment (the village of Vershina in Siberia), examples of lexical and structural borrowings and various forms of language change during speech were indicated. However, this approach only allows for the characterization of selected fragments of utterances, while whole texts function in live communication. Therefore, it was proposed to include the most complex level of language—i.e., the text as such, in the analyses of code-switching and mixing. Selected examples show how this complementation affects the perception of phenomena related to bilingualism.
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