Ad hoc Terminology: An Analysis of the Use of Terminological Principles in the Terminological Counselling Service on the Terminologišče Website




terminology, ad hoc terminology, terminological counselling, teminological principles, terminology users


The article deals with the terminological principles in the answers that arise during the terminological counselling of the Terminology Section of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language ZRC SAZU. This organized activity, regarded as ad hoc terminology, has been carried out in the Terminology Section since 2013. Its members help terminology users who cannot find a solution to their terminological problem by suggesting a Slovenian term that, in their opinion, best denotes the concept the users are asking about. In order to find out which arguments are used to justify the decision for the most suitable term, a survey was conducted in which 100 terminological answers were reviewed and analysed. The survey revealed that in addition to the four existing terminological principles, three other principles are also relevant.


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How to Cite

Fajfar, T. and Žagar Karer, M. (2023) “Ad hoc Terminology: An Analysis of the Use of Terminological Principles in the Terminological Counselling Service on the Terminologišče Website”, Slavistična revija, 71(4), pp. 369–384. doi: 10.57589/srl.v71i4.4146.

