A Folklore Text about Villagers’ Collective Revenge against a Wolf at Trnovo ob Soči: An Analysis of Four Variants and the Role of House Names in the Transmission of Tradition





stinging/mocking texts, oral tradition, wolf, house names, zoo-folklore, Slovene dialects, Posočje


The article deals with four versions of a folklore text from the village of Trnovo ob Soči about the locals’ collective revenge against a wolf that attacked their sheep. Three texts are in verse (mocking/stinging rhymes) and one in prose (a legend). In the verse versions, the villagers are referred to by house names that still exist in the village. This feature has helped to improve the transmission of the text from one generation to the next. The genre-content, stylistic and linguistic features of all four dialect versions of the text are presented. The reception of the texts is indicated by the genre (mocking/stinging rhymes or legend), and by the answers of the informants interviewed. The terminological question of naming this particular folklore (sub) genre by listing house names is also raised. Wolves were systematically exterminated in the 19th century and had completely disappeared in in the region of the upper Soča River Valley by the mid-20th century, but have reappeared in recent years. This keeps old folklore texts up to date and motivates the creating of new ones.


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How to Cite

Ivančič Kutin, B. (2024) “A Folklore Text about Villagers’ Collective Revenge against a Wolf at Trnovo ob Soči: An Analysis of Four Variants and the Role of House Names in the Transmission of Tradition”, Slavistična revija, 72(2), pp. 181–196. doi: 10.57589/srl.v72i2.4169.

