Functional Structuralism
The text is an adapted summary of the book Slovarska slovnica – Izbrana poglavja (Lexicographic Grammar – Selected Chapters), currently in press with the Faculty of Arts Press, University of Ljubljana. It thematically connects to my monograph Slovensko leksikalno pomenoslovje (Slovene Lexical Semantics), published by the same publisher in 2013. The collection of studies in my book Slovarska slovnica – izbrana poglavja is based on the concept of functional structuralism, which views language as a system of expression-meaning dependency relations integrated into a coherent functional whole. The fundamental communicative unit of the linguistic system is the sentence, structured as a proposition with its universal spatiotemporal reference embedded in endogenous lexemes, that is, in the syntactic elements of the sentence's proposition. This perspective confirms the meaningfulness of word classes through their ability to modify and function as components of sentence elements.
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