A Computerized Symbolic Phonetic Transcription of Slovene Speech


  • Melita ZEMLJAK


slovenščina, fonetika, računalniški jezik, računalniška fonetična transkripcija, simbol MRPA, simboli IPA


In the Slovene-speaking area in the mid-90's there appeared a trend towards a unfied computer transcription of Slovene speech. This transcription would standardize and unify research in the field of speech and language technologies that touches upon the phonetic symbolization of Slovene spoken texts. The cooperation of the research groups from Maribor and Ljubljana (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Faculty of Education; Faculty of Electrical Engineering: The Scientific Research Centre of SASA, Fran Ramovš Institut of the Slovenian language) resulted in the development of computer-based phonetic transcriptions of the symbols in IPA and MRPA. Largely the latter are of great importance for simple and userfriendly computer usage.



How to Cite

ZEMLJAK, M. (2002) “A Computerized Symbolic Phonetic Transcription of Slovene Speech”, Slavistična revija, 50(2), pp. 159–169. Available at: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/COBISS_ID-19009634 (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

