The Beginnings of Slovene Newspaper Reporting: Reference Cliches with Respect to Uncertanty about an Event


  • Monika KALIN GOLOB


slovenščina, stilistika, stilistika poročevalstva, slovensko poročevalstvo, zgodovinski pregled, časniki, novinarstvo, Slovenski narod, Edinost, Slovenec


The author analyzes - throught the history of Slovene newspaper reports - the development of a particular form of reference in reporting, resulting from the fact that the reporter is not present at the event of situation (E/S), which requires him/her to express uncertainty about the E/S (s)he in reporting. While including the forerunners of the first Slovene daily (Bleiweis' Kmetijske in rokodelske novice and Levstiks' Naprej), the basis of the analysis was the first Slovene daily, Slovenski narod, and two another 19th c. dailies, Edinost ans Slovenec. The findings from this analysis are compared to the contemporary situation in Slovene newspaper reporting, after which the driving forces found in the development, changes, and the influences of the German newspaper reporting are shown.



How to Cite

KALIN GOLOB, M. (2002) “The Beginnings of Slovene Newspaper Reporting: Reference Cliches with Respect to Uncertanty about an Event”, Slavistična revija, 50(3), pp. 295–317. Available at: (Accessed: 18 July 2024).

