Aestheticizm, Anti-aestheticizm, Unaestheticizm - the Reflection of Pluralism of Values of Modern Aesthetics in the Style of Polish Prose at the Turn of the 20th Century


  • Božena WITOSZ


poljska književnost, poljska proza, esteticizem, antiesteticizem, pluralizem, 1990-, Polish literature, Polish prose, aestheticism, anti-aestheticism, pluralism


The author argues for the necessity of considering the cultural context in research of modern literature and points out the category of pluralism or "non-hierarchical diversity", typical of the modern culture in the most recent decade. Within the style of Polish prose of the 1990's she discovers opposing tendencies: aestheticization, intellectualizaion and emphasis of ugliness, banalization, as vulgarization of language on the one hand and its intellectualization on the other. The author compares these to similar phenomena in the present-day culture: aestheticization of reality, aesthetics of nostalgia and "new brutality", anti-aesthetics, and crossing the limits of traditional value canon.



How to Cite

WITOSZ, B. (2002) “Aestheticizm, Anti-aestheticizm, Unaestheticizm - the Reflection of Pluralism of Values of Modern Aesthetics in the Style of Polish Prose at the Turn of the 20th Century”, Slavistična revija, 50(4), pp. 435–445. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

