Začetki slovenske mladinske dramatike (Od prvih besedil ( 1872) do J. Stritarja)
slovenska književnost, slovenska mladinska književnost, drama, literarne študije, 19. st.Abstract
The article answers all three basic questions: The first two Slovene youth plays were published in the second volume of youth newspaper Vrtec (l872), the earliest period is a period of marginal, presently mostly forgotten authors and translations. Characteristic for this period is educational nature of the texts, manifested in typical religious and ethnical educational topics, some of which are related to the tradition of German youth literature from the enlightening period. Humor and literary quality are non-existent (with the exception of Boječi Matevž by F. Stegnar). The main authors are F. Kralj, F. S. Finžgar and J. StritarDownloads
How to Cite
Igor, S. (1996) “Začetki slovenske mladinske dramatike (Od prvih besedil ( 1872) do J. Stritarja)”, Slavistična revija, 44(2), pp. 179–192. Available at: (Accessed: 8 January 2025).
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