Dvojčiči in podobne frazeološke zgradbe v slovenščini
slovenščina, frazeologija, frazeologemi, dvojčičiAbstract
"Twins" are the phraseological figurative formations comprised of two (possibly of tree or four) parts. The first type of twins are those with literal repetition (e.g., da da). The next type are the examples that contain the attribute with same root (norec nori; trapa trapasta; bel prebel), meaning (strela gromska),or words that are in an antonymic or complementary relationship (podnevi in ponoči; križ kraž; oče in mati), etc. Often twins are ornamented by rhyme (vík in krík), alliteration (bodi Peter bodi Pavel), or assonance (ne tič ne miš). The comparison between Slovene and German phrasesshows considerable similarity between these two languages (while there is not as much common with Italian).Downloads
How to Cite
Jože, T. (1996) “Dvojčiči in podobne frazeološke zgradbe v slovenščini”, Slavistična revija, 44(3), pp. 269–278. Available at: https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/COBISS_ID-3018850 (Accessed: 7 March 2025).
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