The Comparison of Polish Verbs with the Prefix w(e)- with Slovene Verbs with the Prefix v-
poljščina, slovenščina, besedotvorje, tvorjenke, glagol, glagolske tvorjenke, predpone, Polish language, Slovene language, derivation, verb, derived verbs, prefixesAbstract
The article offers a comparison of the functions of the prefixes w(e)- and v- in verbal derivatives, based on a semantic analysis of Polish and Slovene derivatives. It outlines the methods of derivation of these verbs and the meaning introduced by the prefix. In addition, it sheds light on the formal-semantic relationship arising between the Polish and the Slovene derived verbs and their bases.Downloads
How to Cite
WTORKOWSKA, M. (2005) “The Comparison of Polish Verbs with the Prefix w(e)- with Slovene Verbs with the Prefix v-”, Slavistična revija, 53(4), pp. 521–531. Available at: (Accessed: 11 March 2025).
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