Between Literary and Journalistic Fields: Newspaper Interviews with Slovene Authors


  • Katarina MOLK


slovenska književnost, slovenski pisatelji, intervjuji, literarno polje, novinarsko polje, konsekracija, časopisi, Delo (serijska publikacija), Denevnik (serijska publikacija), Večer (serijska publikacija), Slovene literature, Slovene writers, interviews, literary field, journalistic field, consecration, Slovenian daily newspapers


Intreview with an author in mass media is one of the ways in which literary and journalistic fields interact. It is a form of social observation, which is the mission of the journalistic field as a cultural intermediary, but at the same time is assumes the role of nomethete, i.e., what symbolically denotes activities on the literary field. A conversation between an author and a journalist is interesting in terms of its content, but at the same time one can observe the time of its appearance, the occation for its publication, the interviewee, and the way (s)he is introduced. The present study is mainly based on the theory of the field by Pierre Bourdieu. In connection with media sociology, it includes an empirical analysis of interview from 2005. The survey of newspaper interviews with Slovene authors includes selected articles from three major Slovene daily newspapers, i.e., Delo, Dnevnik, and Večer.



How to Cite

MOLK, K. (2007) “Between Literary and Journalistic Fields: Newspaper Interviews with Slovene Authors”, Slavistična revija, 55(3), pp. 487–504. Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2024).

